Why not some LEGO CS:S models?

This idea has gone wayyyyy to far... and I don't know if that's normal for adults to still play with legos. I can understand maybe building a structure or two, but right now an image of Quack holding a CT lego guy "disabling a bomb" behind his power ranger set.

It look ugly. but i appreciate that you tried. i'll show tommorow how should the models look.

^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
On the other hand that was incredibly negative feedback. He tried helping you, give creative and helpful feedback... not "It looks ugly." Well have fun with this guys.
egoncalo said:
This idea has gone wayyyyy to far... and I don't know if that's normal for adults to still play with legos. I can understand maybe building a structure or two, but right now an image of Quack holding a CT lego guy "disabling a bomb" behind his power ranger set.
No. I don't play like that don't worry. I hate power rangers. I got that freaking wierd idea to make CS from legos (lololol! omfg! he's playing legos!). Now they just stand on a shelf and take the dust on their heads. Otherways: I have recently made Gordon Freeman from lego (lololol! he's playin' legos!!! omfg!!!).

It's really impressing what do ohers (even adults) do with this stuff!
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