Why is there so much anti-semitism in history?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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And why is it so prevailent today even?

I'm not talking about the Israel governments policies and current world events in that regard. There's been a deep rooted hatred for Jewish people for two thousand years of history, that far predates today's events.

And why is it still socially acceptable? At least, there's the appearance that it is.

Me... i'm a christian. Lots of people seem to have this thought in their head that christians hate the jews. Its a bunch of bullshit. Yeah, extremist groups like KKK and stuff who call themselves christians, but are in fact just racist bigots hate the jews. But your ordinary, every day christian doesn't. The bible is very clear on the relationship of christians and the jewish people. But i'm not going to go into details on that here.

It just grates on my nerves when I see and hear so much anti-jewish crap, and want to know the opinions of you guys on the matter. I know most of you here don't like Israel, but do you also not like the Jews as a people?
Because they were seen as the people who killed Jesus, also they have a disputed territory with palastine.
Last One In said:
Because they were seen as the people who killed Jesus, also they have a disputed territory with palastine.

Jesus was Jewish himself.

Besides, the bible teaches Christians(the people who care about Jesus) to love and respect the Jews. It's very specifically clear in there about it.
well it all started with money,people thought dealing/handling money is dirty
The jews obviously werent so dumb.and glady took the "burden" of bankers etc... so they became a great finincial power.and also unlike Christians you cant just say "I accept christ" and be jewish,you actually have to study and take a test.They keep it to them selfs,another reason why they are so powerful.also I belive alot of country in the baltics "dislike" jews because they helped the Soviets in WWII to round up resistence fighters.So the russians could execute them.why this may not apply 2 all jews but the more powerful/wealthy part of their society is very arrogant.They see themselfs truly as gods ancient people.and they exploit their financial/political power.
Also they use the "Holecaust" as a backup so when ever you critesize Israel/jewish lead companies,they call you a nazi and remind you they are the victims and have rights to do what they want to do

like build a giant wall to keep water for themselfs and not letting Palastinians get to work.because the wall is blocking their way.Or shooting a BBC Reporter,shooting a school girl,shooting a son and dad to death on the middle of the street,Bulldozing US a women who clearly could be seen but she still got squashed from the Bull dozer

The list go's on.....I just hope the Israeli Goverment will change their way they do stuff soon.

EDIT: yes I forgot they killed Jesus..indirectly.
It's built into most major religions despite the rhetoric of the scriptures. There are some theories that it's built into our genetic code and that, over time, it'll vanish, but unfortunately the 'time' needed for this takes a while. Read "Guns, Germs, and Steel" for a pretty good account too.
Spicy Tuna said:
Also they use the "Holecaust" as a backup so when ever you critesize Israel/jewish lead companies,they call you a nazi and remind you they are the victims and have rights to do what they want to do

The Jewish people have been persecuted for over two millenia, the Holecaust is merely a large focal point in the savagry against these people. Besides, the Holecaust wasn't a trivial matter that should be shrugged off as insigificant just after a short time has passed. People go on and on about slavery today, and the cruelty of that... Atrocities like these don't diminish in their importance just because of time elapsed.
In the immortal words of the Silver Jews' awesome song Punks in the Beerlight:

"...sincha hear the news? // Adam and Eve were jews, // and I always loved you to the max."
Everyone seems to think there's some kind of "Zionist conspiracy" going on. And of course, the whole deal with Israel and Palestine. Liberals support Palestine, Conservatives support Israel.
That's a bit simplistic. I'd guess most people support neither.

At this point, that entire place has been retarded to such a degree that I think the holy land should be declared a neutral zone.
Because the Jews, since before even the Mel Gibson movie, have been blamed for the death of christ - and ultimatly trying to disrupt christianity in the first place. In other words we dont have faith in Jesus christ as our savior, have our own nation, and teach some of the same stories as christians, therefore are preaching "twisted christianity" in they're eyes (in a way I guess). I'm sort of thinking this through in the eyes of a fascist asshole.. it's not working. Back to bed.

