why so many MP whiners?

i wont pirate HL2 but im not sure ill buy it either. fps game without themed multiplayer is just, well, boring to me. even NOLF 2 had a pretty nice (though it came later with a patch) multiplayer with very nice maps from single player (for example the island).. i was waiting for multiplayer at least as much as single player. to be honest this killed almost all of the excitement about half-life 2 to me, much more disappointing than the year-long delay
I wouldnt count out HL2DM just yet, it may not be with the release of HL2, but if it doesnt come out in an expansion pack, then there will most definatly be a mod for it. Possibly the easiest mod to make (i think, no modding exp), considering the modder would already have the skins/ models for 1 team, and half of the maps to use.

As for CS. Wether u like cs or not its just personal preference. u dont like it then fine u dont play it. u like i then go for your life. most cs players are quite young but theres a simple solution if they piss u off; mute. nothing to it.
Carnage_333 said:
I wouldnt count out HL2DM just yet, it may not be with the release of HL2, but if it doesnt come out in an expansion pack, then there will most definatly be a mod for it. Possibly the easiest mod to make (i think, no modding exp), considering the modder would already have the skins/ models for 1 team, and half of the maps to use.

assumign they give us the map source. mappers can do nothing with compiled bsp files
seriuosly ppl, making the cool hl2 stuff (physics, manipulator) work _well_ in multiplayer might be another 12 months work. you just know that everyone is going to want to fill their MP maps with breakable stuff, manipulators, and big heavy things to crush ppl with. unfortunately, all this stuff + more than one player would make for major lag imho. let's see what happens after the SDK comes out.

i would much rather have HL2 now than in 12 months time with MP.
fragShader said:
seriuosly ppl, making the cool hl2 stuff (physics, manipulator) work _well_ in multiplayer might be another 12 months work. you just know that everyone is going to want to fill their MP maps with breakable stuff, manipulators, and big heavy things to crush ppl with. unfortunately, all this stuff + more than one player would make for major lag imho. let's see what happens after the SDK comes out.

i would much rather have HL2 now than in 12 months time with MP.

honestly though, ive already done it with a friend of mine. ive seen it , and it wasn't laggy at all. we made some pretty complicated contraptions too.
bi0_gauss said:
why do cs players not realize that other people may not like cs?
cuz they are morons. they think that because cs was popular, the people who didn't like it aren't allowed to complain about it
Man I really wanted HL2DM. I mean CS was cool (is cool) but I always preferred killing guys with the gauss gun as apposed to being constantly killed by the dammed terrorists over and over and over…
Actually I just suck. I really like free for alls though. I like a game where you just join and start killing people. It would be awesome to find new ways to kill people with the manipulator and vehicles.

They are too close minded to like twitch games
poseyjmac said:
honestly though, ive already done it with a friend of mine. ive seen it , and it wasn't laggy at all. we made some pretty complicated contraptions too.

how many players?

i'm sure it would be fine with 2 or 3.
try it with 16 and have them all tossing stuff around...

i'd like to be wrong, and i'm sure a mod team will prove me wrong eventually, but i doubt valve had the time to prove me wrong and release HL2 this year.
fragShader said:
how many players?

i'm sure it would be fine with 2 or 3.
try it with 16 and have them all tossing stuff around...

i'd like to be wrong, and i'm sure a mod team will prove me wrong eventually, but i doubt valve had the time to prove me wrong and release HL2 this year.

yes 16 tossing stuff around might get laggy. but whos to say a hl2 game has to have 16 manipulators? a game with 1 or 2 lying around that you can pick up would limit the lag nicely but still be fun enough for people to use.
poseyjmac said:
yes 16 tossing stuff around might get laggy. but whos to say a hl2 game has to have 16 manipulators? a game with 1 or 2 lying around that you can pick up would limit the lag nicely but still be fun enough for people to use.

it's not just the manipulators, it's everything in the map that can move. anything big enough to effect the game in any way has to be accurately replicated out to all the clients - we'll see what happens when ppl start making maps.

but i thought it was telling that the only server-side physics objects de_dust had were bunches of 2-3 barrels, spread out around the map.
arcy said:
why are so many people whining about HL2's multiplayer component being CS:Source?

