Why the long face?


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
Pretty NSFW, disfigured dude, modern day elephant man?
His name is Huang Chuncai, surprisingly little information on him.





Makes me happy to be healthy, at least.

He's had numerous operations as well:
Huang's parents first noticed signs of deformity when he was four years old. He was taken to hospital and diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis. His parents were too poor to finance an operation, and the doctors also said it was too dangerous. They were a poor family. His father earned money by selling noodles in the local market. Huang's tumor continued to grow, and when he was eight years old he started school, but left when he was ten because he was isolated by the other children, who called him the elephant man. When he was 31 years old his tumor weighed 15 kg.[1].

He had an operation in July 2007 that removed 15 kg (33 lb.) from the right side of his face[2]. He had a second operation in January 2008 to remove a further 10 lb. of tissue from the right side[3].

After and eight hour journey, Huang was exhausted. Family members were excited to see his return. The villagers said that the tumor appeared smaller and that he looked much better. Huang was concerned with the next step of the surgery, which had greater risk. This was to remove the roots of the tumor with abundant blood vessels.

Even though the operation was free, Huang was concerned over the cost. The hospital and the contributions of the staff covered the 140,000 yuan (about $20,000) operation. The second surgery would be more complex and cost even more.

On February 28, the Guangzhou-Cancer Hospital announced that it was a success. The doctors were able to remove about 4.5 kg of the tumor. British BBC television, the Philippines television, “The Vietnamese Times”, and The Associated Press reported the news to the world.

Dr. Niu said the success of this operation means that their treatment has been a complete success. Huang only gradually recovered from the operation. He is considering a third operation. After recovering, Huang Chuncai returned to his village.

Post surgery:
That guy walked into the bar, the bartender says 'Why the long face?' and then the guy had a seizure and he called the police and then he died and no one was sad because he had no family
I don't understand how this is NSFW. Pretty rude to consider even looking at him to be unsafe for civilized society- he's a person.

His condition reminds me of the guy posted on rotten dot com with the bulbous face tumors.
Oh my holy christ.

I want to see more pics of the post-surgery.

Forget the moral high ground Rakurai, just because he's a person doesn't mean a deformity can't be gross or shocking to look at. I mean sure it would be rude to go up to him and say "you're gross" but that's not exactly what we're doing here.
A horse walks into a bar, and the bartender asks....

Seriously though, don't put the scalpel away just yet - there's still some prunin' to do.
This reminds me of the documentary of the girl with no face, ****ing made me cry.
/debating whether or not to ask you for more info on that girl :(
The post surgery one was of the wrong guy, this one is correct

I don't understand how this is NSFW. Pretty rude to consider even looking at him to be unsafe for civilized society- he's a person.

His condition reminds me of the guy posted on rotten dot com with the bulbous face tumors.

I considered not doing it but i respect people's choice to eat safely, or keep browsing loli for that matter.
ZT, I remembered seeing that on television. Strong documentary. Know what you mean.
This thread reminds me who else browses the shocking videos section @ theync dot com?
Man, they should just chop off his whole face and fabricate a new one from scratch.

Uhg, after googling I found other images of messed up faces.

WARNING, these go in order from funny to omgwtfgross. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

poor cat ;(



What. The. Hell. :|
so Juliana is still undergoing surgery I'm assuming...What's their goal, to fabricate a new face or just work with what they have?
I read about Julianna in a magazine ages ago. It was kind of shocking but not as shocking as some other things I've seen.
The Post-surgery picture reminded me of The Mummy when they'd stretch their faces
The tone of this forum changed mighty fast. It started out all politically correct and now we are all making accurate observations of each others parents. That's an improvement in my book.
The tone of this forum changed mighty fast. It started out all politically correct and now we are all making accurate observations of each others parents. That's an improvement in my book.

Just wait till you've been here since Nov 2003.

Oh wait. D: