Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

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KagePrototype said:
While there are so many reasons I could give as to why Half-Life 2 will be great, these are the three main reasons in my perosnal opinion.

1. Incredibly immersive environment
Watching the tenements and trainstation videos Valve released recently, it's easy to see that Valve intend to create a very realistic and beleivable envrionment for the player to experience. Walking through a tenements building with combine soldiers raiding apartments, propaganda spewing through television sets, and people looking general depressed, is an example of this. Half-Life 2's 1984-inspired storyline looks set to be one of the most in-depth and detailed plots in an FPS. I don't know any other FPS game that attempts to create this sort of detail in a game world.

2. Physics incorporated into gameplay
The star attraction of Half-Life 2, I think, is the manipulator weapon. This weapon lets you pick up and fire (what seems to be) almost any small prop or object in the game world. Imagine fighting combine soldiers, ducking behind a barrel, picking up the barrel with the manipulator, and firing it straight at the combine, who then fall down dead due to the impact. Or using a magnet on a crane to pick up a huge container and drop it onto enemies. Or using your crowbar to bat away a bothersome manhack into a stack of shelves (that promptly break apart from the collision). Again, I don't know any other FPS game that attempts to create this level of interactivity in the game world.

3. Stunningly realistic world and beleivable characters
Acting as the background for all of this depth, Half-Life 2's Source engine creates an incredibly detailed, realistic world for the player to run around in. It is undoubtedly the most realistic looking game I've seen for a long time, and while it does not have the vibrant, overly-detailed sci-fi feeling Doom 3 had, it is still one of the most stunning games I've seen in a few years. Everything from the incredible urban envrionments in City-17 itself, to the lifelike movements of the characters in the game, everything just shines with perfection. While the indoor envrionments seem a bit flat and uninspired, the shader technology Valve are taking advantage of easily distracts your attention, creating puddles of mud and shiny surfaces that look simply amazing in motion.

Well so far it looks good, I remember a game designer said "you can have the great graphics, these cool effects, awsome guns. But if you don't nail that 30 secs of fun, your not gonna have a great game" Well so far this game looks to have about 2 minutes of great gameplay.
go kage!
this thread isnt worthy of such a good post
Sorry couldn't resist.

Retard- Used as a disparaging term for a mentally retarded person.

If you didnt know that then god help you...
RezSav said:
Well so far it looks good, I remember a game designer said "you can have the great graphics, these cool effects, awsome guns. But if you don't nail that 30 secs of fun, your not gonna have a great game" Well so far this game looks to have about 2 minutes of great gameplay.

Well, I expect that those three elements (as well as a few more) will add up to a lot of fun. :) We've seen around 30 minutes worth of gameplay in the form of videos, and it all looks like great fun to me.
Cyperious, you were warned and didn't listen. This is completly unacceptable behaviour.

RezSav said:
Well so far it looks good, I remember a game designer said "you can have the great graphics, these cool effects, awsome guns. But if you don't nail that 30 secs of fun, your not gonna have a great game" Well so far this game looks to have about 2 minutes of great gameplay.
Good job answering your own question in the first place. You knew why HL2 would be great yet you ask "Why will HL2 seprate itself from other titles?"
Why is HL2 a marvel in the making? Because Valve has put the community through so much crap and BS, it's a freakin' marvel that anybody is still willing to give them money.

I am of course one of those anybodies.
Cyperious said:
Dude, what the ****? Don't you know to shut up when you are actually starting to piss people off?

I guess it was a good idea not to post your email on your profile, or you wouldn't believe the shit I'd have people send you.

lol, so far the only thing you showed me was how much of an idiot you are. First you call me a retard, and based on your other posts you intended it to be an insult on the cerebral, but yet you have a friend who is mentally impaired. Maybe you should've thought about him before you made that insult (being the stupid hypocrite you are I know you didn't), that statment you made wouldn't of led me to talk about how you ride the mini-bus and wouldn't of ended up in the ultimate idiot flamer thread ever composed! NOW you're giving me threats....ok i'll just show this to the FBI and let them deal with it
RevSav, your behaviour isn't any better, consider yourself warned.
RezSav said:
So far I know that your in a city called "17" (very original)

How is this unoriginal? (One can only assume by your tone you were being sarcastic.) I don't know of any cities that are named a number.
B.Calhoun said:
Good job answering your own question in the first place. You knew why HL2 would be great yet you ask "Why will HL2 seprate itself from other titles?"