I'm not trying to attack anyone with that question; I'm honestly asking.

Don't you kids realize you hurt the gaming industry when you do this?

I've seen a bunch of people saying "HL2 is worthless now. I'm just going to pirate since now there's no reason to buy it" and so on and so on.

#1: It's this mentality that causes grief for developers... if they feel like they HAVE to put multiplayer in every freakin game that comes out, then they have to divert time, money, and resources away from the single player component, which causes it to suffer; and even then, you end up with a crummy boring multiplayer mode in most games today.

#2: Why the hell would you want a straightforward HL2 deathmatch mode anyway??? Or even any other game modes for that matter... it would be just like EVERY OTHER MULTIPLAYER FPS GAME. which leads me to my next point...

#3: The beauty of Half-Life 2 is the SINGLE PLAYER MODE. Anyone who planned on buying this game just for some lame multiplayer mode is insane!

I've never played Counterstrike, but I hear it's great, so I'm sure CS:Source will be a plenty fine multiplayer component; much better than just about any other game that is primarily based around single player... especially considering it comes with it for free! So quit whining about every little thing like its the end of the world, with all these lame polls and whatnot... please?

Sorry if I come across as abrasive, but I just don't understand the rationale behind some of the comments over the last several hours since the interview was posted revealing the multiplayer details.

When you play single player you are just playing with yourself. As far as the counter strike mp, Im not happy over it. Halflife 2 will have to be raved now before I will think about buying it. Now it looks like battlefield 2 will be the game to play.
It appears that the CS fans missed the point of the complaints. There is no doubting the popularity of CS but CS is not the "only" mp game with a big fanbase. To completely disregard the rest of the mp community is shameful. I can see that other ports may be coming down the pipe but to place all your money on one type of mp makes no sense. I have played CS and while ok "to me" it didn't quite ring true and wasn't what I whas looking for. Along came DoD which has had me hooked ever since. I love the idea of a battle going back and forth with each side struggling to gain supremacy vice just killing the other team off and not accomplilshing a goal. Not my thing but obiously works for many others. Not playing CS or even being a fan doesn't make any one group superior to the other. I think most had just expected "a little something for everyone". My thought anyway.
fragShader said:
it's not just the manipulators, it's everything in the map that can move. anything big enough to effect the game in any way has to be accurately replicated out to all the clients - we'll see what happens when ppl start making maps.

but i thought it was telling that the only server-side physics objects de_dust had were bunches of 2-3 barrels, spread out around the map.

ZZzzzz.... not everything has to be server-side.
i doubt that even if HL2DM was implemented in HL2 there would not be many large objects that would lag the server significantly. The way i would think of HL2DM would be similar to HLDM, except with HL2 weapons ect. I think all the physics objects would be small and mostly insignificant, the way they made them in cs:s. Maybe a few booby traps here and there involving large objects or something of the like. But then again, maybe our views of HL2DM are just simply very different.

poseyjmac was right about the manipulator aswel, if there was an official HL2DM, i think there would only be 1 - 2 per map.
Cybernoid said:
ZZzzzz.... not everything has to be server-side.

it does if u want to kill ppl with it.

listen to what ppl are expecting from "true" HL2 mp - that's a whole lot of server-side physics objects.
arcy said:
why are so many people whining about HL2's multiplayer component being CS:Source?

I'm not trying to attack anyone with that question; I'm honestly asking.

Don't you kids realize you hurt the gaming industry when you do this?

I've seen a bunch of people saying "HL2 is worthless now. I'm just going to pirate since now there's no reason to buy it" and so on and so on.

