Why Lamespy should FIRE Fragmaster !

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Maybe what you people have failed to consider is that the reason Fragmaster can post what he posts (eg The failed Sept 30 release date) is because he is a HL2 beta tester. He was a beta tester for HL1 and I know if I was distributing my top secret game to people for testing, I'd give it to people I TRUSTED, ie people who had previously proven themselves trustworthy. Personally I think he does an excellent job and injects some excitement and controversy into an otherwise boring subject.
planethalflife may speculate sometimes... but their speculation has been right every time so far.
Originally posted by WARLORD
kids prefer trash and fun news (PHL) instead of serious and reliable news (hl2.net)

phl has a WAY better record than hl2.net buddy.
Well we now have the 12 and 13 year old kiddies coming to PHL's rescue. It seems to me that you are the ones with your heads up someone's butt. Let's see what games or maps, or anything other than lame ego-tantrum outbursts that Fragdick, and his trusty sidekick, JabberBlabber will provide you.

This is exactly what the Fragdick strives for. Little pre-pubescent teenie boppers adoring his bullsh*t website blog. It now seem that the likes of parabellum have their heads too deeply in the sandbox. What's that all about? This is the exact group that Fragdick plays to. Those that think his lame, dumbass flashes are funny, rather than realizing how horrible and anti-entertaining they really are.

I am not defending Valve. I am not promoting sites (although this one is far superior). You probably are not old enough to remember when PHL was actually a good site, when mappers flocked to be hosted by it, when people all over the HL world gave more fresh, original information than they could publish.

Now the best they can do is scour the sewers for worthless crap, unsubstantiated rumors, and trashy gossip, that they found on some two-bit porno site like Vanthem gave examples of.

They are unable to get any fresh, original news because they suck, and anyone who thinks they are a good site is a moron.
Oh and, the title for having the best PoTD ever goes to HL files.

Heh, that's one of my favorites, Blu.

planethalflife may speculate sometimes... but their speculation has been right every time so far.
So wrong, so very wrong. However, their average is pretty good.

and trashy gossip, that they found on some two-bit porno site like Vanthem gave examples of.
<laughs> Well.. I didn't say that. Just that speculation and guesses aren't accurate or worthwhile news. PHL gets more right than wrong, but there are better places for news without question.
Originally posted by Dirty_Harry

I am not defending Valve. I am not promoting sites (although this one is far superior).
In terms of information regarding the entire Half Life series I beg to differ. I dont see any information regarding HL mods in here, do you?

Now the best they can do is scour the sewers for worthless crap, unsubstantiated rumors, and trashy gossip, that they found on some two-bit porno site like Vanthem gave examples of.

They are unable to get any fresh, original news because they suck, and anyone who thinks they are a good site is a moron.
Because the internet is flocked with HL2 fansites news can hardly be original. However, when new news is released, they are one of the first sites to publish it. And when it comes down to HL1 news regarding mods or updates they are nearly the only site to publish it.

The frustration here regarding PHL is all targeted at Fragmaster, and because he would suck, they entire site immediatly sucks? Right.
What the ****? Every time I tried to flame Fragmaster on these boards they closed my threads, EVEN when it was in off-topic. Now this guy comes along, even calls him names like "Fragdick" and they just let it sit..

This forum is run like a well oiled Tomato...

Idiots, they're all idiots!
Quote from http://www.planethalflife.com/ : |
| "There were a ton of rumors the past couple days about the |
| existence of a leaked, playable Half-Life 2 beta, but |
| thankfully those stories have been confirmed to be completely |
| false." |
| |
| Well, I hope nobody believed this rumor. Who would actually be |
| good enough to get the source, but forget the game ?

I hope you know where this is from....
Originally posted by Dirty_Harry
Well we now have the 12 and 13 year old kiddies coming to PHL's rescue. It seems to me that you are the ones with your heads up someone's butt. Let's see what games or maps, or anything other than lame ego-tantrum outbursts that Fragdick, and his trusty sidekick, JabberBlabber will provide you.

