Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

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Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making"?

After playing countless FPS, HL2 seems like any other game out their. After you take the fan out of the boy and take a step back to see what HL2 really is you wonder what the hype is about. What makes people think HL2 will seperate itself from the rest of the pack?
BEcuzzzzzzz of the success of the First Halflife, Its just natural if something does well the first time, you can assume the second one is better :)
Good ideas, deep paced story, enviromental interactivity, and a big magnetic barrel tossing gun thingy.
Because it is adding a new twist by incorporating physics into the core gameplay, and also because it is just a well developed story. I know in my experience, Farcry wasn't that fun because there was no plot. Pretty much the same thing with Doom 3, although i didn't like Doom 3 because it was boring gameplay [game stutters, you hear a sound, monster appears, shoot it, repeat]. HL2 just seems to have more "feeling" than most other games, if you get what i mean.
Plus there's one shot kill-semi-auto weapons!!

I hate spamming machine guns...HATE IT! I like deadly, slow ROF, accurate weapons. Crossbow + magnum woot. That's all i'm looking forward to ;)
Wow, why didn't you just post a thread called "I'm a Retard".

It would have accomplished the same thing.
D@Linkwent said:
BEcuzzzzzzz of the success of the First Halflife, Its just natural if something does well the first time, you can assume the second one is better :)

While that's generally true for games, it doesn't hold up so well when it comes to movies and albums and stuff like that. Matrix Reloaded ring a bell?
Cyperious said:
Wow, why didn't you just post a thread called "I'm a Retard".

It would have accomplished the same thing.

Yo chill man. Although I agree it seems like we've been having a bunch of relatively new members posting pointless threads recently. No need to be mean though.
Cyperious said:
Wow, why didn't you just post a thread called "I'm a Retard".

It would have accomplished the same thing.

Retard: To cause to move slowly, or delayed

......please don't use words you heard on the bus kid, it just makes you look stupid.
DarkStar said:
Yo chill man. Although I agree it seems like we've been having a bunch of relatively new members posting pointless threads recently. No need to be mean though.

I know, but it's soooo fun! :LOL:
RezSav said:
Retard: To cause to move slowly, or delayed

......please don't use words you heard on the bus kid, it just makes you look stupid.

Hey uh (scratches head and thinks up a politically correct insult) PEANUT-BRAIN! I don't take the bus, so there.
DarkStar said:
Yo chill man. Although I agree it seems like we've been having a bunch of relatively new members posting pointless threads recently. No need to be mean though.

pointless? besides the "source" engine and the no cutscenes I really didn't find this game different from "painkiller".
Cyperious said:
Hey uh (scratches head and thinks up a politically correct insult) PEANUT-BRAIN! I don't take the bus, so there.

you know that short yellow thing you ride to school is called a bus, its just called the "special peoples" bus. Give yourself a hand you learned something today.
Because it is adding a new twist by incorporating physics into the core gameplay, and also because it is just a well developed story. I know in my experience, Farcry wasn't that fun because there was no plot. Pretty much the same thing with Doom 3, although i didn't like Doom 3 because it was boring gameplay [game stutters, you hear a sound, monster appears, shoot it, repeat]. HL2 just seems to have more "feeling" than most other games, if you get what i mean.
I agree, Feeling is an excellent way to describe what halflife2 brings to the table and what most other games lack, If you dont feel any emotion than the player isnt emmersed as much as he should, this causes the person to get bored and lose interest *cough* Doom3 *cough* even tho the only feeling i had in doom3 was nervousness
RezSav said:
you know that short yellow thing you ride to school is called a bus, its just called the "special peoples" bus. Give yourself a hand you learned something today.

Hey, my friend Noah got hit by a car, and now has to ride that bus, asshole.

I'm serious.

"Eighth-grader Noah Lurtz was warmly received at Pacific Union School as fall classes resumed last week. The 13-year-old suffered brain damage after a vehicle sideswiped him on McKinleyville's Central Avenue earlier this year. With intensive therapy, Noah's making a strong recovery. "

There are books and university courses today dealing with game design as it is becoming a major form of media. I'm sure if you really want to know a bit more about how games are designed you could check those out.
Way to flame on your own thread dumbass. If you find painkiller no different from HL2 thats funny because you havent played HL2...and you probally didnt play HL either.
dumbass should learn not to walk in the middle of the road then.
yeah terrible person indeed, i hope u go to hell, And stay there. We all went there and owned Hell in doom3 of course but you just need to stay there and think about becoming a better person :)
B.Calhoun said:
Way to flame on your own thread dumbass. If you find painkiller no different from HL2 thats funny because you havent played HL2...and you probally didnt play HL either.

No I haven't played HL2 yet but I seen videos of people playing it. Basically it goes like this dial-up bitch; Shoot, Reload, Repeat. And on occasion you pick something up from off the ground and shoot it at someone. I'm not flaming HL2 you moronic otakus, im saying how can HL2 seperate itself from other games.
You ****ing asshole, it obviously doesn't take much to think up witty comments like yours. Why don't you experience having to call 9-1-1 for your friend who's lying spread eagle on the road.
I can't see how you get pleasure from something like that. You obviously have no power in real life, so you come here to try and exert it.

