Why is there so much anti-semitism in history?

Well it was a group of Jewish rulers who sentenced Jesus to death. Yes, it was faith based, it was not like a racial crime or something. The Romans carried it out with pleasure - The Passion was wrong in portraying Pilate as a kind ruler; he was one of the most sick and twisted men of all time.

Also, Jewish people seem to think that Judaism is a race as well as a religion. That is completely untrue and yeah, it pisses me off. Also, Jewish people like to shove being Jewish down your throat about a hundred million times worse than most evangelical Christians do. How do I know? Two of my best friends are Jewish. Both of them COOOOONSTANTLY talk about things like "Well you know, my hair is all Jewish so I need a haircut." Or, "I'm a Jew, so blah blah." Or "Me and my girlfriend were sitting around talking about how Jews are better than everyone else." Also, they really like to embrace the cheapness factor - constantly looking to save mere pennies by going to different stores (wasting gas on the way) or haggling with employees to save like 10 cents on a microwave or something ludicrous like that. You never see Christian people running around saying "My hair is getting Christian so I need a haircut." Or "Hey, I am Christian, so my Christian race is better than you." (Although they might think it.)

I love my friends to death but they need to shut the **** up sometimes.
Glo-Boy said:
Well it was a group of Jewish rulers who sentenced Jesus to death. Yes, it was faith based, it was not like a racial crime or something.

Also, Jewish people seem to think that Judaism is a race as well as a religion. That is completely untrue and yeah, it pisses me off. Also, Jewish people like to shove being Jewish down your throat about a hundred million times worse than most evangelical Christians do. How do I know? Two of my best friends are Jewish. Both of them COOOOONSTANTLY talk about things like "Well you know, my hair is all Jewish so I need a haircut." Or, "I'm a Jew, so blah blah." Or "Me and my girlfriend were sitting around talking about how Jews are better than everyone else." Also, they really like to embrace the cheapness factor. You never see Christian people running around saying "I do this because I am Christian." Or "My hair is getting Christian so I need a haircut."

I love my friends to death but they need to shut the **** up sometimes.
While what your friends talk about does seem pretty damn stupid they are not entirely wrong in considering Judaism a race. It certainly isn't a purely religious group like Christianity.
Judaism does not fit easily into conventional Western categories, such as religion, ethnicity, or culture, in part because of its 4,000-year history. During this time, Jews have experienced slavery, anarchic and theocratic self-government, conquest, occupation, and exile; they have been in contact with, and have been influenced by, ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, and Hellenic cultures, as well as modern movements such as the Enlightenment (see Haskalah) and the rise of nationalism. Thus, Talmud professor Daniel Boyarin has argued that "Jewishness disrupts the very categories of identity, because it is not national, not genealogical, not religious, but all of these, in dialectical tension."
Spicy Tuna said:
okay, then stop making my Country apologize every year for killing 6million jews or whatever cuz Im sure I didnt, neither did my mom or sister.

Let us be reminded of what we can do if good men do nothing.
I hope im not stepping on any toes here, so just to state up front, im not discriminating, i have many jewish friends ( many are Israeli ), and i visit Israel often ( even had some Israeli jewish Gf's ).
What i wanted to say was, the holocaust didnt come "out of the blue". If you talk to "aged europeans" and ask them about jews in general, you'll here these things:
-generally nothing since they are scared to be asociated with nazi's.
-"if you bought something from a jew, you were ripped off"
-"jews dont care about others, only themselves"
etc etc
The general opinion back in that day was Jews ripped everybody off and only talked/cared about themselves.
This was strongly supported when economy went down the drain in Germany, and the Jews stayed wealthy and kept themselves wealthy. They seperated themselves from society in their own communities.

The whole issue is "seperating from the pack". This event led the nazi's to target jews, and people's general "feeling" about them.
Look in school, the "weird kid" or kid that "seperates him/herself" is a good target for teasing.
You see the same thing with arabs these days. Here in holland you see people from all colors and races mix, but in general arabs only mingle with other arabs. This makes them a very easy target for discrimination only alienating them more from society.
So who knows what the future holds, but personally i think our "golden days" of "peace" and "tollerance" are about over...
God how i wish i could live in 2000 again...

Anyways, let me know what you guys think, always interested in some opinions.
Judaism is a race to some extent because traditionally you're only a Jew if your mother was a Jew, right? And because of that, there's this big tradition of marrying within the faith...
Currently one of Jewish my friends owes me about 600 dollars, and now refuses to believe it's true, hm.
Glo-Boy said:
Currently one of Jewish my friends owes me about 600 dollars, and now refuses to believe it's true, hm.

Has nothing to do with the fact that he's Jewish.

Judaism is a race to some extent because traditionally you're only a Jew if your mother was a Jew, right? And because of that, there's this big tradition of marrying within the faith...

