Why havent Valve confirmed the Vivendi release dates?


Jul 1, 2004
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Its been many days since the "unoffical statement" from Vivendi. What the heck is taking this long?
i'm wondering the same, that they decided to cancel the 6cd box. and replacing it with a dvd box. makes me happy regarding that they are now taking action to produce the game.

some computer stores told me they will have it 26nov.
VALVe cannot confirm something that hasn't even been confirmed by Vivendi. So it's still waiting time.
Just wait and look in the stores 1 day, avoid all release speculations etc... Waste of time. I dont need to know when its gonna get released.
It was an unofficial statement. What is there to confirm?
But why wait? If there games are done, they might as well keep us informed.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
VALVe cannot confirm something that hasn't even been confirmed by Vivendi. So it's still waiting time.

Pi Mu Rho said:
It was an unofficial statement. What is there to confirm?

How about they just start up a journal about what they do that day. :rolling:
Vivendi is the one that decides when it does gold.. How would Valve know about it?
i reckon we'll get a gold announcement on 18th october - you heard it here first (for what it's worth lol!)

good that it's a dvd for the vanilla version, didn't like the prospect of 6cds or the collectors edition.
one thing I'm wondering is why the the hell they haven't announced the purchase prices for the diffrent packages yet...

IMO they shouldn't have released the other info without the pricetags.... I wonder how many people have canceled their pre-orders only to find out that the package they wanted instead isn't worth the price that comes with it...
The reason they haven't released the prices yet is because....

get this!!!

It's NEVER coming out!!!11!!oneone!1!!

/lame attempt at humor
The unofficial date is most likely an ETA sent out by Vivendi to give retailers an idea of when to expect the game. It will most likely be sooner than November 26, we just have to wait for the gold announcement.