Why is the Citadel Digging?


Apr 29, 2005
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Well? Why is it seem to be digging into the Earth?
I figured it was to dig for resources for all the crazy things they make in there. :p
i dont think it's really "digging." it seems more like it sprang out of the earth rather than trying to go back in.
I'd say it's definitely digging.
And unless it's going to china, I can only assume it's either to mining for resources or adding extra basement floors to the facility.
For that matter, why is everything the combine builds a crushing or digging device?
Maybe there are using the earths heat to power the citdel or something.
All that lovely metal beneath the Earths crust. They are taking all the resources they can get.
Yeah, they are sucking the oceans dry, and mining all the resources they can get. Once they've finished with all the reources, the Earth would crumble and end up looking like Xen - floating platforms. Or then again, maybe not.
kirovman said:
Yeah, they are sucking the oceans dry, and mining all the resources they can get. Once they've finished with all the reources, the Earth would crumble and end up looking like Xen - floating platforms. Or then again, maybe not.

I don't think it would look like Xen, xen is like that because it isn't a planet hehe :p
Mechagodzilla said:
I'd say it's definitely digging.
And unless it's going to china, I can only assume it's either to mining for resources or adding extra basement floors to the facility.

Or, because it's in Europe, it'll be digging to Australia :p
Samon said:
I don't think it would look like Xen, xen is like that because it isn't a planet hehe :p

I dunno, maybe it used to be a planet, mined to death by the combine, but now is only fragments.

I'm probably wrong though.
kirovman said:
I dunno, maybe it used to be a planet, mined to death by the combine, but now is only fragments.

I'm probably wrong though.

Freedom of speech right?

Good theory actually, no matter how wrong i suspect it is ;)
Its a classic, you do know that the citadel is not valves idea? it has been used in many movies and books. I remember it strong from one of the super-man series.

There where striders in it, the aliens landed on earth, and established the Citadel, and striders went all around citizes and terrorising people. Then the Citadel was drilling with huge drills right down in the earth, in search of oil and resources, to make power.

Also, they used the oil to release gas into the air to cover the sky, so the sun would disepear.

A classic....
Ravioli said:
Its a classic, you do know that the citadel is not valves idea? it has been used in many movies and books. I remember it strong from one of the super-man series.

There where striders in it, the aliens landed on earth, and established the Citadel, and striders went all around citizes and terrorising people. Then the Citadel was drilling with huge drills right down in the earth, in search of oil and resources, to make power.

Also, they used the oil to release gas into the air to cover the sky, so the sun would disepear.

A classic....


Isn't it obvious? Citadels have been used in numerous sci fi and fantasy stories, everyone knows this. Hell not one story I've come across hasn't borrowed or used an idea similar to anothers. Its unavoidable.
yea, Nearly EVERYTHING has been in something else.. There is no Oringalitly anymore
Sufferin-rebel said:
yea, Nearly EVERYTHING has been in something else.. There is no Oringalitly anymore

I wouldn't go that far. Some of hl2's plot elements are rather original. So are a few others game/books. I'm just saying idea's wise.
yeah, nothing is completley original anymore, instead, they take an idea and expand on it so it becomes original in its own light. if something was COMPLETLEY original now days, it would probably just not make sense and suck. but anyways, digging for resources... sounds good.
I didnt think it was digging. I thought it was slowy spreading itself out and eating away at everything to grow itself.
Stupidsmartarse said:
I didnt think it was digging. I thought it was slowy spreading itself out and eating away at everything to grow itself.

well yeah. you can tell by watching the walls expand during anticitizen one and stuff. how the walls grow out like its always expanding. but i think they were referring to the citadel itself, how it moves up and down kinda and is rooted deep into the earth
Exactly.Raising The Bar had something in it saying the "main base of operation" was digging and expanding it size.But i think its really because 1)to remove buildings and 2)maybe its digging away at key sources of rebel activity.
When you look at the citadel, i cant help but notice its ridiculously tall. Those hammers at the bottom seemed to me that they were digging further down to lower the citadel deeper into the earth. Its a nice piece of architecture, its just a bit to tall, and those ugly stability cables coming from it, i think we could do without those.

It almost like one of the two towers from Lord Of The Rings. Acutally, its excactly like the towers from lotr. Except they used different decorators.
Barnabas Collins said:
When you look at the citadel, i cant help but notice its ridiculously tall. Those hammers at the bottom seemed to me that they were digging further down to lower the citadel deeper into the earth. Its a nice piece of architecture, its just a bit to tall, and those ugly stability cables coming from it, i think we could do without those.

It almost like one of the two towers from Lord Of The Rings. Acutally, its excactly like the towers from lotr. Except they used different decorators.

I don't think the combine really care about the latest fashion or how ugly thier architecture looks.
No, No, the combine are really fashion concious. Havn't you seen the Metrocop's jackets? No Fur -at- all!
Samon said:
I don't think the combine really care about the latest fashion or how ugly thier architecture looks.

