why so many MP whiners?

Jadewolf5675 said:
For some people, a fast paced, run and gun type of multiplayer like DM is much more appealing than Counter-Strike.

yea this is called UT2004, Q3A, doom3 multi, etc...
there is enough of that out there already
they rather have had converted Natural Selection to the Source engine than CS. I can't play CS anymore it's just downright BORING.

Well, I hope they are as liberal with the SDK for HL2 as they were for HL1. Another 5 years of awesome mods for just one game would be enough Multiplayer for me.
Hanta Swe said:
Well if that was the case, why dont they give out Tetris:Source.

According to your rules, that would be a blast, since sooo many have played it. ;)

See my point?

Yes, but who would buy Tetris: Source? It's (almost) all about the money.
We had a lot of fun in college playing HLDM on LAN's, but when I got high speed internet I played CS exclusively.

Open Steam and check the servers list. How many are playing HLDM vs CS? Obviously Valve recognized that CS is way more popular and would sell more copies of the game to people interested in MP than HLDM would.
Hanta Swe said:
Well if that was the case, why dont they give out Tetris:Source.

According to your rules, that would be a blast, since sooo many have played it. ;)

See my point?

that doesn't make sense?

valve haven't created a multiplayer tetris game. and tetris isnt the most popular online fps in the world either.

if ur gonna try and argue my post at least make sense with ur argument jeez
Seppo said:
Yes, but who would buy Tetris: Source? It's (almost) all about the money.

But who would buy a game that they already have that is free? I mean is there enough "change" in CS that warrants purchasing it?

So it "looks" cooler, and has a few pieces of "eye-candy" but the game is fundamentally the same correct?
Aknot said:
So it "looks" cooler, and has a few pieces of "eye-candy" but the game is fundamentally the same correct?

Yes, but now you're playing it for another 6 years, this time with 20 fps...
oh my god. what dont u understand?

more people in the world HAVE pld tetris ur right. but tetris is A-not made by valve and B-not a first person shooter so stop talking about tetris for ****s sake
So, by the rationale of some people, by putting up some constructive criticism, I am automatically a whiner. I have never said "OMG Valve is teh SuX!!11", or that I'm going to boycott Valve or not buy HL2 or anything like that. I agree with the other side of the debate that people who are getting all pissed off at Valve are taking it a little too far.

I think I first played CS about 4 years ago at my friend's house. And Now I'm getting it again as the MP component for the game I've been looking forward to for a year and a half. I think I should be allowed to at least say something . Ironically, it seems to be the anti-whiners that are whining the most.

And what exactly is this "surprise" going to be that everyone keeps talking about? A G36? A new terrrorist skin? woo-hoo. The fact is that HL and CS are two different gametypes. Sci-Fi vs. Realism, whatever you want to call it. I'm still going to buy the game, I don't know why this issue has to split the community.
I hate CS:S it's one of the most boring games ever since I started playing OP4DM. I love HLDM, and Op4, pure genius, the maps have a nice flow. People telling me to play UT or Q3 honestly don't get it:

UT2004: Movement sucks, the gameplay is too slow, it's too easy
Q3: Good game, but no longjump or tau (things that will most likely be in HL2)

None of these are capable of filling the void ;(

I'm not whining, I'm just disappointed, this seems to be a bit of a cop out.
making cs:s the HL2 mp is the smartest move valve has made. It all but gaurantees success for HL2/mods/future titles. How many people play HL: DM? how many people would be whining about HL2 : DM when they realised u cant cant have gravity gun fights? I think valve would have made it if this was possible but rather than make the physics COMPLETELY WATERED DOWN AS SEEN IN CS:S they decided not to bother. smart move.

after playing the stolen build i played cs:s and wow what a huge dissapointment the physics are compared to the single player experience. They may as well left the physics out of cs:s.
i have a feeling we've still got more to hear about cs:s and the "surprises" something tells me something very cool will come from those surprises.
One of the reasons why there are quite a lot of whiners is because a lot of competitive players were planning on converting from their ex game, be it ut, cod or whatever, to the hl2 mp competitive scene (like myself).

but now of course with only cs source we are going to get blown outer the water by seasonend cs players :X
TheGGMan said:
One of the reasons why there are quite a lot of whiners is because a lot of competitive players were planning on converting from their ex game, be it ut, cod or whatever, to the hl2 mp competitive scene (like myself).

but now of course with only cs source we are going to get blown outer the water by seasonend cs players :X

Maybe that but some people "Just dont like CS". Its "ok" tome but not my idea of a "great" MP game. I would rather see the "old style" TF come back at least there was "variety" with that and DOD.

