Why gordon "doesn't" talk


Nov 16, 2009
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I think it's just immersion-breaking if he did talk.

Remember how Valve creates the illusion that YOU are Gordon, not just controlling him. That means you do all the thinking and moving, and I predict, talking.

And also, if Gordon did talk, then it just wouldn't seem right.

The main character talking while you are playing as him in first person just doesn't seem right.

(I know games like Duke Nukem do that, but what's the storyline in that?)

I dislike it when people say Gordon does not talk because he is verbally disabled or is extremely shy.

A similar question would be why Mario never changes his clothes or takes a shower.

IMO, those questions are rather stupid.
Then don't make threads about them.

Especially when this particular stupid question has been discussed to death.

I will never understand why it is new members have this huge drive to make new threads.

It's like, don't you think it would be more respectful and waste less of our time if you got do know the community a little better just replying to existing threads first, and THEN you can think about making new threads once you get your bearings. You can also use the search function.
Everyone pretty much knows this already.
The thing is.

He hasn't been talking since 1998.

I'm pretty sure one person within this eleven year time period thought about that at one point or another and posted it.
Ok sorry bout making this thread, I've seen 1000s of G-man threads but none (ironically?) about why Gordon doesn't talk.

Vegeta, I really wasn't going that far. 0_0
I'm not a guy that joins just to make one thread, I joined when I needed some technical support.
Today I just felt like making this new thread, so this thread has nothing to do with me being a new member.
Don't worry about him Bleson, there's some members here with 20,000 posts who have the uncontrollable urge to flame the hell out of every new member who makes a thread they deem unnecessary.
Don't worry about him Bleson, there's some members here with 20,000 posts who have the uncontrollable urge to flame the hell out of every new member who makes a thread they deem unnecessary.

lol, I've seen his posts in many of the older threads.

On crappy threads, people often said "We need Vegeta here!"
If you haven't found a similar thread about this, then you must not have searched hard enough. There's something called Advanced Search that will specifically narrow down what you are looking for.
Vegeta, I really wasn't going that far. 0_0
I'm not a guy that joins just to make one thread, I joined when I needed some technical support.
Today I just felt like making this new thread, so this thread has nothing to do with me being a new member.

Vegeta's just a dick, seriously.

If you showed up to a costume party and there was one thing wrong with said costume Vegeta would just follow you around the whole night, prodding you in the back, spilling his non-alcoholic drinks as he pretends to be drunk.

"What kinna' costume is that, huh? Like, are you god damn kidding me?! WHAT IS IT WITH PEOPLE?! I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHY NEW PEOPLE ARE SO COMPELLED TO COME TO THIS PARTY... DRESSED LIKE THAT!"

He'll then turn to the nearest asian female, and attempt to speak katakana at her, while she sits there shuffling awkwardly and secretly praying to the tentacle-rape god for guidance.
Don't worry about him Bleson, there's some members here with 20,000 posts who have the uncontrollable urge to flame the hell out of every new member who makes a thread they deem unnecessary.

Where have you been hiding!

It's fantastic to see a veteran member who isn't a flamer! :)
Vegeta is the hero this forum needs. If we had more people telling off newbies maybe we wouldn't get shit threads like this. Well, that's wishful thinking, but at least they'd have to wallow in their shame as a consolation to the rest of us.

Or perhaps you enjoy reading a thread about something Valve has said themselves countless times, written as though the OP had some personal revelation and had to pass it down to the rest of the masses from the mountaintop?
That is not the way the internet works. That has never been the way the internet works.
Oh look, Vegeta being angry. He's seen this disscussion on the board before. Because he's been here five years. This a new member who posts with good spelling (I don't even have this) and grammar and is pretty smart because he's already realised you're a dick. I'll admit I've bashed newbies, but I think I've matured since then. You're older than me but you remind me of the way I used to post sometimes and that's not something I like to remember.

What's astounding is the fact that you're giving out to him for being right! I can understand at least if he made a thread "Why is Gordon mute, he should talk in Episode Three!" but this guy reached the correct conclusion without even seeing an informed arguement. Perhaps this man might have been a great contributor to the Rumours & Speculation section before it closed down. You're scalding the guy for being late to the party when his costume is perfect!
Oh look, Vegeta being angry.

This is the main thing you have wrong, and why everything else you say makes me laugh. Good post.

Rants on hl2.net != anger
Messing with noobs != anger
Vegeta != anger
He just doesn't prefer the taste of newbies. He likes the aged meat of the older members better.

I see what you did there.

Gordon doesn't talk because he's testing out his theory that if he stays quiet, others wont talk to him.
It's not working.

He should try my idea, and constantly wear headphones.

Even Gman will fall for it.
Everyone pretty much knows this already.

Me too. I couldn't think why Gordon doesn't talk at all as others talk to him.

I love how Valve did to him without talking for players. I felt Valve didn't want to let Gordon Freeman talks himself that they let players wonder while scientists, Alyx, supporters, and more are talking to us. I mean they talk to me and then I think what they say before I control the playable character curiously.

In Halo, Master Chief talks... Some players disagree with him after he says something. For explain, Master Chief responds someone and a player would like to say "What!?" or "I disagree with you, Master Chief!".
Bumbing an month-old-from-las-reply topic with a question on OP: THINK DEEPLY: IS GORDON REALLY ONLY ONE FPS CHARACTER, THAT DOESNT TALK?

No talking fps characters: Stating the obvious since Wolfenstein 3D.