#1: It's this mentality that causes grief for developers... if they feel like they HAVE to put multiplayer in every freakin game that comes out, then they have to divert time, money, and resources away from the single player component, which causes it to suffer; and even then, you end up with a crummy boring multiplayer mode in most games today.

#2: Why the hell would you want a straightforward HL2 deathmatch mode anyway??? Or even any other game modes for that matter... it would be just like EVERY OTHER MULTIPLAYER FPS GAME. which leads me to my next point...

#3: The beauty of Half-Life 2 is the SINGLE PLAYER MODE. Anyone who planned on buying this game just for some lame multiplayer mode is insane!

I've never played Counterstrike, but I hear it's great, so I'm sure CS:Source will be a plenty fine multiplayer component; much better than just about any other game that is primarily based around single player... especially considering it comes with it for free! So quit whining about every little thing like its the end of the world, with all these lame polls and whatnot... please?

Sorry if I come across as abrasive, but I just don't understand the rationale behind some of the comments over the last several hours since the interview was posted revealing the multiplayer details.

you never played counterstrike...i played it since it came out so it's A BIT boring to buy a new game with a mp part that i know for YEARS now ??

can't you understand that i was looking foreward to throw barrels on others with the manipulator on crossfire ?
i hope the modders will make a dm mod soon, even though my brain tells me that the reason for not making a hl2 mp was that it's not possible to use the nice physics and gimmicks from hl2 in a mp-part
how about this: valve wouldn't have got so much money out of HL sales if it weren't for MP and mods.

How about this: Valve wouldn't have gotten so much money out of HL if it wasn't for CS and mods. And guess what? They're both back!
Valve made no money out of HLDM, no one buys HL for HLDM.

Creating an elaborate MP would be a waste of time anyway. We all know, and Valve knows, that it could never ever compete with the popularity of CS, so you'll end up with 2 MP's of which only one is being played extensively and yet both cost a lot of money to make. Money and attention that would need to be drawn away from the singeplayer and end up with a crummy singeplayer.
PvtRyan said:
Valve made no money out of HLDM, no one buys HL for HLDM.
That's an ignorant statement. I know a lot of people that bought HL back in '98 or '99 because the multiplayer looked cool. That includes me. We were just pleasantly surprised by the singleplayer. The early mods were started by people that liked HL's multiplayer but thought that it was missing something. The first mods weren't total conversions, like all the big ones are now. This was before Valve really started pushing the mod scene. So, I guess I'm saying that the truth is quite the opposite of that statement. The mods that ended up making HL sell like hotcakes (I assume they sell rather quickly, by the usage of that phrase) grew from plain, old HLDM.

If Half-Life had no HLDM we might not be waiting on this forum for HL2's release that has, so far, been delayed an entire year.
Shame about it being cs only. I hope steam fails on launch date and the VU lawsuit puts them out of buissness.
I really couldn't care less about multi-player but i thought i read somewhere in an interview that they were working on a multi-player component for HL2 which wasn't CS:S and was going to be a lot of fun....SO WHERE IS IT....or did they mean TF2? or was i imagining things? or has this been discussed because i skipped 2 pages of posts?
Damn Im Really Dissapointed About Multi Being A Really Repetative Mod Redone CS Is My Most Hated Of All HL Mods With 5+ Years Don't Tell Me They Couldn't Make A Decent Multi Component Cause Thats Just BS.

Now I Have To Wait For A Mod Team To Make A Good Mod Which Will Probebly Be A Few Months After Release So Hopefully The SP Will Last A While.

(And I Don't Give A Crap What Any Of You CS Fanboys Reply With)
Played CS for 3 years, then BF for 2...

And now im buying a new game, and what? cs all over again, no thanks.

Im not happy about getting a _"New" MP thats 4-5 y.o.

I mean, ragdoll wont revive cs to a "wow-level".

Been there done that....me want new stuff ;)
If you want ragdolls to the max multiplayer just get Rag Doll Kung Fu when it comes out :D
Ive heard about it... looks good.