This is exactly what the Fragdick strives for. Little pre-pubescent teenie boppers adoring his bullsh*t website blog. It now seem that the likes of parabellum have their heads too deeply in the sandbox. What's that all about? This is the exact group that Fragdick plays to. Those that think his lame, dumbass flashes are funny, rather than realizing how horrible and anti-entertaining they really are.

I am not defending Valve. I am not promoting sites (although this one is far superior). You probably are not old enough to remember when PHL was actually a good site, when mappers flocked to be hosted by it, when people all over the HL world gave more fresh, original information than they could publish.

Now the best they can do is scour the sewers for worthless crap, unsubstantiated rumors, and trashy gossip, that they found on some two-bit porno site like Vanthem gave examples of.

They are unable to get any fresh, original news because they suck, and anyone who thinks they are a good site is a moron.

You win the award for the most biased, factless, untruthful, completely opinionated, overly-exaggerated post in the galaxy. Congratulations! The Iraqi-Information Minister would be proud.

If you are such a mature person, why must you rely on petty name calling to get your point across? Why is it that you have to call those that don't agree with you little kids? Why do you act like a child? Why is your profane vocabulary that of a young teen...no wait, why are you acting, in every possible way, like the young immature teen which you see us to be?
Eh, my only comment is there is a difference between a news post and editorial columns. And they should be treated as such.

I will say back back in the days when certain phl and pf peoples got their exclusive looks at so and so, they never once flamed than.

most of the flaming started to come after the tf2 engine switch, in late 2000. It's been pretty much downhill from there, since than.
Originally posted by Saltpeter In terms of information regarding the entire Half Life series I beg to differ. I dont see any information regarding HL mods in here, do you?

You do realize that this is a Half-Life2 website, correct? You were perhaps expecting HL mods to be represented on a HL2 site, even though there are no mods out yet for HL2? Maybe you want to rethink your idea?

Originally posted by Saltpeter Because the internet is flocked with HL2 fansites news can hardly be original. However, when new news is released, they are one of the first sites to publish it. And when it comes down to HL1 news regarding mods or updates they are nearly the only site to publish it.

No, that is my whole point. PHL is not in fact the first, or even one of the first sites to report anything. They only have the ability to link to another site that has reported new news, because Fragdick has singlehandedly managed to destroy a once great site, and ostracize any who would have provided PHL with news in the past.

Originally posted by Saltpeter The frustration here regarding PHL is all targeted at Fragmaster, and because he would suck, they entire site immediatly sucks? Right.

Yeah, now you got the idea.
Originally posted by Dirty_Harry
You do realize that this is a Half-Life2 website, correct? You were perhaps expecting HL mods to be represented on a HL2 site, even though there are no mods out yet for HL2? Maybe you want to rethink your idea?
If that's so, what's the bloody point to compare the two in the first place?
No, that is my whole point. PHL is not in fact the first, or even one of the first sites to report anything. They only have the ability to link to another site that has reported new news, because Fragdick has singlehandedly managed to destroy a once great site, and ostracize any who would have provided PHL with news in the past.
If he has destroyed it, why is it still a site getting thousands of hits each day? If a webmaster would 'destroy' his website he would cut off the main stream of news, downloads and other information coming in. And, judging by PHL's main page at this moment, that hardly can be the case. From an objective, unbiased point of view, PHL is still a very good website, no matter what.
Yeah, now you got the idea.
Get real for a change...
Originally posted by RyanJM
I go to PHL when I want to hear someone tell it like it is. I come here when I want to hear ass-kissing.

Spot on - I agree.
Originally posted by BlumenKohl You win the award for the most biased, factless, untruthful, completely opinionated, overly-exaggerated post in the galaxy. Congratulations! The Iraqi-Information Minister would be proud.

Damn, that was cold. If you think my posts are "the most biased, factless, untruthful, completely opinionated, overly-exaggerated post in the galaxy," you obviously don't get out much. I'm a bit confused how you are privvy to intergalactic communication bantering ratings, however. Maybe you hear voices too? This is me being nice, by the way. I toned it down out of respect for forum rules here.

