Why Valve is quiet



I'm curious to see what other people's opinions are, but I think Valve is going to keep mum and continue to stay completely off of the radar for the near future. I expect the next comments we hear from Valve will be "HL2 has Gone Gold".

I could think of a few benefits to them doing this, but the biggie is probably that if you have no dates you can't miss them.

I hope its because theyre working there asses off getting it complete.
VALVe actually switched from computers to typewriters to finish the game up. Let's face it, typewriters are the most secure means of coding :)
....typewriters? Right. *ahem* Anyways I think VAlve is being quiet cause they are brewing up a big surprise! ;)
Originally posted by azz0r
I hope its because theyre working there asses off getting it complete.

I'm hoin' the same thing. However, my guess would actually honestly be that they're quite because then they have no 'defined' release date(s) to miss if they haven't put any out.

Just a big guess, though.
or after working on a game for five years and getting it to 90% complete, taking a long break before the last finishing work spurt.

hell I have done it before, why not valve.
unprofessional yes, squishy most definately.
btw Im joking
I also hope it's because they are working their asses off trying to complete it.

But I think it's probably because, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all." And they only "good" thing fans want to hear is, "it's done."

No matter what they say otherwise, they are going to be ripped, or called liars, or criticized. I wouldn't say anything either if I were them until I could absolutely without question could say something positive.
Hmm, that's true Someone. I never really thought of it from that perspective.
Originally posted by Wester547
....typewriters? Right. *ahem* Anyways I think VAlve is being quiet cause they are brewing up a big surprise! ;)

It *WAS* a joke.. :)
Very interesting idea someone...

- I currently don't care about VALVe, but if they say something, I will be all hyped up again.
they keep quiet for one reason, theyre doing the same thing to HL2 that they did to TF2...

i hope not
Originally posted by chimpmunk
they keep quiet for one reason, theyre doing the same thing to HL2 that they did to TF2...

i hope not

Scrapping an old engine's work to start work on HL2 under their latest engine? uhh.. no?
Originally posted by Shuzer
VALVe actually switched from computers to typewriters to finish the game up. Let's face it, typewriters are the most secure means of coding :)
Latest hacker news:

The latest source code has been leaked possibly by a gabe - since he was spotted infront of a photocopier for 2 weeks.

He told all the other vavle members to leave his photo copying machine alone and he kept on repeating, 'its all mine, mine!'