Why no waves?

Originally posted by Apos
No, they are simply static effects, no different than what HL2 seems to have.
omfg what is this crap "IM RIGHT EVEN THOUGH IM WRONG"
go look at the game shoot a flak in the water. NOT A STATIC EFFECT. gg now shhhh
and yes hl2 does have it
look at the edge of the boat
NOT A DISPLACEMENT MAP water moves with wind ect, causes boat to rock side to side, ect ect it wont be so you can pour water out of glasses and crap but its as good as it can get and better than any game to date so stop whinning its making me sick. not because what u believe in but because you give people that are looking for answer the wrong information. i dont want anybody thinking less of hl2 just because some ignorants guess. if you dont know then either ask but dont asume things and then say ITS A FACT; gabe told me blah ect.
What are you guys talking about simulating water on a moleculer level? They don't even do this in the highest of 3d production, I.E. finding nemo, it has a lot of advanced water effects and ect but no way does it simulate water on a moleculer level that is ridiculous, they way to do it is to displace the mesh (water surface) on impact which can be scripted and cause the mesh to wave and ripple anyone who uses any 3d program can tell you this, now some times particle systems are used but never for the entire body of water, particle are used for splash effects and the like it would just be stupid to try to simulate water on a particle/molecule level, in games, or movies, it just doesn't happen. And there are plenty of games that have waving rippling water, and im sure hl2 probably does as well and if it doesn't then they left it out for a reason, I.E. time constraints, or playability issues.

EDIT: but ripples waves or no ripples waves, thats some damn fine lookin water :cheers:
Originally posted by Apos
No, they are simply static effects, no different than what HL2 seems to have.

Oh yeah, now I remember yet another game....even old Aliens vs Predator had water that waved when you walked in it :)
Not as nice as Unreal 2/UT2003 or Morrowind, but still :)

And dont say its some simple static effect....like someone else said, start up UT and shoot/jump in the water.....and why do you think it is turned on/off in the physics-settings, and also takes lots of fps out of your poor CPU :rolleyes:

And yes, whatever Apos says it sure looks like some big nice realistic waves in that picture of the boat, lets just hope for that :)
Originally posted by Innervision961
Now some times particle systems are used but never for the entire body of water, particle are used for splash effects and the like it would just be stupid to try to simulate water on a particle/molecule level, in games, or movies, it just doesn't happen.

Thats a half truth. In games, the simplest way to simulate water is to displace the surface. Water (edit: in movies) that is pouring or moving or etc. is often done with a partical system using a metaballs system to generate the water mesh.

This program for example. RealFlow, uses a complicated partical system to simulate bouyancy, compression, volume and all that good stuff.

As I said before however, the Havok engine is capable of simulating standing bodies of water. Therefore, its probably integrated as such in hl2. If it isn't, then i'm sure valve has good reasons.

Here are some demos of havoks water, rendered in 3dsmax:
Havok (reactor) water demo 1 (25 megs)
Havok (reactor) water demo 2 (3.5 megs)
Havok (reactor) water demo 3 (43 megs)

thx for the link adam..those demos are nice. i hope hl2 has that
There could be waves. There are games that have done waves in the past, and there will be games that will do it again.
Valved Ray looking at that picture you cant be sure if there are displacement waves. The water doesnt reach the boat only a small bank of sand. We dont know what shape the bank is. The water could still be flat, the perspective could just be confusing.

I think they will have small waves in the game. And i dont think itll make a blind bit of difference to anyone cos the way the water looks anyway.
look at the edge of the boat
NOT A DISPLACEMENT MAP water moves with wind ect, causes boat to rock side to side

You do realize the boat in that screenshot it sitting on a sandbar, don't you? The water level is actually several feet below the bottom of the boat. The screenshot does not show what you think it shows.
It would be totally cool if HL2 had driveable water craft.

(speed boats, jet skis, etc.)
Originally posted by Seb
Oh yeah, now I remember yet another game....even old Aliens vs Predator had water that waved when you walked in it :)
Not as nice as Unreal 2/UT2003 or Morrowind, but still :)

ha, yeah, in the first AVP the water was actually volumetric, and it would create 3d "ripples" when you walked through it. Although, it didn't work very well and so water was only used like once in the game in a foot-deep pool =(. AVP also had dynamic lighting I believe. So why shouldn't HL2 have these things?