Why HL2 uses Havok?

The Half Life 2 engine, which encompasses the graphics, AI, facial animation, and physics (which was developed by Havok) are all part of the Valve-developed engine, named Source.
I see.. ok.. now i understand.. well of couse i know what is havok right!

I just knew about the name Source.. thanks!

then half life 1 engine is called what?
The Half Life 1 engine uses the Quake 2 engine, except slightly modified.
id would NEVER use the HL2 source code, even if there was no chance of getting caught. They're way to elitest and proud for that.
But Carmack is not dumb enough to disrgard a good thing when he sees it.

id could easily _learn_ from Source instead of just copy+paste code, but don't you think they are too far along in development to integrate such major changes?
well, i read somewhere that doom 3 will not have water in it, something about a design decision...now if when it comes out there is all of the sudden water in some maps that looks *gasp* similiar to half life 2's water...well...then...ummm..i guess we wouldnt care..now would we?
i have a question (dont hit me if its in the last couple pages) how is the physics of water in HL2
thats a good question actually.. if you mean how do objects in the world re-act with water, I would say very realistically (from the e3 techdemo at least)
bodies float, drums sink, planks float.. things have boyancy and weight determines what happens in water.

now if you mean does water physically change form .. I doubt it.. it has some cool water splashes apparently.. but I havent seen actual 3d water physics thus far, neither have I heard of it.. thats a decent question to shoot off to gabe's email :)
Originally posted by creationist
well, i read somewhere that doom 3 will not have water in it, something about a design decision...now if when it comes out there is all of the sudden water in some maps that looks *gasp* similiar to half life 2's water...well...then...ummm..i guess we wouldnt care..now would we?

I don't see the point. The look has nothing to do with the physics. What you see is the Pixel Shader used in HL2, the waves are basically maps, they are not generated by the physics engine. Fluids won't be in PC games for at least 3 years, because they demand an enormously powerful machine. Even with Maya 5.0 a high end machine struggles when it comes to fluids.
Originally posted by creationist
well, i read somewhere that doom 3 will not have water in it, something about a design decision...now if when it comes out there is all of the sudden water in some maps that looks *gasp* similiar to half life 2's water...well...then...ummm..i guess we wouldnt care..now would we?

Well that's not strictly true. It didn't have immersible water because of the difficulties of getting the lighting and refraction to match up with the rest of the engine. Also they felt they didn't need it frankly seeing as the game was set on Mars, not known for its vast bodies of water.

It DID have water that is set off from the player and in fact you can see a creature in a tank of liquid in the E3 trailer which casts shadows and more interestingly refracts and looks 'correct' through the liquid, so it's possible that they've overcome that issue as early as the last E3.

I still don't expect to see large areas of water or take a dip at any stage.

It's a space station, the last thing you want in a space station is large pools of free flowing liquids.
Originally posted by jonbob
But Carmack is not dumb enough to disrgard a good thing when he sees it.

id could easily _learn_ from Source instead of just copy+paste code, but don't you think they are too far along in development to integrate such major changes?

J. Carmack is a ****ing genius, why the **** would he waste time with Half Life 2's source, he could code his way out of a bank, hes a friggin rocket scientist you idiot.
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
thats a good question actually.. if you mean how do objects in the world re-act with water, I would say very realistically (from the e3 techdemo at least)
bodies float, drums sink, planks float.. things have boyancy and weight determines what happens in water.

now if you mean does water physically change form .. I doubt it.. it has some cool water splashes apparently.. but I havent seen actual 3d water physics thus far, neither have I heard of it.. thats a decent question to shoot off to gabe's email :)

Unreal tournament 2003 has physical water than ripples upon force.
Originally posted by azz0r
Unreal tournament 2003 has physical water than ripples upon force.

This is no physical water. It's just a diplacement mapping for the surface. What you see in games is nowhere near real fluids.
Well as far as the look of the game is concerned I haven't seen anything better than HL2 (Docks video, looks fantastic).
Somehow I feel that HL2 is going to be slightly outdated by the time it's on shelves. Doom 3's physics and graphics engine was made entirely from scratch by John Carmack, yet D3 isn't known for its physics. HL2 has quite a bit more publicity now, but id's staff doesn't talk about it's game with the community, as opposed to Valve.

As I am too young to be interested in things like... say... modding games, I'm not really sure what the "physical" differences between Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 is, except their mood contrasts.
Originally posted by azz0r
J. Carmack is a ****ing genius, why the **** would he waste time with Half Life 2's source, he could code his way out of a bank, hes a friggin rocket scientist you idiot.
And here I thought id fanboys were a dying breed.

Carmack is a good programmer, no doubt, but he's not a god.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
And here I thought id fanboys were a dying breed.

Carmack is a good programmer, no doubt, but he's not a god.

If it weren't for Carmack, you may not be posting here right now. I'm not saying he's a god, but he did change the gaming industry quite a bit.
Exactly, and I dont even like Carmack and his games, but he kick started the 3d gaming world and for you guys to be all 'carmack must be spaffing over valves code' is laughable, he's above that.
I expect Carmack is sitting comfortably finishing off Doom III and pondering over the massive amounts of money he will get when he licenses his shiny new engine. You have to admit, he certainly got quite a few deals for Q3...
Carmack is already working on his next engine. He has done this every time, he finished one thing and started working on the next imediatly. And he has always says his next engine will be the last :cheese:
Originally posted by Non-Sequitur
If it weren't for Carmack, you may not be posting here right now. I'm not saying he's a god, but he did change the gaming industry quite a bit.
It's my belief that he's overated. This isn't to disparage his programming skills or intelligence, but it seems like everybody assumes that nobody else is capable of accomplishing what he has (which is self-evidently untrue).

I respect him for his contributions to the world of games, but I'm not about to put him up on a pedastal.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
It's my belief that he's overated. This isn't to disparage his programming skills or intelligence, but it seems like everybody assumes that nobody else would have been capable of doing what he did. He may have done it first, but he was by no means the only one capable of doing so.

I respect him for his contributions to the world of games, but I'm not about to put him up on a pedastal.

Of course, but are you familiar with the Columbus' Egg? That's why Columbus is on a pedestal, and so Carmack belongs there when it comes to game engines.
Fair enough, dont...but dont think that he's there scoffing at Valves code, because Im sure he has his own code.
Originally posted by azz0r
Fair enough, dont...but dont think that he's there scoffing at Valves code, because Im sure he has his own code.
I don't believe Carmack will paw through Valve's code. Quite simply, he's better than that (not to mention I doubt his ego would allow him to entertain the idea that Valve could teach him anything).
Do you know the guy? Your assuming he has an ego - I doubt it - Ive heard he's quite humble and is just proud of what he's accomplished.
He certainly comes off as humble whenever he's interviewed.

You're never too wise to learn from a fool, as the saying goes. In any even, Carmack may well learn things from Source that will benefit his new creation - assuming he's actually seen the Source source (that last sentence would make a lot more sense had Valve chosen a better name)
Im not assuming nothing, Im going off what Ive heard, your just stringing things out your head.