why valve wouldn't release a demo early (theory)


Jun 14, 2004
Reaction score
My theory as to why Valve wouldn't release a demo early is because of how the game is being played and the storyline. After all, the other HL1 demo was a small piece of a part of the story of HL. People wouldn't have gotten why the satellite uplink had to have been made or why the military got the drop on us. (pun intended)

Would the source leak have been as profound had there been a demo? maybe. is it Valve's fault that there was a leak? partially.

But, answer me this: suppose there was a leak on duke nukem forever with quake 2 graphics? would anyone download a buggy test-only version of that? probably not. Valve's leak showed them how much people want this game, yet it pushed them back alot farther too. Ironic, huh?
HL2 doesn't need a demo because it's going to sell millions of copies anyway.

Sometimes crap games that have little or no hype need to release demos prior to release to try and convince people it's worth their money to play.

Sometimes developers just don't want to spend time making a demo if it means cutting 2 weeks off the development time of the final game.

I think you'll find a lack of demo before release is more to do with the financial/time constraints side of things.

As for DNF, i'd download a leak of that in a second. But the problem is the game doesn't actually exists, George Broussard is the master of deceit. I'd say he deserves to be cruicifed upside down but that's probably a bit harsh.
Go look at doom3, demo before game? No. So why does it matter valve doesn't release one?
Go look at HL1, demo before game? No. So why does it matter valve doesn't release one?

Sorry, had to copy your line for the effect. ;)
almost no game releases a demo early now a days......valve dont need to explain themeslves
Go look at doom3, demo before game? No. So why does it matter valve doesn't release one?

If Doom 3 had a demo, it would be give me all the more reason not to buy the game...
What you'll see in the demo for that game, is all you'll see in the full, except more weapons.
The reason game makers dont release demos is very simple. Its a smart marketing.

If there is a demo for a game, everyone will download it, and the people who dont like it wont go out and buy the game.

If there is no demo for a game, most people will go out and buy it. Some wont like it. Of those who dont like it, a smaller number will be willing to actually go out of there way and take the game back for a refund. The majority of them will just not play it, and will sit on there shelf as a game that sucked ass and they wish they hadnt bought. But they have bought it, and thats all that matters.

Less people will take the game back, resulting in a loss of sale, than will play the demo and not buy it at all.


muka3d said:
If Doom 3 had a demo, it would be give me all the more reason not to buy the game...
What you'll see in the demo for that game, is all you'll see in the full, except more weapons.

Point proven.
brokenjago said:
Well, I mean, who out there is not gonna like HL2? ;)

I know a bunch of Doom 3 fan-boys who aren't going to buy HL2, just to show how much better they think they are. But secretly, I know they will own all of the editions... ;)
Try "because they're busy finishing the actual game".
I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but several times on this board I've seen people talk about returning pc games. Every place I've been to won't accept open software, no exceptions.
OOooo i know what im gonna do...Im gonna 'buy' me the best rig i can find and the best upgrades i can find and best monitor and yea (from different stores)...THEN im gonna play HL2 on full settings and enjoy the sh|t out of it until i beat it...THEN im gonna take that awesome rig back and get my money back (might not get all money i be thinking). Is that not awesome? my pc right now could run it fine but..well... I have 2.4/512/9600xt and thatd be fine but still...Is that not a cool idea or am i going to get in trouble for posting this?! :p

BTW my signature rules. :)
I wished they had released at least the Source demo they showed last year at E3. Shooting some piece of wood, messing around with the mattresses and the watermelon would have been more than enough. But they didn't release anything because they just hadn't to. I don't see any game similar to HL2 on the market at the moment, so a "you can watch but you can't touch" approach is the one which increases the anticipation most.
If one day they decide to release a demo, I hope it's about something new... just like what Uplink has been to HL1.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Well technically there was one, Day: one ;)

That wasn't an official demo.

It had nothing to do with the original games storyline....or was that Half Life Uplink...
Jarman said:
I wished they had released at least the Source demo they showed last year at E3. Shooting some piece of wood, messing around with the mattresses and the watermelon would have been more than enough. But they didn't release anything because they just hadn't to. I don't see any game similar to HL2 on the market at the moment, so a "you can watch but you can't touch" approach is the one which increases the anticipation most.
If one day they decide to release a demo, I hope it's about something new... just like what Uplink has been to HL1.

I had the same idea a year ago...but hey...the release is near...
urseus said:
If there is a demo for a game, everyone will download it, and the people who dont like it wont go out and buy the game.

If there is no demo for a game, most people will go out and buy it.
That's a bit cynical. I believe there's a more practical reason: time spent making a demo is time taken away from finishing and releasing the game which is Valve's number one priority at the moment.
agreed, Valve doesn't need to convince anyone to play it.
I believe that half life day one was simply the first third of half life that was packaged oem style in graphics cards and with new computers. it was not an official demo. except for the fact that it was an official release that demonstrated half life... errr yeah.

some games benefit from the publicity and try before you buy publicity of a demo, i.e. i bought warcraft 2 and 3 and worms 2 after playing demos.

some dont/ wouldnt. Which is why doom 3 and "Small Soldiers the movie :- Battle Lab" didnt. different reasons though ;)
muka3d said:
If Doom 3 had a demo, it would be give me all the more reason not to buy the game...
What you'll see in the demo for that game, is all you'll see in the full, except more weapons.
Troll Alert :bonce:

He was just saying he didnt like the game.

Idiot alert.
spam alert...

oh, wait, it's just me... ok, gonna go sleep now..
Valve is smart not releasing a demo. Man this was my first post in a long ass time. And Idonotbelonghere, your sig ****s with my head, I keep reading it over and over.
RFarmer thats what its meant to do so im happy. :)

And yea a demo for half life 2 could of had a lot of bad results from...bad people!!! So smart not have one. English ungood? donat I care you jackwhor3s@#@$*%0!..........okay im tired bed now.

sig sig sig :)