Why is Gordon Freeman regarded the Messiah in HL2?

Oct 6, 2004
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Perhaps it's due to a Public Relations(PR) setup by the G-Man, during GF's time in stasis. Ten years between Black Mesa & Combined Earth is enough to plant the seed a story: the Legend of the Free Man, who will deliver all of humanity from the Combine. My theory that Gordon being set up as a Messiah by the G-Man as a ruse to distract the oppressed humans (& most possibility the Combine) from the G-Man's employers' true purpose. Whatever that purpose was, that'll be in another thread....

But, it all comes down as a PR from the G-Man gang to give false hope to Earth and to give the aliens something to fear about, all the while Gordon acts upon a "job" you didn't know about.
I think it's more likely that he's well known from being the only real guy who fought back against the marines at Black Mesa.
Probably just by word of mouth, for instance Eli Vance is pretty high up in the resistance and he thought Freeman was the saviour from how he stopped the Xen invasion.
That's what I meant:
mere PR. Somebody in G-Man's top ranks have exaggerated the Black Mesa & Xen incident and turned Gordon into a hero in legends & myth.

It always like this: You are just an ordinary average Everyman who just had a bad day, just got into an incident you want to get out of, and suddenly, you're the hero?

Anyway, when my allies & enemies regarded me as the Hero, I felt flattered & complimented that I've done something for & to this people. Or maybe Gordon is cursing the GMan for pulling off that
PR stunt
Gordon's Beard said:
Perhaps it's due to a Public Relations(PR) setup by the G-Man, during GF's time in stasis. Ten years between Black Mesa & Combined Earth is enough to plant the seed a story: the Legend of the Free Man, who will deliver all of humanity from the Combine.

You know, that's precisely what I had in mind. Too bad it's just guesswork... it's impossible to verify or even find evidence to support it. The only clue is that the vortigaunts work for the g-man, and they always talk about The Free Man.

Varsity said:
I think it's more likely that he's well known from being the only real guy who fought back against the marines at Black Mesa.

No. Barney fought the marines. And it's very probable that Eli, Kleiner and Mossman did, as well.
yea, but we feaking OWNED the troops. :D And all of Xen to boot!

That made top resistance members speak highly of Gordon, as well as ALL of the Vortigaunts. And since they would all be thought highly of by the resistance, someone they think highly of would be a "WOW" factor...
picture Eli saying "Heh, I remember seeing Gordon break though 5 levels of highly fortified marine bases, single handedly! " I mean, sounds impressive eh?
The Vortiguants see Gordon as savior ecause he killed the Nihilanth that was enslaving them. The humans regard him as a hero because he was the first one to fight the aliens. (Maybe that's not enough of an answer, I dunno.) IN HL1 you sprayed the lambda symbol to show that you were alive and kicking (butt). The rebels took on the symbol, and now its the sign for the resistance.

More than that, I don't know.
I agree with Rhalle. It's all about freeing the Vortiguants who were slaves under the Nihilanth.
I think it spread from the top ranks of the resistance, not G-man. Lets see, Gordan took down one of the strongest -known- beings in the universe (Nihilanth) and just got the job done. I don't really see anyone in Black Mesa exept for Barney really stand up for the scientists. He was the man who saved them in their time of need...