.......I'm a jew on my fathers side.
I've got a 'history of anti-semetism' note sheet from my History class here. Wait a sec.

Ahem. Anti-semetism has been traced back to the crucifixion of Christ in (suppposedly) 33AD. Which is incredibly stupid because he was a jew himself. However, here's the problem: his enemies were the Jewish establishment, the priests and the ruling people of the religion. They were in a sense the keepers of the orthodox Jewish tradition whereas Jesus started a new splinter movement that was opposed to the priests.

That's why/where it started - the splinter Jews became Christians and the orthodox Jews stayed Jews. I imagine at first it wasn't 'Christians vs Jews' but 'rebellious jews vs traditionalist jews'. Many followers of Jesus believed that the Jewish priesthood plotted to have Jesus arrested because he was seen as a threat to their established monopoly on faith.

In 135 CE the Jewish people were exiled from the holy land in the Diaspora, and ended up spreading far and wide, settling in new countries. Immegrants always get stick, especially ones who maintain their own customs and ways - so they already had the problem of normal everyday xenophobia. They were minorities in many countries, and thus persecuted. It helped that they were clearly identifiable by their distinctive clothes and customs, and that they stuck together; even though they became integrated into the societies they had joined to some extent, they still maintained very distinctive ways that kept them apart from the populace (the tradition of marrying within the Faith and so on - it's naturally a religion that sets itself apart from everywhere else.) Essentially, jews were a natural minority and remained that way through a fair bit of social isolationism (crude term but you know what I mean).

They were targetted for abuse throughout Christian Europe for this reason and because of that whole thing with Christ back in the day. But there was also the issue of money-lending. The Christian church saw moneylending for profit as a sin, which I think might be something to do with the old Islam law that means you can't charge interest because it's basically stealing. The Jews had no such tradition and were able to fill the gap, but this meant that not only were they demoized by the Church but also that they gained a reputation for being slippery greedy-fingered merchants and traders.

So you've already got all these reasons for persecution - religious prejudice, social prejudice against a distinctive minority and the stigma of moneylending - when in the mid 19th Century most countries in Europe are accepting Jews as citizens with equal rights. The new German State that was formed in 1871 gave them freedom, but much anti-semetism was still strong especially in Eastern Europe and Russia where the Orthodox Church ruled supreme. As a result, many Jews began to move west into Germany and Austria (and later to America and Britain) - and to some extent, now they were immegrants once again. A big influx of them had just come into the mid-European countries.

With the publications of Darwin's theory of evolution many people started to use it to prove the superiority of their own races over others (like, "they're the underclass in society therefore through survival of the fittest they obviously suck") even though Darwin never intended anything like that. Many European writers of the time began to extol the virtues of Aryian/Teutonic/Germanic races and see Jews as racially inferior. I don't actually know why.

Then the nazis came along. :/
I saw an interview with a guy from the BNP, and the interviewer asked him why the anti-semitism. The BNP guy was silent for a minute, and the best thing he could come up with was 'well they've been kicked out of every country in Europe, and where theres smoke, theres fire!'.
Then the nazis came along
don't forget the Soviets and the Tsars - vicious jew cleansing went on there too
Stalin wasnt shy about a little genocide
john3571000 said:
don't forget the Soviets and the Tsars - vicious jew cleansing went on there too
Stalin wasnt shy about a little genocide
i dont think stalin was a little shy about anything
You know, its funny that the term anti-semitism has come to mean a hatred of Jews solely. Technically speaking, an anti-semite hates any semite (a member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians). So when people say Arabs are anti-semites, they are really saying how ignorant they are. Likewise, the Jews that hate Arabs are indeed anti-semites, as silly as that sounds.

