Why is Valve obsessed with Harvard and MIT?

Actually, D3 can be very fun/sacry in places, but it's pretty easy to forget the plot :p
That's true. really smart people don't need to go to college.

Yes I said that. Notice I didn't say they don't go to college. I only said they don't need to go to college. Bill Gates didn't need to go to college, proof of that is his success. John Carmack didn't go to college either, and while he isn't as sucessful as Bill Gates, at least he is now the big cheese when it comes to 3D engines ;)

(there are plenty of idiots who achieve post graduates these days)

I guess it depends on your definition of idiots. Do you call an idiot a person who is not necessarily bright, someone with an average intelligence, or someone with an intelligence below average?

I imagine you mean the first one since you need a modicum of intelligence to make it to college. In other words, for you an idiot is someone who is not a genius. You see, you are now being snobbish, like Valve ;)
Goethe said:
Yes I said that. Notice I didn't say they don't go to college. I only said they don't need to go to college. Bill Gates didn't need to go to college, proof of that is his success. John Carmack didn't go to college either, and while he isn't as sucessful as Bill Gates, at least he is now the big cheese when it comes to 3D engines ;)

Actually, Bill Gates did go to college. He dropped out to start Microsoft.
this thread is a joke
goethe stop wasting people's time with your inane threads
do it in a chatroom not here
As a matter of fact I do not like HL2.

Freeman is a jerk that sprays bullets and knows nothing about sciences. Sort of stupid doll to be manipulated by in game characters. Give him real puzzles to solve, not the crappy ones sort of pile-of-garbage-is-your-next-cake.
Rhalle said:
Anyone know where Gabe went to college?

I bet noone does, but I'm still curious.
Harvard, but he dropped out. It's in the Valve info thread, if I remember well.
Yahn Bernier was at Harvard as well, he has a chemistry degree.
Goethe said:
I guess it depends on your definition of idiots. Do you call an idiot a person who is not necessarily bright, someone with an average intelligence, or someone with an intelligence below average?

I imagine you mean the first one since you need a modicum of intelligence to make it to college. In other words, for you an idiot is someone who is not a genius. You see, you are now being snobbish, like Valve ;)

None of those, I don't correlate academic success as a mark of intelligence, or failure as an indicator of idiocy. Inherent stupidity can be found in every section of society, some people just have a natural inclination to be more stupid than others. One discovers idiots through their actions. There is an excellent theory to stupidity to be found here:-

