Why not some LEGO CS:S models?


Oct 14, 2005
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Why doesn't anyone try to make LEGo CSS Models. I mean Lego bricks instead of the player models. I think its worth a try, just as the gabe newell T model. Any suggestions?
A lego model would take very long time to make, depens a little on how big the bricks are, but still... I have no experiece in modeling though, so maybe I'm wrong..

I prefer the custom css model, they are just sooo good looking atm.
Fonaki said:
A lego model would take very long time to make, depens a little on how big the bricks are, but still... I have no experiece in modeling though, so maybe I'm wrong..

I prefer the custom css model, they are just sooo good looking atm.
I forgot to say i mean To make MINIFIGS (size of the original player model) istead of the player models.
There we go! LEGO lightsaber! FTW yo!!!!!!!!!!111one


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Quak_66 said:
I forgot to say i mean To make MINIFIGS (size of the original player model) istead of the player models.
if they are the size of the player then how are they mini figurines? did u mean the ratio ?
i could do the animations and theyd be fine but who the swearword would want lego player models in css. and also it seems to me that u cant access the new css player models but mayber i just missed it.
Hell, I could make a nice Lego model. But as crackhead said, who the f*** would want Lego man player models in CS:S?!
Aw come on, you never played that lego knife map on CS? Would look even more awesome in Source (don't know if someone's done that) with Lego players and knives. :LOL:
Has anyone Played LEGO STAR WARS: the game? if yes, you should know how it would look (the animation).
Shure ill make one for you. Ive done it all I need to do is texture it get back to you on that tomorow.
Animating it would be difficult because they are just blocks so reloading animations and other animations in that kinda detail would look rather strange because LEGO Men are made out of solid plastic....
it wouldnt be dificult granted you only have 2 degrees of freedom on the arm but it can be done . it would however look VERY boring and stiff. but people are completely oblivious to any logical conclusions made in this thread so why bother ?.
yeh it would be easyer than a human animation but as i said who would want to play a lego game. im sure 3 yr olds dont download mods.
crackhead said:
yeh it would be easyer than a human animation but as i said who would want to play a lego game. im sure 3 yr olds dont download mods.
I didn't know onlt 3yrs play with lego. I had much fun playing Lego SW:the game. wouldn't it be some nice fun watching lego minifigs shooting eachother and throwing grenades? maybe a whole mod (counter-Brick?) with whole maps built in lego? Imagine de_dust in Lego bricks...
also a player model needs to be about ten times bigger than that.
Here are the guys to make models from!
note: put that beautiful white camo on the terrorists legs!
note: the CT is holding a gun in his hand.


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Quak_66 said:
look ugly. but i appreciate that you tried. i'll show tommorow how should the models look.

Hold your horses it aint done yet :p also ive realised it looks "ugly" mainly because of the eyes. The "T" lego man you showed has a turban not a balaclava (because the T's in cs are non specific teroists more modern freedome fighters). I camoed the pants with urban como because thats how the new t model looks ill make anouther version with white if you like. Thanks for the images ill use them as rotoscopy images to get better proportions.

ps: Are those your lego men? :D
considering the shape of the hitboxes, a lego model would be easier to shoot at :p
Vulture117 said:
I camoed the pants with urban como because thats how the new t model looks ill make anouther version with white if you like.
ps: Are those your lego men? :D
Another thing: the "white" camo is originally called Metro.
And one more thing: YES! These are mine! And sometimes i play when i'm bored... I'm wierd am i not?
You can decompile CSS maps can't you?

If it's easy I might try making a lego map :D. simple copy and paste isn't it?
nothin wrong with playing with lego its very practical stuff

edit: oh and mindless what I do is I build a high poly version first and work backwards by deleting exsta polies
Vulture117 said:
nothin wrong with playing with lego its very practical stuff

edit: oh and mindless what I do is I build a high poly version first and work backwards by deleting exsta polies
thats extremely unconventionaly especially for such a simple model.