Originally posted by BlumenKohl If you are such a mature person, why must you rely on petty name calling to get your point across? Why is it that you have to call those that don't agree with you little kids? Why do you act like a child? Why is your profane vocabulary that of a young teen...no wait, why are you acting, in every possible way, like the young immature teen which you see us to be?

I should think it obvious. I am talking down to the lower intellectual and developmental level of the 10-13 year old fan base that has risen to Fragdick's support.
I should think it obvious. I am talking down to the lower intellectual and developmental level of the 10-13 year old fan base that has risen to Fragdick's support.
If you are talking down on those kids why do you insist on namecalling and using some supahdupah-blingbling color for all your posts? Surely you must be too mature for that...
ive read through this entire thread and heres the conclusion ive come to. theres a lot of blue text and it all sucks!
Originally posted by Saltpeter
If that's so, what's the bloody point to compare the two in the first place?

Because obviously, Fragdick and his trusty sidekick, JabberBlabber have now taken on the lofty ambition of thnking that PHL can (or should) bring their trademark incompetent journalism and failed attempts of humor to HL2.

That is why the best solution would be to have Lamespy fire the both of them. Despite my obvious solution, I doubt Lamespy would ever do any such thing, since that would be in the community's interest.

I have a more important question. Why the hell do the Brits always have to describe everything as "bloody," and refer to total strangers as "mate?" I find that very obnoxious, and presumptious, respectively. It reminds me of the uncouth Canadianism of adding "eh?" at the end of every sentence.

I expect it with Canadians, but I always considered the British as more Royal and sophisticated.

Originally posted by Saltpeter
If he has destroyed it, why is it still a site getting thousands of hits each day? [/B]

For the same reason that people buy the National Enquirer, and watch afternoon soap operas....ignorance and gluttony for hearing defamatory lies and innuendos.

Originally posted by Saltpeter
If a webmaster would 'destroy' his website he would cut off the main stream of news, downloads and other information coming in. And, judging by PHL's main page at this moment, that hardly can be the case. From an objective, unbiased point of view, PHL is still a very good website, no matter what.[/B]

No, it is not still a very good website, and Fragdick has in fact destroyed a once great website, and cut PHL off from any relevant new news. All they can do now is link stories that have original news on other sites because no one will talk to them anymore.

Originally posted by Saltpeter
Get real for a change... [/B]

I have a hard time taking anything seriously from a person who has taken on a moniker that nullifies your manhood.
Originally posted by Saltpeter
If you are talking down on those kids

I didn't say I was "talking down on those kids," but I can understand your making such a mistake. Maybe you should try to get out of the sandbox a little more often. Take Fragdick with you.

Originally posted by Saltpeter why do you insist on namecalling and using some supahdupah-blingbling color for all your posts? Surely you must be too mature for that... [/B]

Did you mean to use that ultra-keen, and nifty "super-duper" term? I'm not familiar with the teenage colloquialism of "blingbling," should I go and listen to some Britney songs to understand it?

Blue is my favorite color, and I'm trying to make sure you can all enjoy it as much as I do.
Originally posted by Dirty_Harry
I didn't say I was "talking down on those kids," but I can understand your making such a mistake. Maybe you should try to get out of the sandbox a little more often. Take Fragdick with you
You can tell me that I need to get out of the sandbox, but thus far you're the only one knowing its location.
Did you mean to use that ultra-keen, and nifty "super-duper" term? I'm not familiar with the teenage colloquialism of "blingbling," should I go and listen to some Britney songs to understand it?

Blue is my favorite color, and I'm trying to make sure you can all enjoy it as much as I do.
I like blue as well. Hell, I think nearly the half of the people here like blue, but do you see them writing their posts as if they were using crayons?