I've always viewed Judaism as a religion and a culturally rich race.
Raziaar said:
I've always viewed Judaism as a religion and a culturally rich race.

You're only half right. It is a religion and it has nothing to do with race at all.
Glo-Boy said:
You're only half right. It is a religion and it has nothing to do with race at all.

Maybe not bioligically speaking, but culturally they are dinstinctly different than other cultures.

Think of my grouping of 'races' naive and ill educated all you want, but I consider Jews to be a race just as much as the Italians, or the Swedes, Russians, etc.

I consider them all sub classifications of a broader, more wide ranging group of people. There's not just 'African', 'Asian', 'Caucasian', 'Native American', 'Middle Eastern' or whatever blanket ones there actually are that are categorized by significant visual differences. At least in my opinion.

Or maybe I should just call it ethnicities.

If you wanted to go by actual definitions of the word 'race', instead of the bioligical meanings... I would be correct.

A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
Glo-Boy said:
It is a religion and it has nothing to do with race at all.

But that's not true because a person is only counted as a Jew if their mother is a Jew. So in order to preserve the faith, Jewish men tend to marry Jewish women and simply through tradition, Jewish women tend to marry Jewish men. There is a lot of pressure in Jewish society to marry within the faith and thus, to an extent, it becomes a race in itself. Originally I guess it was just a certain race of people, most of whom were Jews - but to a certain extent, they've managed to keep themselves together as a race as well as a religion.
jewdism is not a race. The jews like to see themselves as a race, but they're not. You could say they have "bloodlines" which is something else.
Also French, Italian, Swedish etc, are also not a race...
When you visit ISraeli you see Black, white, brown and yellow jews.
Jews are a religion who focus on "bloodlines" but not a race.
Every form of racism and intolerance comes from one or both of the following things: Fear of the Unknown and Jealousy. In the case of anti-semitism, it's case number two, Jealousy.

Both Islam and Christianity describes money and big affairs as something the common man should stay out of. One should not get richer and wealthier than your neighbours, for then you are considered greedy.
However, Judaism has no such rule. So it was Jews who opened up banks and companies, and soon that became part of the Jewish culture. Sons took after their fathers, and eventually jews became very skilled business men.
Then, when the christians and the muslims saw that all, or almost all, of the successful businesses and banks were owned and run by jews, they got jealous and started to find reasons that the jews were so much more successful than them.

That's at least what I've been taught...
CptStern said:
somebody's been reading the Merchant of Venice :)

A comedy by Shakespeare is about as funny as dropping the soap in a LA prison.
The Monkey said:
A comedy by Shakespeare is about as funny as dropping the soap in a LA prison.

I've been wanting to ask, btw, what the heck does dropping the soap mean?

anyway, Merchant of Venice was a comedy? never knew.....
15357 said:
I've been wanting to ask, btw, what the heck does dropping the soap mean?

anyway, Merchant of Venice was a comedy? never knew.....

having to bend over in the shower full of men in an area with no women near by to pick up the soap
15357 said:
I've been wanting to ask, btw, what the heck does dropping the soap mean?

anyway, Merchant of Venice was a comedy? never knew.....

Dropping the soap means that once you have dropped it, you fumble around bent over to pick it up, and everybody has a good laugh because it is a hilarious spectacle.

Family Guy taught me that.
Ome_Vince said:
jewdism is not a race. The jews like to see themselves as a race, but they're not. You could say they have "bloodlines" which is something else.
Also French, Italian, Swedish etc, are also not a race...
When you visit ISraeli you see Black, white, brown and yellow jews.
Jews are a religion who focus on "bloodlines" but not a race.
First off, the country is called Israel, not Israeli. And actually, you *don't* see many "blacks, whites, browns, or yellows". They make up about 1% of the country. The rest of us are Semetic (Arabic / Jewish).
Also, why is there so much hate against Jews? Because Christians (who, consequently, DO see themselfs as a race, and one superior to everyone else) think that because a Jew turned in Jesus, all jews are damned. With the same ideology, all chrisitains can be damned for killing 5 million innocent people in the Crusades.
You tell us not to make sweeping generalisations then claim all Christians see themselves as superior to everyone else? Okay.

Saying it's all because of Jesus is a gross oversimplification as well.
Most Christians don't consider themselves a "race". And furthermore, the Crusades were centuries ago. Everyone involved is long dead. The idea that anyone should have to pay for what happened back then is preposterous. People need to just let the past go.
Sulkdodds said:
You tell us not to make sweeping generalisations then claim all Christians see themselves as superior to everyone else? Okay.

