Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

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FarCry to me was pretty damn good, It had a lot of cool elements into it, such as Binoculores and the radar system worked really well, The AI was pretty damn good, The weapons were descent most of them looked the same. Graphix once agian were top notch, On par with Halfife2 in its own way, Vehicles and other stuff added to the immersion, BUt if u think about it, What did doom3 have besides graphix, it really didnt have anything else. I still dont see how people dont feel ripped off after they payed 50 bucks for a one time fun pass :)
Cyperious3 said:
Here we go again, hehe.

Please don't ban me, I promise I'll be good.

Anyways, about STALKER, I definitely agree that it'll more innovative. Come to think of it, so will Vamp: Bloodlines.
AHA banned again. Well anyway ive been hearing good stuff about VAMP bloodlines but i havent seen anything from the game....link plz?
D@Linkwent said:
FarCry to me was pretty damn good, It had a lot of cool elements into it, such as Binoculores and the radar system worked really well, The AI was pretty damn good, The weapons were descent most of them looked the same. Graphix once agian were top notch, On par with Halfife2 in its own way, Vehicles and other stuff added to the immersion, BUt if u think about it, What did doom3 have besides graphix, it really didnt have anything else. I still dont see how people dont feel ripped off after they payed 50 bucks for a one time fun pass :)

Totally agree with you on Doom3, but not on Far Cry. It's story was really anemic, and it got kind of depressing at times when you weren't fighting with anyone. HL2 will change this.
Haven't you people ever seen a troll before?

This is a textbook case of a bad troll - all his responses are just designed to insult and inflame everyone. He still hasn't said whether he's even played Half-life 1 yet which is the obvious question, because he's too busy flaming.

Please join with me in requesting his permanent ban.

Oh, and, don't feed the frickin troll.
FarCry's Story couldnt have done any better, Think about it. Everything made sense, And ending just gives way to a sequal. Which to me is just insaine what they can do with the graphix in 1-3 years of development, Just think of the possiblities.
serp said:
Haven't you people ever seen a troll before?

This is a textbook case of a bad troll - all his responses are just designed to insult and inflame everyone. He still hasn't said whether he's even played Half-life 1 yet which is the obvious question, because he's too busy flaming.

Please join with me in requesting his permanent ban.

Oh, and, don't feed the frickin troll.

Dear Sir, I have been on these forums for about a year, and have indeed played HL1. I have created around 50 posts, the most famous being the "500 response" "graphical supremecy" poll, if anyone remembers it.

You sir, are a headcrab.
Cyperious3 said:
In fact, the most innovative coming out soon looks like it's gonna be scrapland, which looks awesome.

Scrapland does look brilliant, but doesn't that come out like Christmas or something? That's quite a while away.
I think that this discussion is about the same as the 'will it be revolutionary?' discussions. I think HL2 has the potential to set the bar higher for a narrative-focused FPS because it has invested in elements that other FPS's have not like improving world interaction (more movable, physical items and actions) and character interaction (AI that reacts and delivers lines according to your actions and animations).

Whether they will improve it to the point where it is an accepted revolution and makes other games seem dated or if it will just be another above average game is the question. As of right now it is questionable much like though HL1 was revolutionary it did not invest in areas traditionally thought to be 'revolutionary'. It was not non-linear, did not have amazing graphics or physics or anything like that. In fact, there are many people today who still don't see HL1 as revolutionary while saying Quake 1 was revolutionary because of its graphics for its time. HL1 did not invest in graphics but rather storytelling and immersion which seem are less sought after by developers and the public in favour of graphics.
KagePrototype said:
Scrapland does look brilliant, but doesn't that come out like Christmas or something? That's quite a while away.

If HL2 doesn't come out on Xmas, har har.
Cyperious3 said:
If HL2 doesn't come out on Xmas, har har.

Jeez, that's so predictable. :p Hehe.

Styloid makes a good point. While many other FPS games focus on superior graphics engines and larger weapons etc., Half-Life 2 focuses more on narration and storyline, and the immersion that comes from that. This in iself is very unlike other FPS games, which almost always seem to put storyline and characters right at the bottom of the "to-do" list.
B.Calhoun said:
None. But STALKER looks like it could come close pertaining to inovation....

Actually.. STALKER is also based on a book and a movie.. so its not quite as innovative as you might think.

The book is called "Roadside Picnic" and the movie is called "Stalker" :imu:
Well, thanks for your attempts to keep this thread civil kage.
I wish all internet goers were like you instead of RevSav.
So... you play a few FPS's and say they are all the same? Well, you know whats the same about all FPS's? You are in first person and you shoot stuff... other than that, they are all different. There are squad based FPS's, there are tactical FPS's, none are the same.
duality said:
Actually.. STALKER is also based on a book and a movie.. so its not quite as innovative as you might think.

The book is called "Roadside Picnic" and the movie is called "Stalker" :imu:

Ah, but the gameplay is innovative.
Cyperious, halt all attempts to create other acounts, or you will be given an IP ban. Halt all posting as well. Do so immediatly or recieve a IP ban.
Cyperious3 said:
Well, thanks for your attempts to keep this thread civil kage.
I wish all internet goers were like you instead of RevSav.