Maybe, just maybe you should stop making these kind of insults without knowing the true background of a person. Same goes for Fragmaster. You're just another one of those persons who just can't look through the blabber they're spilling out. Your arguments regarding the comparison between PHL and HL2.net is far from solid. You cannot say one is better 'because the other one sucks' and when you are pointed at that mistake, you say it's no use comparing the two because one is about HL2 and the other covers the entire series. Yet still, you feel the need to defend your argumentation.
You cannot judge a website by its owner. Same goes for judging a car by it's driver. If the driver drives the car uncomprehensively bad, it doesn't mean the car he's driving is a piece of shit.
Originally posted by Saltpeter
You can tell me that I need to get out of the sandbox, but thus far you're the only one knowing its location.

I never claimed to know your physical home address or that of Fragdick.

Originally posted by Saltpeter
I like blue as well. Hell, I think nearly the half of the people here like blue, but do you see them writing their posts as if they were using crayons?[/B]

No, they all just use the same old mundane white text on various shades of gray. That is typical of the masses. No originality or creative self-expression. Congratulations on your blind conformity. Fragdick thrives on kiddies like you.

Originally posted by Saltpeter
Maybe, just maybe you should stop making these kind of insults without knowing the true background of a person. [/B]

On a forum, a person is known by the words they speak. I understand this is may be a novel concept for you to grasp.

Originally posted by Saltpeter
Same goes for Fragmaster. [/B]

No, Fragdick is unable to stop his incompetent attempts at journalism, and cheap sniping at all who have jilted him. His ego gratification at all costs is tantamount to his puny online existence. What you now see on PHL is driven by his comical Napoleonic complex. It is not the kind of person that a large, albeit lame, company like Lamespy should employ.

Originally posted by Saltpeter
You're just another one of those persons who just can't look through the blabber they're spilling out. [/B]

Congratulations, I knew you could accidently stumble over the folly of your previous ramblings if you just kept talking.

Originally posted by Saltpeter
Your arguments regarding the comparison between PHL and HL2.net is far from solid. You cannot say one is better 'because the other one sucks' and when you are pointed at that mistake, you say it's no use comparing the two because one is about HL2 and the other covers the entire series. [/B]

Obvioulsy you are not reading what I am actually writing. I will try to break it down into tiny bites that you may be able to digest.

A site like Halflife2.net was designed to cover HL2. As such, it is far better at such a task then Lamespy's PHL at the same task, under Fragdick's failed leadership.

PHL was a great site at covering general HL and it's mods when Jon McClellan and Lady Ice ran it. They got original news, had mappers & mod developers clamoring to be hosted by them. They had balanced journalism, and many writers who a part of many of the various HL communities.

Now all that is left is a few cretins using the site for their own personal ego-centric blog site, and trying to get even with all who have abandoned and laughing at them.

They get no new hosted mappers, no new mod developers, no respect from any of the quality HL or HL2 web sites, or from any HL community leaders, and expecially they get no response or respect from anyone at Valve.

Hence all they are now able to do is quote and make links to other sites, or promote their unfounded dimestore trashy inuendos.

No question that they still have a loyal sandbox age audience who think Fragdick's dumb*ss flash movies are actually watchable, let alone humerous.

These are the morons who actually click on the Lamespy Ad Spyware garbage that assaults you at every Lamespy link. That bullsh*t ad & spyware is what pays Fragdick's salary now, so he loves you for it.

Originally posted by Saltpeter
Yet still, you feel the need to defend your argumentation.
You cannot judge a website by its owner. Same goes for judging a car by it's driver. If the driver drives the car uncomprehensively bad, it doesn't mean the car he's driving is a piece of shit. [/B]

I can barely understand your inane analogies, but one thing is patently clear. If a moron drives a car badly, they will eventually crash it. Once that happens, the car is in fact transformed into a piece of shit. You are almost able to understand the situation. Keep reading and clicking on that spyware.
Dude, you're obsessed with Fragmaster. Did he beat you up or something?
Originally posted by Dirty_Harry

A site like Halflife2.net was designed to cover HL2. As such, it is far better at such a task then Lamespy's PHL at the same task, under Fragdick's failed leadership.

