Why I think this part of the forum wont last.


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
1. Anyone whos dumb enough not to read the stickys and to post delay threads isnt going to take the extra time to come to a part of the forum that is specifically designed for delay threads.

2. For those who want to post delay threads just to annoy people, this part of the forum completley deletes that, because here, delay threads are acceptable, and not frowned apon.

3. A delay section of the forum is the perfect recipe for spam
Originally posted by rebb
Dude, its delayed ! :dozey:

wow...no comment on that reply......but i think the words "rebb" and "ban" would fit nicley together....
the rules in this forum won't be as strict as the rest of the forums.
Hehe, its funny how often ppl cry for "ban" in this board, dont you think ?
haha, i think this forum board will be fun, people like me who think half life 2 still comes out the 30th....
mmmm denial
The point of this board is to keep the crap out of General Discussion.
Of course, the delay sticky in the general discussion was to take out the delay crap too, and that didnt really help...
yea, it needed it really bad... but it like it here...crap is fun
Originally posted by Tyrion
Of course, the delay sticky in the general discussion was to take out the delay crap too, and that didnt really help...

Having a new board is a tad more effective than a sticky.
that green thing in his avatar>alpakas>llamas
i saw another one with a yellow thingy like d33's in the avatar.

And, admins can also move every delay thread here instead of locking it.
I was expecting someone to say this forum wouldn't last because the game was still comming out in 3 days lol.

Edit: I don't think the forum will last because the game will eventually come out ;)