I just didn't want to see another potentially interesting thread locked because some people can't swallow their own pride for the good of others.
RezSav said:
After playing countless FPS, HL2 seems like any other game out their. After you take the fan out of the boy and take a step back to see what HL2 really is you wonder what the hype is about. What makes people think HL2 will seperate itself from the rest of the pack?
I can only assume you know nothing about Half-Life 2. It's the only way to explain why you'd ask such a question.
D@Linkwent, it is not offically locked
Don't ever try that agian
Icarus said:
D@Linkwent, it is not offically locked
Don't ever try that agian
LMFAO....icarus takes his e-powers seriously....dont step on his turf.
Sorry, I too like you Icarus was picked on in school, i know how it feels to look up at the "Cool" kids, see them at the "cooL" kids table sippin their OJ with no care in the world. Then you snap out of the dream and realize your still the geeky kid who isnt at the cool table but is alone on the floor, I feel your pain dude. I just really wanted to feel the power of Closing a thread. That alone would make being taunted worth while because i know now i can just say, This Thread is Closed BIotch.
B.Calhoun said:
LMFAO....icarus takes his e-powers seriously....dont step on his turf.


Hehe, was rather dramatic.

No offense.


KagePrototype said:
You guys will just get thread locked, please stop.


So, to go back on topic I think the reason HL2 will hopefully be a great game is the immersion possible from the combination of modern graphics and a well though out, complex storyline. To me the story really makes a game. That's why I really enjoyed Thief III. It had a wonderful story to it. So a game with a great story and wonderful graphics should hopefully be a whole lot of fun.
Kage, are u worried your precious thread will be locked because you to have been picked on in School. Its ok feel ur pain, you werent appreciated in school enough and noone ever requested your input, but now your grown up and you found a forum, you took this input that noone cared about and have put together a Thread that people actually respond to, THis is great.

Now Things arnt going your way and Its school memories all over agian, your just the thing in the past. People dont say high any more they just walk right by. Sorry to say once this thread gets locked your just gonna be the thing of the passed and when you wake up from this "high" you currently possese due to having a somewhat popular thread then you too like Icarus can come and cry on my shoulder, ill be there for your support when things get ugly.
can somone please explain to me why Cyperious keeps getting banned? He made the initial statment but why keep banning him? Sorry to bring it off topic again but i need to know.

everytime i start to think that Hl2 will be just like all other fps's i just watch the videos again. Easy as that
you guys are way behind, the whole incident is stupid and i think who ever made this comment
dumbass should learn not to walk in the middle of the road then.
should be banned because its untasteful and very very wrong, people who become disabled shouldnt be made fun of but should be helped and prayed for
B.Calhoun said:
Do you not know anything about the ****ing story? Shit go research the game before you post dumbass shit on a forum where you have clearly presented yourself as an asshole.

You tell him Barney!
RezSav said:
I presented myself as an asshole by assholes, no I haven't heard anything of the story because valve is keeping the story underwraps you dickhead. So far I know that your in a city called "17" (very original) and you play as gordon freemen who gets thrown back into the role he was in in HL.

OMFG just go to any fan site and you know the friggen story
Guys drop it, The person whos friend was in that unfortunate accident does not need to be reminded of it and second who cares its just drama, you americans are just so into drama its like u dont get enough of it in your daily lives.
RezSav said:
city 17? come on, why not just name it City if your gonna give it a name like that.

knowing the storyline will answer that question
City 17 makes sense, it goes along with the whole depressing atmosphere, if the city was called, City of Angels or Sex in the City then that wouldnt fit in at all now would it.
D@Linkwent said:
Kage, are u worried your precious thread will be locked because you to have been picked on in School. Its ok feel ur pain, you werent appreciated in school enough and noone ever requested your input, but now your grown up and you found a forum, you took this input that noone cared about and have put together a Thread that people actually respond to, THis is great.

Now Things arnt going your way and Its school memories all over agian, your just the thing in the past. People dont say high any more they just walk right by. Sorry to say once this thread gets locked your just gonna be the thing of the passed and when you wake up from this "high" you currently possese due to having a somewhat popular thread then you too like Icarus can come and cry on my shoulder, ill be there for your support when things get ugly.

Umm, it was funny the first time. But now its old according to my P.O.V
Danimal its funny because if you analyse what i wrote it makes complete sense in the situation he was in, He was teased in school, People didnt say high to him in the Halls, and now when he has something going for him and he is about to lose it, he is gonna go and cry about it, i mean cmon. IM right on the money.
D@Linkwent said:
Danimal its funny because if you analyse what i wrote it makes complete sense in the situation he was in, He was teased in school, People didnt say high to him in the Halls, and now when he has something going for him and he is about to lose it, he is gonna go and cry about it, i mean cmon. IM right on the money.

I chose to ignore your comments because I thought it would just cause the topic to de-rail further. But now I feel I need to respond, becuase obviously it won't lie down dead. You are not "right on the money". Please don't assume that just because I want to keep things civil and on-topic that I was "teased in school", and I was only pushing for keeping things on topic because I have "something going for me". I simply want things to remains civil, and people like you don't help the situation. Once again, don't assume you know everything about someone, because you're more than likely not right, as shown here.
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