CS is popular as someone else stated becasue it is "easy to grasp". Doesnt take much "effort" in what you need to do to win. And its "fast" paced.
I'm annoyed because Valve is trying to give us a ****ing re-heated game back from the HL1 days. Yeah... I really want to plunk down money for something I've been playing for the past five years for free.

Just because it's been repackaged doesn't mean it's any different. Not only that, but it kills the products consisitency. First I'm blowing away aliens with a gauss gun in a buggy and then... I'm playing a CT vs. T game with realistic weapons? With all due respect, Valve, you can take this offer and cram it where the sun don't shine.
Brian Damage said:
"That's a lot of quotation marks, Aknot. :E"

I try to do that becasue in the past people have "misconstrued" my writings.

"BUT" you probably knew that already....... :)
It's because we have ALL played CS... We have been playing the damned game for almost 5 years.

To me at least, it's like saying HL2's multiplayer was replaced by Pong. Very popular game, still being played even today!

I also get bored of CS:S very easily... I wanted a choice in the matter, CS:S or HL2DM or TFC:S or DoD:S or something not just CS:S, the game most widely played by immature gamers.

Absinthe said:
I'm annoyed - Valve, you can take this offer and cram it where the sun don't shine.

Does this mean you wont be buying it? (im just pulling your leg BTW)
merc said:
i agree i feel that the half life multiplayer sucked huge and i never even played it more than 5 times... the mods are what is going to make half life 2 to me... and cs source, i mean no one can deny cs source is sweet, i dont care if it is counter strike and its "newbish", counter strike is flipping sick

HLDM didn't suck, it's the best mp game out there, but i agree cs is more 1337
Frankly, I'm a bit pissed that Valve pulls this stunt after all of the other crap We've put up with for a few years. They knew the community didn't know what their plans for MP were and they were asked to clarify several times. They decided to ignore the requests for clarification, only clouding the issue with statements to the effect that it will be a surprise. They should have realized how disappointed a great number of people were going to be without HL2:MP. If it was a technical issue, they could have said as much months ago, promising to find a way to make it work. (I'm assuming it will be possible if they expect the Mod community to be able to produce it).

It's not about whether CS:S is included, it's about whether HL2:DM is included. In my opinion Valve short-changed the fans by not including a Multiplayer version of HL2, but rather offering a reheated, years-old MOD, leaving it up to the community to create a MP game. I, for one, don't care for CS, CS:S, TF, or any of those others. I wanted Classic MP modes.

I'm waiting to see what Mods are out before I "buy" HL2. SP was always second to me anyway.
Aknot said:
I try to do that becasue in the past people have "misconstrued" my writings.

"BUT" you probably knew that already....... :)

"Yes", I "suppose" I "do"...
bi0_gauss said:
why do cs players not realize that other people may not like cs?

Why do people who do not like cs not realize that it still is an incredibly well-made game.


[edit]Oh, and allthough cs:s is pretty nice (no going back to 1.6 for me, certainly) I am also sorry that there will (apparently) not be any hl2dm. The starter of this thread has no valid points except "people should whine less" which he might as well have applied to himself in the first place.[/edit]
boglito said:
Why do people who do not like cs not realize that it still is an incredibly well-made game.


nobody is disputing that CS/CS:Source is an incredibly well-made game.. pple are upset because its 6+ years old and feel like Valve is cashing-in on the cash cow that is CS and offering up a regurgitated mod just because its still popular.

im sure we can find just as many pple who are sick of CS as we can of those who actually play it.
My god we've had so many topics for this! *gasp* Might be a point of discontent.

Rather than resurrecting an old one I contributed to (and getting flamed even though it was posted in less than 24 hours back), I'll make my latest point here.

Current situation strikes me as being similar to what happened (/happening) to Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. Some people are annoyed at the lack of certain trademark races, even though they may well be added later, either officially or by the amateur coding scene. But if people refused to get the game due to the fact the Tyranids or whatever aren't in, then they don't deserve it. Multiplayer may be a little more major than added sides to an RTS, but the point is similar.

I'm getting HL2 and no one can make me think otherwise; if only for the SP, I'll get that game and play it to death.

However, FortisVir summed up my views on the situation overall in his single post far better than I did in my five individual rants.