Why isn't there a forum for The Lost Coast?

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May 21, 2004
Reaction score
There's one for every other game except this one. Why's that, Munro?
I'm sure people would find plenty to discuss about it if there were a forum for it; and plenty of the posts I see around are about problems and questions about the lost coast...
The real question is why isn't there a forum dedicated to hawt lesbian pr0n?
As "just" a technical demo, I think if there was a ton of ideas to discuss, there'd be a forum by demand. There's no storyline, it's one level, there isn't anything (weapons, enemies, items) in it that wasn't in HL2. I'm not complaining, it's super-fun, but, well, I think much of what people needed to discuss about it have been covered in the handful of threads that have popped up already.
xLostx said:
The real question is why isn't there a forum dedicated to hawt lesbian pr0n?

Because then we will have to have one for gay pr0n and so on and so forth, ending in a endless cycle of new forums.
There won't be a LC forum because a) there's not much to discuss and b) it's a technology demo.

If the Lost Coast discussion steps up a lot then we may consider a forum for it in the future.
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