PHL was a great site at covering general HL and it's mods when Jon McClellan and Lady Ice ran it. They got original news, had mappers & mod developers clamoring to be hosted by them. They had balanced journalism, and many writers who a part of many of the various HL communities.

Now all that is left is a few cretins using the site for their own personal ego-centric blog site, and trying to get even with all who have abandoned and laughing at them.

They get no new hosted mappers, no new mod developers, no respect from any of the quality HL or HL2 web sites, or from any HL community leaders, and expecially they get no response or respect from anyone at Valve.

Hence all they are now able to do is quote and make links to other sites, or promote their unfounded dimestore trashy inuendos.

You're talking like he's a bloody dictator or something. Get real. And stop acting like your opinion is everyone's opinion or the opinion of the other HL2 fansites. Just because you don't have any respect for PHL it certainly doesn't mean that the other HL fansites don't have any respect for PHL.
I can barely understand your inane analogies, but one thing is patently clear. If a moron drives a car badly, they will eventually crash it. Once that happens, the car is in fact transformed into a piece of shit. You are almost able to understand the situation. Keep reading and clicking on that spyware.
So far PHL hasn't gone offline. Or am I mistaken? Because basically that is what you are saying, no matter you how slice, dice or churn it.

You claim that PHL has decreased in quality since Fragmaster is mastering it. This means the quality of the car would decrease when the driver would get behind the wheel. But it doesn't matter what's being said since your skull is 30cm solid bone and so very hard to get through.

But since this topic has devolved into a neverending and useless dicussion the mods better throw a lock on this topic. There's no point in talking to TS anyhow, since he's so convinced of him being right that it's Mission Impossible to convince him otherwise. An example as we have seen many times before on this forum.
Dirty harry.

quit moaning and get a life.

"mommy a guy doesnt say what i want him to say!!!!"

f*** me :dozey:

*switches off comp and walks away shaking his head*
Originally posted by ParaBellum
Dude, you're obsessed with Fragmaster. Did he beat you up or something?

Not at all. I just feel it is my role because I am bored, to bring attention to an incompetently run website. The disaster is led by Fragdick, but there is plenty of blame shared by JabberBlabber, and other Lamespy morons.

I'm beginning to think that you are Fragdick's little brother. You can't let it go can you? LMAO! Go tell mommy that Dirty_Harry is beating up your big brother.
Originally posted by Saltpeter
You're talking like he's a bloody dictator or something. Get real. And stop acting like your opinion is everyone's opinion or the opinion of the other HL2 fansites. Just because you don't have any respect for PHL it certainly doesn't mean that the other HL fansites don't have any respect for PHL.

There you go with that bloody shit again. Why are the British unable to speak without using the words "bloody" and "mate?" Just saying "...like he's a dictator or something..." works much better, and shows that you have a proper command of the language which you invented. There is not actually blood on all the things that you feel the need to qualify with the word "bloody."

I am speaking for myself. You have seen others speak in this thread for themselves as well. There is no question that Fragdick does not post original news from reliable sources. You can verify that for yourself, if you are willing to endure the ad and spyware that gets installed onto your computer.

As I have said numerous times, He is only able to steal news from other sites because he has been cut off from the community giving him any news. His support is confined to the 10-13 year olds such as yourself, who enjoy playing in his virtual sandbox. You should be very proud of your loyalty.

Originally posted by Saltpeter
So far PHL hasn't gone offline. Or am I mistaken? Because basically that is what you are saying, no matter you how slice, dice or churn it.

Well that would be a nice alternative, but once again if you would show at least a modicum of intelligence and actually read what I post, rather than spinning your allegorical fantasies, you would realize that my goal is have him fired. My goal is to have him and JabberBlabber cast out onto life's trash heap from whence they came.

I'm not sure what you are trying to slice, dice, or churn. Sounds like you are doing a commercial for the amazing vegematic slicer.

Originally posted by Saltpeter
You claim that PHL has decreased in quality since Fragmaster is mastering it. This means the quality of the car would decrease when the driver would get behind the wheel. But it doesn't matter what's being said since your skull is 30cm solid bone and so very hard to get through.