Hatred (mostly due to fear) of anything different/foreign/unknown/other seems to be an inherent human quality.
And why do people call you a jew when you teamkill them?
did you guys know that Charles Lindbergh (the guy who crossed the atlantic) was anti-semitic? so were a lot of people back then including Henry Ford, Prescott Bush (GW's grandfather) and George Herbert Walker(GW Bush's great grandfather) as were many educational/medical/political groups like:
Harvard University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Yale University and Boston University which all had restrictions on the amount of jews allowed it
15357 said:
And why do people call you a jew when you teamkill them?
Or a fag? Homosexuality (and/or religion) plays absolutely no part in 99.99% of CS deaths. :LOL:

Though possibly a teamkill could be seen as a separatist action, like Jews being seen as separatists because as outsiders who did not share the common language, culture, religion, and values, were seen as a threat by extremists in the nationalist movements in many countries. So really, any action that doesn't benefit the team might be seen as separatist and the most famous separatist scapegoats from history are of course, the jews...because calling the TK'er a Pr0t3st4nt just doesn't have the same feel (and its longer to type).
VictimOfScience said:
Or a fag? Homosexuality (and/or religion) plays absolutely no part in 99.99% os CS deaths. :LOL:

Though possibly a teamkill could be seen as a separatist action, like Jews being seen as separatists because as outsiders who did not share the common language, culture, religion, and values, were seen as a threat by extremists in the nationalist movements in many countries. So really, any action that doesn't benefit the team might be seen as separatist and the most famous separatist scapegoats from history are of course, the jews...because calling the TK'er a Pr0t3st4nt just doesn't have the same feel (and its longer to type).

Woah.... I never thought CS insults had such meaning.... :E
"You dirty Protestant, why the **** did you teamkill me!"

"Dark_Razor is being a son of a rastafarian."

There has been anti-semitism since long before Jesus was even born.

Judaism is one of the oldest religions in human history. The fact is that I suspect that because they are seen throughout history people automatically have some preconceived notions about them. It is especially bad when you consider the fact that many probably have this automatic distrusts of Jews when they hear about how much they were persecuted in the past.

I think many throughout history have had this go through their minds:
"The Jews have been persecuted constantly through history and yet still survive. Something must be wrong with them, I mean why else would they always be persecuted?"

On top of that since they are constantly the victims and perceived as the victims of history it makes it easier for others to walk all over them. I am specifically refering to groups like the Nazis in this case.
Sulkdodds said:
I've got a 'history of anti-semetism' note sheet from my History class here. Wait a sec.

Ahem. Anti-semetism has been traced back to the crucifixion of Christ in (suppposedly) 33AD. Which is incredibly stupid because he was a jew himself. However, here's the problem: his enemies were the Jewish establishment, the priests and the ruling people of the religion. They were in a sense the keepers of the orthodox Jewish tradition whereas Jesus started a new splinter movement that was opposed to the priests.

The Romans were oppressive to the Jews before the crucifiction of christ.

I like the Jewish people. Through so much throughout history, and still going strong. Not to mention they are determined as hell. The conflicts in the middle east with the invasions by the muslim countries kind of solidified that fact. I mean damn... the underdog won.
Raziaar said:
The Romans were oppressive to the Jews before the crucifiction of christ.
Pre-Christianized Romans were much more accepting of the Jews however than the early Christians. They didn't agree with either religion but from the point of view of the average Roman, Judaism was an ancient religion and had a great deal of tradition behind it. Christianity meanwhile was a brand new religion that had no traditions and actively "recruited" new members.

From our perspective today Judaism would have been seen as just another religion with a long history. Kind of like how Christians today would view Muslims.

Christianity however was viewed as a strange and unusual cult, which given the time period and environment would have been correct assumptions in every way.
The romans saw the light. I only wish the powers that converted to christianity weren't so brutal and stuff. Like things like the crusades and inquisition didn't happen. But... thats just people using something like religion for their own means, and not a good representation of the religion itself.
Sulkdodds said:
Which implies there are other peoples you don't like so much. Racist!