Yes I know that HL2 is great but I also know a plethra of other games that are great, why is so much emphasis being put on just this one game. People said it would bring the "PC gaming industry back up", thats a pretty radical statment for a game that looks pretty normal.
kaellinn18 said:
How is this unoriginal? (One can only assume by your tone you were being sarcastic.) I don't know of any cities that are named a number.

city 17? come on, why not just name it City if your gonna give it a name like that.
True, i believe when Graphix are the first stage of getting a player immersed, when you first begin playing a game, u notice the Look and FEel of the game. This helps you slowly sink deeper into the game, Many games succeed at this point, FarCry And Doom3.

What is different about halflife (at the time the graphix were pretty good) and Hopefully Halflife2 is that Story and Characters basically everything not involving the graphics get your attention and u start taking the graphics for granted, you know they are there and you know its not gonna change, what does is the story and the player interaction. This Is what makes a Great game become a lengendary game, Multiplayer helps continue on the games pizzazz because once ur done with Single player you can "duke it out" with people who went through what you did.
Icarus said:
RevSav, your behaviour isn't any better, consider yourself warned.

I know, but in the words of a moron "ITS JUST SOOOOOO MUCH FUN!"........
Icarus said:
RevSav, your behaviour isn't any better, consider yourself warned.

RevSav was the one disparaging the hanicapped. I think you banned the wrong person.
RezSav said:
city 17? come on, why not just name it City if your gonna give it a name like that.

It is named CIty-17 because, under combine rule, the Earth's cities are numbered. It's to give the impression of a cold, in-human totalitarian world government (i.e. the combine by the looks of it). Half-Life 2 is heavily inspired by the book 1984, which I suggest you give a try.

RevSav was the one disparaging the hanicapped. I think you banned the wrong person.

Cyperious pretty much started it by flaming "why not just call this thread i am a retard" or something along those lines.
city 17? come on, why not just name it City if your gonna give it a name like that.

When the combine are trying to take over the earth theyre not gonna sit there and think up a nice little name for each and every city. And your making it sound like City 17 is the only place in the whole game, and that is not true, beleive me ;) .

EDIT: Darn you Kage.
YO moderator u banned the wrong person, RevSav was the one who started the whole mess in the first place, I really think they moderators here are power hungry or something, might have something to do with them getting picked on in life and its now their turn to take charge and BAN OTHER PEOPLE
D@Linkwent said:
True, i believe when Graphix are the first stage of getting a player immersed, when you first begin playing a game, u notice the Look and FEel of the game. This helps you slowly sink deeper into the game, Many games succeed at this point, FarCry And Doom3.

What is different about halflife (at the time the graphix were pretty good) and Hopefully Halflife2 is that Story and Characters basically everything not involving the graphics get your attention and u start taking the graphics for granted, you know they are there and you know its not gonna change, what does is the story and the player interaction. This Is what makes a Great game become a lengendary game, Multiplayer helps continue on the games pizzazz because once ur done with Single player you can "duke it out" with people who went through what you did.

Well what I think gets most people immersed in games is when you start to feel for the characters, look at the fanbase FF has.
D@Linkwent said:
YO moderator u banned the wrong person, RevSav was the one who started the whole mess in the first place, I really think they moderators here are power hungry or something, might have something to do with them getting picked on in life and its now their turn to take charge and BAN OTHER PEOPLE

Woah there buddy. Take it easy.
Cyperious said:
Wow, why didn't you just post a thread called "I'm a Retard".

It would have accomplished the same thing.

This post started the argument. It was useless flaming. Now please drop it.
KagePrototype said:
Cyperious pretty much started it by flaming "why not just call this thread i am a retard" or something along those lines.

True, I shouldn't have done that, but I didn't think it was very bad compared to RevSav's response.
KagePrototype said:
This post started the argument. It was useless flaming. Now please drop it.