Saying it's all because of Jesus is a gross oversimplification as well.
It was ment to be a hypocrytical comment :p.
Not all,but a few of the more "snobish" people do actually see christianity as a race. I just have to deal with them a lot, so it kind of twists my idea of it :S
I was waiting for someone to say something like that, but not a mod :D
CombineSoldier said:
First off, the country is called Israel, not Israeli. And actually, you *don't* see many "blacks, whites, browns, or yellows". They make up about 1% of the country. The rest of us are Semetic (Arabic / Jewish).
Also, why is there so much hate against Jews? Because Christians (who, consequently, DO see themselfs as a race, and one superior to everyone else) think that because a Jew turned in Jesus, all jews are damned. With the same ideology, all chrisitains can be damned for killing 5 million innocent people in the Crusades.

ok, First off : Israeli was a typo.
I did see alot of black people, if you say its 1% alright, my point was the country has mixed races.

Let me just explain to you how your prejudice on Christians is fubar.

-Christians DO NOT see themselves as a race. I have no idea who planted that there, but racism is a HUMAN trademark, dont start branding that on Christianity. I've had Jews discriminate me in Jerusalem because i was Christian, and i've had Blacks discriminate me when i was in Africa because i was white. Hell in the western world, you cant "rap" if your "white" :smoking: -> also racial. PEople point at me for slavery my ancestors 300 years did ( isnt that racial? ).
My point is racism is universal, whites, blacks, yellow ( japs thought they were superior in ww2 too ), brown, christians, jews, muslims whatever, all have groups in them that discriminate.
If you condem all christians or put them all as "see themselves as superior" etc, your no better than a racist yourself.

-Now for your next remark : "Christians should be damned for killing 5 million jews" in comparisson to Jesus -> first of all its 7 million jews :), second the Nazi empire dispised all forms of religion. They even went to tibet and made videos to show germany how religion had corrupted their world. Nazism believed in Atheism, and believed they were descendants of the Aryan race, a superior race which existed long before the rest of the world ( at least thats their myth ). They didnt promote it too much, since all of Europe was pretty religious, but the Nazi empire was determined on removing religion.
The Jews killed Jesus for herresy, hence the initial dispise against Jews. But throughout European history, Jews and Christians could live in harmony, and the pope even protected the jews during the Crusades of Peter blabla who went on a Jew frag spree.
I was raised a Katholic, and although im not religious, i can still remember we were tought ( and tought and tought etc :p ): "we all descend from the Jews, you should love and respect them".

In short your prejudice is ungrounded, and your comments are irrational. Considering Christianity spreads all over the world covering all races and the Vatican for instance contains multiple races, saying Christians see themselves as a race and superior makes no sense. Hell when the Pope died all races and religious leaders were there. If anything Christians teach you to care for each other, even other religions. What the Nazi's and the Crusades were, were the most "un-christian" thing to do. Its all 100% against everything Jesus and the Bible said.
Seeing your own religion as superior, well you find idiots in all religions ( yes jews too!!! ) who find themselves superior..
CombineSoldier said:
First off, the country is called Israel, not Israeli. And actually, you *don't* see many "blacks, whites, browns, or yellows". They make up about 1% of the country. The rest of us are Semetic (Arabic / Jewish).
Also, why is there so much hate against Jews? Because Christians (who, consequently, DO see themselfs as a race, and one superior to everyone else) think that because a Jew turned in Jesus, all jews are damned. With the same ideology, all chrisitains can be damned for killing 5 million innocent people in the Crusades.

Since when do christians see themselves as a race? Christians span nearly every race on earth. We're not our own race. Its strictly a religion. So where did you get this information that christians see themselves not only as a race, but a 'race' which sees themself superior to everyone else? Thats bullshit, on both counts.

Most all christians I know, besides the hate filled radicals, don't think Jews are damned. The bible explicitly says that Jews have a special place in heaven, as they are the chosen people.

You know how christians are always talking about being 'saved'? Well in the bible it states that are already saved.
Ome_Vince said:
Its all 100% against everything Jesus and the Bible said.

Well, the bible does tell you to raze the towns of heathens and stuff occasionally. :/ But yeah.
Well, over all I'd say this thread has carried itself somewhat decently. I half expected to see everyone write a flaming rant on why they hate a paticular people or culture.

Thank God that did'nt happ-- Look okay, I swear to God, I'm not a jew-killing Christian anti-person people thing ... <surrenders>
that's cuz we got rid of most of the disruptive element in the politics forum :E
Cpt.Stern said:
that's cuz we got rid of most of the disruptive element in the politics forum :E

Today, we celebrate the first glorious anniversary of the Information Purification Directives. We have created, for the first time in all history, a garden of pure ideology, where each worker may bloom, secure from the pests purveying contradictory thoughts. We have triumphed over the unprincipled dissemination of facts. The thugs and wreckers have been cast out. And the poisonous weeds of disinformation have been consigned to the dustbin of history. Our Unification of Thought is more powerful a weapon than any fleet or army on earth. We are one people. With one will, one resolve, one cause. Our enemies shall talk themselves to death and we will bury them with their own confusion. We shall prevail!