Just Shut the **** Up.
DarkStar said:
Okay. Enough of you. You're a bad person.

I don't see why I should give a damn about his friend whom I never met when he flames a person he never met just for asking a question. Yes getting bumped off by someone is much more worse then being called slow at something, but you get the point.
Whoa, relax Cyperious when you Respond to people like that you give them the upper hand, maybe he does enjoy that sick stuff but you shouldnt feed the troll as people say, let it go maybe one day he will get hit by a car and experience what your friend did, which i want to give him my regards and best wishes.
RezSav said:
No I haven't played HL2 yet but I seen videos of people playing it. Basically it goes like this dial-up bitch; Shoot, Reload, Repeat. And on occasion you pick something up from off the ground and shoot it at someone. I'm not flaming HL2 you moronic otakus, im saying how can HL2 seperate itself from other games.
Do you not know anything about the ****ing story? Shit go research the game before you post dumbass shit on a forum where you have clearly presented yourself as an asshole.
RezSav said:
After playing countless FPS, HL2 seems like any other game out their. After you take the fan out of the boy and take a step back to see what HL2 really is you wonder what the hype is about. What makes people think HL2 will seperate itself from the rest of the pack?

While there are so many reasons I could give as to why Half-Life 2 will be great, these are the three main reasons in my perosnal opinion.

1. Incredibly immersive environment
Watching the tenements and trainstation videos Valve released recently, it's easy to see that Valve intend to create a very realistic and beleivable envrionment for the player to experience. Walking through a tenements building with combine soldiers raiding apartments, propaganda spewing through television sets, and people looking general depressed, is an example of this. Half-Life 2's 1984-inspired storyline looks set to be one of the most in-depth and detailed plots in an FPS. I don't know any other FPS game that attempts to create this sort of detail in a game world.

2. Physics incorporated into gameplay
The star attraction of Half-Life 2, I think, is the manipulator weapon. This weapon lets you pick up and fire (what seems to be) almost any small prop or object in the game world. Imagine fighting combine soldiers, ducking behind a barrel, picking up the barrel with the manipulator, and firing it straight at the combine, who then fall down dead due to the impact. Or using a magnet on a crane to pick up a huge container and drop it onto enemies. Or using your crowbar to bat away a bothersome manhack into a stack of shelves (that promptly break apart from the collision). Again, I don't know any other FPS game that attempts to create this level of interactivity in the game world.

3. Stunningly realistic world and beleivable characters
Acting as the background for all of this depth, Half-Life 2's Source engine creates an incredibly detailed, realistic world for the player to run around in. It is undoubtedly the most realistic looking game I've seen for a long time, and while it does not have the vibrant, overly-detailed sci-fi feeling Doom 3 had, it is still one of the most stunning games I've seen in a few years. Everything from the incredible urban envrionments in City-17 itself, to the lifelike movements of the characters in the game, everything just shines with perfection. While the indoor envrionments seem a bit flat and uninspired, the shader technology Valve are taking advantage of easily distracts your attention, creating puddles of mud and shiny surfaces that look simply amazing in motion.
B.Calhoun said:
Do you not know anything about the ****ing story? Shit go research the game before you post dumbass shit on a forum where you have clearly presented yourself as an asshole.

Not an asshole, just a retard ;)
B.Calhoun said:
Do you not know anything about the ****ing story? Shit go research the game before you post dumbass shit on a forum where you have clearly presented yourself as an asshole.

I presented myself as an asshole by assholes, no I haven't heard anything of the story because valve is keeping the story underwraps you dickhead. So far I know that your in a city called "17" (very original) and you play as gordon freemen who gets thrown back into the role he was in in HL.
KagePrototype, Amen dude, i totally agree. Good reponse to somone who probably doesnt care, but thanks anyways
D@Linkwent said:
Whoa, relax Cyperious when you Respond to people like that you give them the upper hand, maybe he does enjoy that sick stuff but you shouldnt feed the troll as people say, let it go maybe one day he will get hit by a car and experience what your friend did, which i want to give him my regards and best wishes.

Well, it goes to show that not everyone on this site likes making fun of the disabled.
D@Linkwent said:
KagePrototype, Amen dude, i totally agree. Good reponse to somone who probably doesnt care, but thanks anyways

Heh, I aim to please. :p
i dont make fun of anyone because im blessed with not being disabled so everyone who makes fun of them should experience the struggle of being disabled just one day and i bet they will thank god they arnt when they wake up from that ordeal.
Rezsav you're being a real asshole i think you deserve to be treated as you treat others so.....Get the **** out you dumbass.BTW don't make fun of stuff you don't know crap about ,it aint funny when people become handicapped because of a accident and you go off talking shit about them.
RezSav said:
Please if you wanna talk about your dumbshit friend go in another thread.

Dude, what the ****? Don't you know to shut up when you are actually starting to piss people off?

I guess it was a good idea not to post your email on your profile, or you wouldn't believe the shit I'd have people send you.
Cyperious, RezSav, please stop. We don't need yet another locked thread cluttering up the forum.
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