Hmmm....some rich material in this paragraph. Yes, there is no question that PHL has decreased in quality since Fragdick took over about a year ago. I could not even imagine using the word quality in describing anything about PHL these days.

The only thing he is mastering however is playing with little boys in the sandbox. I'm surprised you would want to discuss such a sordid affair.

Here we go with the car analogy again. I hate repeating myself, since my words were so eloquent the first time, but apparently you read every 3rd sentence. A new variant of ADD perhaps?

If an incompetent buffoon got in a car, eventually the car would be crashed, and become worthless. That is the relevant analogy to Fragdick and PHL. Got it? Class dismissed.

Originally posted by Saltpeter
But since this topic has devolved into a neverending and useless dicussion the mods better throw a lock on this topic. There's no point in talking to TS anyhow, since he's so convinced of him being right that it's Mission Impossible to convince him otherwise. An example as we have seen many times before on this forum.

Why would you want to make a plea to have someone lock this great topic, since it is exposing the horrible job being done by Fragdick and his trusty sidekick, JabberBlabber, in their single-handed destruction of the once great PHL site?

Plus, with all of my corrections of your ignorant postings, and pointing out your obvious inability to read and speak the King's English (which is understandable at your young age), I would think you would value this topic for the educational value alone. No?
Ok, you have bought attention to an issue you feel is important. No one agrees with you, so please now go away.
Originally posted by Dougy
Dirty harry.

quit moaning and get a life.

"mommy a guy doesnt say what i want him to say!!!!"

Sigh....now little Dougy has risen from his favorite sandbox. Did little Fraggy-Waggy tell little Dougy to come yell at the big, mean Mr. Dirty_Harry?

Originally posted by Dougy
f*** me :dozey:

*switches off comp and walks away shaking his head* [/B]

Can we assume that you are now done with your PHL virtual sandbox membership? Or is this just a time-out, going to your room tantrum display?
Originally posted by ParaBellum
Ok, you have bought attention to an issue you feel is important. No one agrees with you, so please now go away.

So it is true then? You are Fragdick's little brother. You need to re-read this entire post, because despite your pre-teen pouting, you are wrong. There are quite a few in this very thread who also think PHL sucks, and that Fragdick should be fired.

Go tell your brother to open up his own personal blog site, and let the big boys take over PHL. Of course, he won't be able to since he has no other meaningful life. Hence my backup plan to have him be fired.
Wow, how old are you? 10? Your posts are geting old and so is your constant name calling.
Originally posted by ParaBellum
Wow, how old are you? 10? Your posts are geting old and so is your constant name calling.

Then just go back to your sandbox, and tell Fraggy-Waggy to fight his own battles, rather than sending his little brother to fail again and again. You are just making an ass of yourself.
Err, in case you may not have noticed, but you're not exactly accomplishing anything by whinning about Fragmaster on hl2.net forums. Take it to PHL.
Originally posted by ParaBellum
Err, in case you may not have noticed, but you're not exactly accomplishing anything by whinning about Fragmaster on hl2.net forums. Take it to PHL.

I'm not whining, but a little brother would only think that all adults whine. When you grow up you will realize the difference. Ask your older brother Fragdick to start his own personal blog site and give sandbox lessons to you and the other kiddies on the topic of "living in an adult world." It would at least have him stop destroying PHL.
Originally posted by nw909
see, check out how gay this makes my post look

Blue is not gay. It looks cool. Pink as in your post above, would be gay. I don't use Pink.
and totally off topic.. am I alone in wondering why this topic is here let alone not locked?
i do not understand why pple bother getting personal about Fragmaster... all he does is post what we all do on this forum.. and those are opinions..

if u don't like what he says, don't read it, case closed.
really the only person that looks bad making some of the comments about Fragmaster is really only the pple that make them..

anyway, im not gonna waste time anymore talking about Fragmaster and the pple that apparently hate him for having an opinion..

on a side note: hey Mr. Redundant, check ur pm box please :)
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