why i dont like steam

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Dec 30, 2004
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The reason i dont like steam is for the following reason:
1. add half-life 1 or 2 togetherr with steam uu get about 100mb ram (about 20mb for steam)
2. lag strike at random times.
3. miss won
4. hate some of the people on steam
5.The solid color

there are two things i lioke about steam, keeps cheating low and half-life 2. thats it.

gfor you peopple that say get over it, it doesnt help. it will never help so why post? to get your post count up?

there, cant ban me becouse i didint advertise anything.

edit: also half-life has crashed more times on steam then on won
what a wast of a post.

anyway, thats your opinion and maybe many otehrs, but the fact remains some people dont like it, your going to just have to except their opinion, jsut as i excepted yours.
I don't like steam cause it burns my hand L-O-L!!!

Anyway...I really don't mind it...it works good for me..but I do agree with the colour problem...time to e-mail valve!
Ok seriously..
1. Just buy more RAM..problem solved.
2. Once again, just upgrade and your computer won't slow down.
3. ...I have absolutely no idea what that means..
4. Avoid the message boards.
5. Just download one of the many alternate steam skins that are out there.
yuo do know people like me dont have much money. we dont have rich f*cking parents idiot. and even if i did make a new steam skin (a preogram) it will still be a solid color.

you know, i am so sick of people thinking everyone is rich, this computer was $800 with sis intigrated video and sound card, 3ghz pentium with 1gb l2 cache 200 gb ahdrd rive and 490 ram becouse it was damaged

allright? if you inscist on getting a better computer, i will gladly let you buy me one.
ben5015se said:
The reason i dont like steam is for the following reason:
1. add half-life 1 or 2 togetherr with steam uu get about 100mb ram (about 20mb for steam) - so?
2. lag strike at random times. - what connection are you on? won was like this to
3. miss won - a personal point, irrelevant
4. hate some of the people on steam - same people using won system, go cry a river elswhere
5.The solid color - wtf? solid colour? get a different skin/don't spend so much time looking at it

there are two things i lioke about steam, keeps cheating low and half-life 2. thats it.

gfor you peopple that say get over it, it doesnt help. it will never help so why post? to get your post count up? - no, because people have to reply about stupid posts like these where it makes no difference what we say because you will still have silly reasons to hate steam

there, cant ban me becouse i didint advertise anything.

edit: also half-life has crashed more times on steam then on won

answers in quote
tahts not the point at all.. you people dont get it, why do i even try, it seems even the colledge students cant accept opinions
3. miss won
4. hate some of the people on steam

Ok, you obviously miss WON if you hate Steam, so that statement is useless, and how are the people on steam any different than anyone else on any other multiplayer game service?
only 1 thing there is valid and thats the ram. Doesent effect me though.
OK, besides this being in the wrong forum, you've got two decent complaints against Steam.
One is the use of RAM, which can be an issue, but most programs are worse than Steam on your RAM.
The second is lag spikes. I can't say I've ever had this happen to me and I'm on a pretty slow broadband connection. I have to wonder if it's just your connection.
Yeah. Now I'm running on a 300k connection, without any lag spikes. And from your specs you shouldn't be getting them either. It sounds like you have a problem somewhere either on your computer or on your connection.
Does anything else get these spikes?
no, only steam, even when im playing games then everyone gets them (i bet its just me tho)
I'd check out your networking situation. Maybe an errant setting with a router, network hub, or firewall is causing the issue. You might want to check with some support people or check the support forums here for similar issues.
ben5015se said:
yuo do know people like me dont have much money. we dont have rich f*cking parents idiot.
Look asshole, just because I'm 15 and I have my own computer doesn't mean that my parents payed for any of it. It's called getting a job. If your computer sucks and you're too poor to upgrade then I suggest you find one.

By the way, the reason your computer sucks is because you don't have nearly enough RAM, and your onboard video is crap.
HA HA, thats funny, becouse im tring to get into mcdonalds to get some cash.
Well hurry up and get it already instead of complaining to us about how you're so poor. :dozey:
When I played on WON I used to get 3 to 4 times more lag spikes than on Steam (where I hardly get any).

It also took twice as long to load a server.

And just how were the people different on WON than on Steam? I don't get that. It's not like everyone instantly changed just because they changed server authentication programs.