I don't like dumb people :dork:
Well they never fight back and always lost their homes (for thousands of years), then they were given a country that was already occupied. They also don't assimilate and wont give up their religion, which conflicts with christianity (which has all the power).

No one likes a loser, or someone who is weak or wierd, just look at grade school sports, you dont pick that kid. Eventally a reputation develops which is hard to lose.

Not to mention the whole money thing.
United States, a Christian dominated superpower... best buddies with Israel.
Raziaar said:
United States, a Christian dominated superpower... butt buddies with Israel.

Hatred is natural for people. They'll hate something that isn't apart of their beliefs.
They were very rebellious towards roam.

The conquered a bunch of arabs around Israel in order to move in.

They made a big stink about Babylonian authority.

They charged interest for loans in the middle ages, considered immoral by Christians.

They fought a lot with the early Christians.

They moved back into Arab land in the mid 20th century.

They were a little richer than most throughout the middle and industral ages.

They seem to have been both really lucky/unlucky throughout history.

They made a useful scapegoat (ironically a jewish term) as "they killed Jesus".

They "mutilate their bodies."

Every generation/society/culture seems to have had its own unique reason for hating the jews, it just sorted melded into one.
Soapbox Rant Kerboss style:

I believe the hatred of any people to be highly inappropriate and really irresponsible. To get right to it, when someone lacks responsibility, they lack growth. Maturity, I should say. And whats true about most Racists and their own demented fundementalism? They absolutely have no responsibility -- they owe it not to the people or things they blame, anyone else or themselves for that matter.

"These" types of people would have you believe at the word, that a "Conspiracy" has been set against them, like some kind of majestic jinx, curse, or hex.

We like to think of Conspiracies as advanced, well-thought out plans against a certain someone or something. But for an entire race to be born of a conspiracy revolving around the oppression of a master race is perposterous. Until genetics produces a master race, then the legacy of the term dies with the immaturity that started it. These racists instead take the word Conspiracy and drop it to a whole new level of dumb, using their own angsty fatallistic emotives as the "justifying" power in all of this.

You can't argue darwinism with your own emotives. And even nature takes responsibility. A T-Rex took the responsibility of being possibly warm-blooded and a Carnivore. So, for its purpose, it grew fangs to shred through prey, and a large trap that contained these fangs to devour large portions of food.

A racist can be compared to a T-Rex, except, it does'nt take a shed of recognition to what its real problem is. Racists are bourne out of misunderstandings and the teachings of poor judgement. The conflicts they cause are born out of the conflicts from within themselves -- if you take the word "Jew" for example out of their bigitorious rhetoric and replace it with "Me", you'll find what you would'nt before.

Someone stopping to realize its own mistakes! Read the example sentence as is,
Racist: "The Jews took my job", and now replace, "The Jews" with "The Me, The I, or I".

The sentence now can read as, "I took my job". We have to wonder at this point as the sentence stands in a more agreeable and communicable fashion, what did this person do to compromise their position in the workforce? What did this person do to literally self-sabotage, (a "conspiracy against themselves" if you'll have it that detailed), they're ability to remain socially or educationally accepting?

When these questions get asked, its not usually we'll get the real answers without directly confronting the person about them first -- and yet, when we replace what few words devoid responsibility with the words that take it, we realize how simple it not only is to be a responsible adult but a growing one at that. (We also realize its not entirely that nessecary to confront them in the first place anyways) And, in many ways, we may now understand the real message behind the ever-so-confused people that Racists happen to be.

In any case, anger and rage, are masking power emotions, something Racists use very often for their convictions. What they really hide (anger and rage), as all extremely powerful emotions will, are the explanations we need to understand the "what went wrongs", and the "what needs to happen right(s)." Its easier to blame someone else besides yourself because the humility transfers.

And I guess what I winding down to is...