This is true. Dropping it in.....


KagePrototype said:
It is named CIty-17 because, under combine rule, the Earth's cities are numbered. It's to give the impression of a cold, in-human totalitarian world government (i.e. the combine by the looks of it). Half-Life 2 is heavily inspired by the book 1984, which I suggest you give a try.

Cyperious pretty much started it by flaming "why not just call this thread i am a retard" or something along those lines.

Well I didn't want him ban, I was acting like an idiot too for being dragged down to his level. But I guess, like any other forum, you can't unban him.
Cyperious2 said:
True, I shouldn't have done that, but I didn't think it was very bad compared to RevSav's response.

ROFL! Dude...you really should have picked a different name. Oh lordy....lol.
Well, this thread turnout to be pretty hot for a few moments there.

Well, I guess this "virtual barfight" was just concluded...
/me attempts to throw the topic back on-topic in fear of it being locked

So RezSav, explain how you think Half-Life 2 doesn't seem that much different to any other fps game.
DarkStar said:
ROFL! Dude...you really should have picked a different name. Oh lordy....lol.

Don't worry, there will be a Cyperious numbers 3-million if necessary. Well, I don't think I'll post a response like THAT again...
KagePrototype said:
/me attempts to throw the topic back on-topic in fear of it being locked

So RezSav, explain how you think Half-Life 2 doesn't seem that much different to any other fps game.

Well, he has kind of a point, I mean, it was a lot more revelutionary a year ago.

What I think of HL2 is that it's the sum of the next generation of games, a "home base" if you will, so it doesn't really matter if it's not innovative.
wow that sucks so badly. Atlest you only had like what? 50 posts? Now if you were up in the hundreds that would suck ass.
I think we all beat up on Icarus to the point he's gun shy...or sleeping:)
GhostBoi said:
Cyperious, you do know they can IP ban you, don't you?

Yes, unfortunately I can change my IP (and do so about every week)

Now, if only they could ISP ban you, then I'd be worrying...
Cyperious2 said:
Well, he has kind of a point, I mean, it was a lot more revelutionary a year ago.

What I think of HL2 is that it's the sum of the next generation of games, a "home base" if you will, so it doesn't really matter if it's not innovative.

But I don't yet see how games like Doom 3 and Far Cry really beat it in terms of innovation. Sure, they're decent games, but how are they better than Half-Life 2? That's what I'm asking. What fps that is either out or is coming out very soon, show more promise than HL2?
KagePrototype said:
But I don't yet see how games like Doom 3 and Far Cry really beat it in terms of innovation. Sure, they're decent games, but how are they better than Half-Life 2? That's what I'm asking. What fps that is either out or is coming out very soon, show more promise than HL2?
None. But STALKER looks like it could come close pertaining to inovation....
KagePrototype said:
/me attempts to throw the topic back on-topic in fear of it being locked

So RezSav, explain how you think Half-Life 2 doesn't seem that much different to any other fps game.

Because it looks like every other fps game, the only difference is that this one has a great story. But when it all comes down to it people just want great gameplay, this is a FPS so its expected to have great fun but if it looks like farcry or doom 3 then its really not the stepping stone people praised it too be.
B.Calhoun said:
None. But STALKER looks like it could come close pertaining to inovation....

Yeah, that's the only one that actually gives Half-Life 2 some creative competition. But that doesn't come out until early next year, so it doesn't pose much of a threat yet.

Because it looks like every other fps game, the only difference is that this one has a great story. But when it all comes down to it people just want great gameplay, this is a FPS so its expected to have great fun but if it looks like farcry or doom 3 then its really not the stepping stone people praised it too be.

Yes, but I want you to explain how you came to that conclusion, in response to what I've said, as well as others, on how Half-Life 2 will be a brilliant game. :)
Here we go again, hehe.

Please don't ban me, I promise I'll be good.

Anyways, about STALKER, I definitely agree that it'll more innovative. Come to think of it, so will Vamp: Bloodlines.
In fact, the most innovative coming out soon looks like it's gonna be scrapland, which looks awesome.
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