In any case, this arguement is well over a year old by now. We've heard it all before, and it's not surprising that you got a negative reaction over it. Besides, what's the point in complaining about it now? It's not like Valve's going to get rid of Steam and revert back to a program they've spent thousands, if not millions, of dollars to get rid of.
ben5015se said:
HA HA, thats funny, becouse im tring to get into mcdonalds to get some cash.

Make sure you don't steal the ice cream.
ben5015se said:
yuo do know people like me dont have much money. we dont have rich f*cking parents idiot.

So its really hard to save up birthday money and ask for upgrades for christmas? .......You go have that fun at mcdonalds, maybe you won't come here spamming anymore.
The only thing that pisses me off about steam is that it insists on downloading hl2 updates even when I tell it not too, I'd rather play tfc stupid steam :(.

Anyway I don't see why this is in general off topic chat. I hate it when trolls invade general off topic- send them back to the general hl2 section!
Fat Tony! said:
Anyway I don't see why this is in general off topic chat. I hate it when trolls invade general off topic- send them back to the general hl2 section!

If that happens I will scream! ;(
I for one love steam. None of the claims against Steam you make are founded.... for example:

1. add half-life 1 or 2 togetherr with steam uu get about 100mb ram (about 20mb for steam)
Steam doesn't change how half-life 1 is loaded or cached in memory.

2. lag strike at random times.
It lags slightly whilst updating its GCF files but this isn't random - and if you're getting random lags during your games I'd be looking closer at your hardware or scanning for malware. Steam does not cause 'random lag during games'.

3. miss won
What was there to miss? Steam is WON with countless enhancements

4. hate some of the people on steam

They are the same people that played HL/CS online ... if you don't like online gamers then play offline.

5.The solid color

Steam is skinnable, if you don't like the colour then change it. It's a platform for launching games, does it need to jump at you with 32 million colours?

I liked the idea of not having to go to a store to get a game. I liked the idea of having new content/updates/patches/etc. available to me if I chose to get them. I liked the idea of cutting the publishers out of the picture. I despise the rest of Steam though.

Having said that though, I've never bought a game on Steam and I removed the trash called HL2 off of my hard drive so fast that I don't think I got more than one or two updates/patches. I know I won't get new HL2 episodic content. Why do I have Steam on my hard drive again? Ahh, there, that problem is solved. See ya Steam.
Fishlore said:
Having said that though, I've never bought a game on Steam and I removed the trash called HL2 off of my hard drive so fast that I don't think I got more than one or two updates/patches. I know I won't get new HL2 episodic content. Why do I have Steam on my hard drive again? Ahh, there, that problem is solved. See ya Steam.

/me ducks as his sarcasm detector blows up

What forums are these, again?
lePobz said:
* lePobz ducks as his sarcasm detector blows up

What forums are these, again?

This is the general off topics chat forum.
Fishlore said:
This is the general off topics chat forum.

Good idea to trash HL2 on a HL2 forum, now you are trolling, I would watch it. Its a bannable offense.
ben5015se said:
no, only steam, even when im playing games then everyone gets them (i bet its just me tho)

why does it sound like ur complaining about Steam when its really something on ur end?
format HD.. re-install, a fresh start always helps.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Of a halflife2 forum. Why are you even here?

Why would anyone ever visit a general chat forum? To chat about things not related to HL2. In Jan 2004, when I started visiting, I thought HL2 would be a great game. IMO, it wasn't. Does that mean I should never talk to anyone from here again? I could understand taking me to task if I was running around the HL2 discussion board spewing venom. That's far from the case.
Yeah I don't like Halflife2 much and ive been here for agggeeeees. It's an above average game. TFC>ALL!!11
I guess I shouldn't really talk. I don't even particularly like visiting the forum anymore... but after coming here for 2 years and being a mod for most of that time, its a hard habbit to break.
I got this nice PM from our esteemed member here.

ben5015se ben5015se is offline

Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 82

fag **** asshole **** fag, shouldnt be ana ssholke4 doesnt help you in life.

I think not being able to form a sentence dosent get you very far in life either.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I guess I shouldn't really talk. I don't even particularly like visiting the forum anymore... but after coming here for 2 years and being a mod for most of that time, its a hard habbit to break.

You're leaving? :O ;(
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