Anti-Semitism, Anti- ... African Americanism, Indianism, Whit-isms ... however the term might be for or against a certain race or culture, has been prevalent in human society simply because of its sheltering. And the people who give such things sheltering are the people who feel devoid of any responsibility for whats wrong in the world, or whats wrong within themselves.

I know my points froggy at best, but the only way I can place Racism ... is that it remains to be one of humankinds most unexplained mysteries. The mystery that men need enemies to find purpose is enough to boggle the mind alone. To place an end to my rant, I'll leave you with this.

Grow. Take responsibility. No matter what responses you get out of people, no matter how inticing it seems to solve their problems, know this: That when you try to solve their responses and problems, they become yours. Its a quagmire. And the only person you can solve is yourself.

If you take responsibility, then your taking steps to preserve what we have left to argue against instinct and anarchist morales. If you take responsibility, you help to end hate, envy, a swelling of regret, and ultimately the chances of you joining the ranks of the blind, dumb, and the deaf to the equality of all people.

Is it in human nature to kill, or is it in human nature to think killing is absolutely unnessecary?

(The amount of empathy Racists gain is breathtaking -- is it because at one time or another, we assumed a large power or force was set against us, and so in return, we give support or silent answers? Let me tell you, the only silent power working against you, is yourself. People do more to screw themselves over then most care to think, and I "think" thats what its time for. "Thinking". A lack of confidence does everything in its power to ruin your chances of having any confidence at all. We do more to self-sabotage ourselves ...)
K e r b e r o s said:
However, I believe the hatred of any people because of there race, politics, or religious customs highly inappropriate. There are somethings I find myself at ends with, but most of these happen to be ethical problems more or less.
I certainly hope my post didnt come across as antisemetic. I was just listing facts with my conclusion at the end.
Fixed. My post was'nt directed at you. I believe sometime, 45 minutes ago, I was planning on commenting on it ... but I'll just seperate my commentary.

Some good ideas on reasons spookymook. I hope my post is now somewhat bearable. Did some S/P Corrections.
Because those Jew basta-
Just joking. We don't get any Anti-Semitism round here, no Jews :p
I used to be in a school with many jewish people and they weren't nice to me.
Some people just get it wrong. They get confused between ethnicity and religion and it pisses me off sometimes. Like the post before this "some Jewish kids were really mean to me". No some kids were mean to you for whatever reason, they happen to be Jewish according to our faith...who knows if they really believe in it.

The Jews killed Jesus...wrong again. Some backstabbing asshole killed Jesus, his faith happened to be Jewish. If it were some other person of a different religion who killed Jesus would we call that religion responsible for his death?

Im Jewish...let me make one thing clear I DID NOT KILL JESUS lol. Its like some kid gets shot, the shooter happens to be black...oh noes omgz the black people killed the kid!!!!

People with that mindset need to just grow up. This post was not directed at anyone in this thread, I used the previous post as an example Im sure its not what the guy thinks. I just saying what I think is part of the problem.
okay, then stop making my Country apologize every year for killing 6million jews or whatever cuz Im sure I didnt, neither did my mom or sister.
Spicy Tuna said:
okay, then stop making my Country apologize every year for killing 6million jews or whatever cuz Im sure I didnt, neither did my mom or sister.

Lol I don't know what the **** your talking about but you sound pretty ignorant so I dunno what I should do with your reply...ah what the **** lemme take a crack at it.

First of all lemme repeat I dunno what your talking about. Second I see no connection. Third what does your mom and sister have to do with a government apologizing for it's actions. Fourth I aint making your country do shit. Now I could rip your country (assuming its Germany) apart and it still will have nothing to do with you. I wont because that would just be immature.
shadow6899 said:
off topic but, last i heard it was 11 million jews :x

Naw 11 million people total...6 million were Jews. The rest were gypsies, homosexuals, handicapped, diseased...you name it.