Right now im playing with the Meqon-demo...now thats ragdoll for ya. ;)
I'm depressed. I was looking forward to splatting my sister with a manipulator-launched barrel over our LAN on day one of the release...
Jadewolf5675 said:
For some people, a fast paced, run and gun type of multiplayer like DM is much more appealing than Counter-Strike.

exactly and i'm one of the many that prefer it too :)
If people want deathmatch, or deathmatch with vehicles, they can always play UT2004.
I never really liked CS...and I dont think i'll like CS:S...I was really hoping for a HL2 themed MP, since HLDM owned...so much...

I dont want a HL2 DM like MP, I expected something totally new...but hey, i'm happy the release is near, and I can't wait to play HL2's sp :)
czrsink said:
If people want deathmatch, or deathmatch with vehicles, they can always play UT2004.
I dont really like UT2K4's movement engine...it just doesn't fit it :)
I was going to create the EXACT same thread. Beat me to it. :dork:

My point is that we're getting the best PC game ever made totally redone with new graphics and new physics (HL:S), the new best PC game ever made (HL2), and an awesome update to the most popular online franchise in history (CS:S), yet people still complain. If I were Valve, I'd be very pissed off at the ingrates they have for fans.
Xcellere said:
I was going to create the EXACT same thread. Beat me to it. :dork:

My point is that we're getting the best PC game ever made totally redone with new graphics and new physics (HL:S), the new best PC game ever made (HL2), and an awesome update to the most popular online franchise in history (CS:S), yet people still complain. If I were Valve, I'd be very pissed off at the ingrates they have for fans.
Im not complaining... ;)

And i've been thinking, maybe the guy from the mag was lying? :p
CS is the most pld online FPS game. cs is pld by soo many more ppl than hldm. so it makes more sense to have cs as mp rather than hldm no?
ailevation said:
:| That be so cool if they made a Ravenshield: Source, I would have sex with all of you. For real! I am in love with it, realistic shooter EVAR SO FAR!

I played RvS for over a year-since demo. It sucks. Theres basically no community support and Ubi still hasn't released the SDK. The devs just don't give a flying shit about the game anymore. BulletTooth is the only decent guy in that company. He used to be in a clan I was in, also for over a year.
fez said:
CS is the most pld online FPS game. cs is pld by soo many more ppl than hldm. so it makes more sense to have cs as mp rather than hldm no?

Well if that was the case, why dont they give out Tetris:Source.

According to your rules, that would be a blast, since sooo many have played it. ;)

See my point?
CSS wont be your regular CSS TRUST ME. THERE WILL BE A SURPRISE! Oh and besides i bet valve will make some other mp ports etc. If they dont so what there are over 200 hl2 mods in the makeing i have some of the best listed in my signature.
Raziel-Jcd said:

Exactly! What people are forgetting is this:

Icarus: Has it (CS:S) changed any from Beta?
Chuck Osborn: It’s what they say it’s going to be, but with a few surprises

Now I really hope they have created new game modes - it shouldn't be the same old defuse/hostage rescue/assassination only. Don't get me wrong, I like the currrent game modes of CS, a lot actually, but hopefully they have added something more into the package, so that the old players have a new thing or two to try. CS DM is great fun even in CS 1.6, really fast paced and exciting, and CS:S DM would probably be very fun for those who think regular CS is just too slow. I hope they have added something like this. Or perhaps some form of CTF with vehicles or something, although set in the CS universe.

Ok, so a lot of people were dissapointed about the fact that there is no revolutionary HL2-themed multiplayer. But as Mr-Fusion (so humorously!) put it in the first page: There's this thing called TF2 coming, most likely the guys at Valve spared all the brilliant MP ideas for that game. It wouldn't make much sense having two games competing on the same MP level, which I think it was a wise move for Valve (financially, in particular) to include CS:S as the MP for HL2, and then have a completely new game (TF2) to compete with the UTs and Quakes and what have you. In my eyes HL2 was always about the single player, not MP.