Why people are so adamant about ATI/NVIDIA

Originally posted by coolio2man
J/k I am not a racist flamer like Ridic so dont worry about it

when u open ur mouth.. or this case, post on a board, it shows who u are.. and u can say anything u like to make it look good.. but we all know what u posted.
GABE wAS talkin out of his ass when he said 9800 performed/looked better!!! I mean CMON! what does he know? i bet he is just sayin that for teh moneys and teh hoes. HE SUx!!

uhhh the 9800 DOES HAVE BETTER IQ.
Originally posted by Demonmerc
Time and time again we read posts by people who FOR SURE know HL2 will run better on the 9800 or the 5900 and the other card plain SUCKS. These are $400 top-of-the-line cards that both handle wonderfully, HL2 isn't out yet, nor have driver updates been released. There is absoultely NO way to tell which card will be better exept by word-of-mouth. So why do people get so ticked off about them? The answer kids, is cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which has two major effects on learning:

If someone is called upon to learn something which contradicts what they already think they know — particularly if they are committed to that prior knowledge — they are likely to resist the new learning.

If learning something has been difficult, uncomfortable, or even humiliating enough, people are not likely to admit that the content of what has been learned is not valuable. To do so would be to admit that one has been "had", or "conned".

The more difficult it is to get on a course, the more participants are likely to value it and view it favourably regardless of its real quality. Ditto, the more expensive it is.

There you have it. Because people spend so much money on gfx cards, they are assuming they are getting the best. When information arises that questions or contradicts this, they are skeptical of it, even hostile.

So when you read these kind of posts, just remember that they need a shrink :bounce:

I agree, and I think you're gay. Gayboy.
Originally posted by Wilco

HL2 will not be enhanced for ATi cards. Both cards will have optimisations for them.

I never said it wasnt going to be optimized for nvidia to. Oh and enhanced also means optimized, so you can pull your head out of your ass. When you respond to something try not to be a prick.
FYI, if you go to tomshardware.com and look at the 5900 Ultra reveiws you will see the it kicks the 9800 Pro 256's butt. They even have a new beta of Doom 3 that he tests it with and the Ultra still does better. The funniest thing I saw was that the 9800 Pro 256 is even beat by the 9800 Pro 128 in one test.

By the way, I am not a nVidia fanboy, I have a 9700 Pro and wish that the 9800 was doing the butt kicking.
Originally posted by Colonel Sanders
FYI, if you go to tomshardware.com and look at the 5900 Ultra reveiws you will see the it kicks the 9800 Pro 256's butt. They even have a new beta of Doom 3 that he tests it with and the Ultra still does better. The funniest thing I saw was that the 9800 Pro 256 is even beat by the 9800 Pro 128 in one test.

By the way, I am not a nVidia fanboy, I have a 9700 Pro and wish that the 9800 was doing the butt kicking.

actually you are the fanboy, the 9800pro is winning. I dont know what toms hardware doom3 benchmark you looked at, but the one im looking at says the 9800pro has a higher fps.

o btw did you know that doom3 isnt out for 6months+


do you also know that fps means jack shit when the difference is only 5?

Dont take a benchmark for a game thats not out and dont think because 1 card gets better fps in some games means its better.
Hey, don't get so uptight about it, I didn't meen to sound like a fanboy I was merely pointing out something that I thought was worth knowing. Personally I would rather get a 9800 Pro than a 5800 Ultra because I think (and you agree I'm sure) that ATI's current products are of higher quality than nVidias.
yes they are. The people who look at benchmarks for fps are....silly.

"ut2k3" over 150fps for the 9800pro and the 5900u. Considering that 150fps looks just as good as 8000 and considering benchmarks dont show image quality i dont even know why tomshardware made that a benchmark. Its totaly point less untill hl2 and doom3 get released
I dont know which benchmarks you guys are looking at but the latest ones on toms hardware clearly show the fx5900ultra to be the fastest card on the market. That said personaly i would buy the radeon 9800 as it is much better value for money.
dont use big words like adamant...u might lose a few people

*shifts eyes around*

I was just looking over the benchmarks again and void is right about the 5900 Ultra. But the 9800 Pro is still better because Gabe says so (please don't yell at me again, my moral fiber can't take it).
So has the fx5900 256mb Ultra just come out then? Maybe Gabe will comment on it soon.
Thanks Chris_D for saving the thread a page or 2 back.

I own a 8500 now but will upgrade to 9800 or 9900 if it is out by september and if it is worth it's price. It sucks that graphics cards, by nature, depreciate fast. If you buy them as soon as they hit the market, you pay too much :(
Reson I'm staying with ATI?
They didn't cheat benchmarks (or at least not as blatantly as nVidia did).
They have the best cards and tomshardware clearly shows the difference between the two brands of cards: ATI has best picture (more effective FSAA, faster AF, etc) (for reference look at this page and the next ones http://www6.tomshardware.com/graphic/20030306/radeon9800pro-08.html
Gah, I just pick NVidia since it seems to be the most compatible of the two. The graphic differences arent really signifigant(I mean, there hardly is much of a difference in-game between medium and high when you're shooting combine soldiers while running and hopping).Then there's the graphical issues with certain games..(Ati cards are buggy with Neverwinter Nights).

As for what Gabe said, I'm sure he's right. Ati cards are more for hard-core graphics gaming. But then again,you'll hardly notice a difference.