That's also the reason that the Advisor's wear a large, badly stitched stocking rather than a leather coat.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
That's also the reason that the Advisor's wear a large, badly stitched stocking rather than a leather coat.

-Angry Lawyer

The Advisor is like sooooo not trendy :|
The Citadel wasn't looking like it was digging to me. They rather looked like huge thumpers used by the Combine to keep Antlions away from the city (and to prevent them from making their nests below the surface of the city). But it's just my theory ;) .

Edit: Nevermind, I've just seen another thread about it. I guess I'm too slow.
Barnabas Collins said:
...and those ugly stability cables coming from it...
they are elecricity cabels. When entering the citadel you can see wires going from it to the lights.
ríomhaire said:
they are elecricity cabels. When entering the citadel you can see wires going from it to the lights.

The Citadel has it own power source: the dark fusion reactor. It doesn't need to bring in electricity from outside. Besides, if they got their power from outside, it would be vulnerable to rebel attacks and they wouldn't want that
I think xen was a normal planet like Earth and combine towers smashed it in to pieces, thats what they are doind to Earth I think. When they do this it is easy for them to get al the resources they need.
Betelgeuze said:
I think xen was a normal planet like Earth and combine towers smashed it in to pieces, thats what they are doind to Earth I think. When they do this it is easy for them to get al the resources they need.

Now where did you get that idea from!!??
Maybe those wires are electricity cables but instead of bringing electricity to the Citadel they bring electricity to the city.
Sybot said:
The Citadel has it own power source: the dark fusion reactor. It doesn't need to bring in electricity from outside. Besides, if they got their power from outside, it would be vulnerable to rebel attacks and they wouldn't want that
it's generating electricity for the rest of the city.
Agreed- I see the connecting cables as both power distribution lines and parts of a communication network. Some might be suspension of some sort though- or possibly both.

If (or rather when) the Citadel goes down, City 17'll be crippled in more ways than one...
barker_s said:
The Citadel wasn't looking like it was digging to me. They rather looked like huge thumpers used by the Combine to keep Antlions away from the city (and to prevent them from making their nests below the surface of the city). But it's just my theory ;) .

Edit: Nevermind, I've just seen another thread about it. I guess I'm too slow.

Actually I think you are kind of right.

It's not digging (anymore), they just needed to put a big foundation in.

Notice the big weights going up and down on the citadel? They are probably attached to the huge cables, to provide the force and/or counterbalance to move those huge "teeth" (can't think of a better word) things which devour the city. The space under the citadel has a few of these weights moving around.
kirovman said:
Actually I think you are kind of right.

It's not digging (anymore), they just needed to put a big foundation in.

Notice the big weights going up and down on the citadel? They are probably attached to the huge cables, to provide the force and/or counterbalance to move those huge "teeth" (can't think of a better word) things which devour the city. The space under the citadel has a few of these weights moving around.

Yeah, weird you should say that, I originally just thought of them as some kind of weight thing - generating force, or balancing the citadel, or something obscure like I felt I wasn't meant to fully comprehend. Like most of the rest of HL2. But I didn'tthink they were digging.
Betelgeuze said:
I think xen was a normal planet like Earth and combine towers smashed it in to pieces, thats what they are doind to Earth I think. When they do this it is easy for them to get al the resources they need.
AFAICT Xen doesn't have traditional physics, or those bits you're on are actually lighter than air (which seems doubtful)

The physics on Xen are obviously reasonably close, with maybe some changes to a few constants
It also prevents Antlions from entering City 17
Xen wasn't a planet, it was just a bunch of chunks of rock floating in a nebula. As for the tower I figured it was just digging resources to prepare the planet to the surrender of the real Combine forces and just adapting the planet so that their race can survive there while "blinding" the fellow humans with dr breen motivating them to pretend everything is "OK" and it's for the better. Then you have the resistance groups who know thats not true and are fighting for freedom and to get rid of the hostile alien forces. One thing I always wondered was, why are there old looking custom computers with the sides ripped off them sitting around in apartments? The combine seem to be hiding in those rooms, I'd figure they'd have something more advanced then "computers".
PILMAN said:
Xen wasn't a planet, it was just a bunch of chunks of rock floating in a nebula. As for the tower I figured it was just digging resources to prepare the planet to the surrender of the real Combine forces and just adapting the planet so that their race can survive there while "blinding" the fellow humans with dr breen motivating them to pretend everything is "OK" and it's for the better. Then you have the resistance groups who know thats not true and are fighting for freedom and to get rid of the hostile alien forces. One thing I always wondered was, why are there old looking custom computers with the sides ripped off them sitting around in apartments? The combine seem to be hiding in those rooms, I'd figure they'd have something more advanced then "computers".
They do. Look in the other places, where CP's werent setting up ambushes.