Why will HL2 be any better than other games ?

I tried the "unofficial beta" at a friends house, he has a P4 2.8Ghz , 1Gig Ram and 9600XT. The graphics although good were not all that amazing, the water shaders were hot that good actually especially for the surface below. Heck the old Outcast (1999) game had as impressive water! now I know this is not the official release and all, but nothing i saw in there was particularly *impressive* vis-a-vis graphics. There was also some serious framerate issues in certain maps even on a beefy machine, although i;m pretty sure this won't be in the final release. One thing that seemed to be 'as promised' was the physics, although wood didn't break as I thought it would.

I think the best thing will be the story. I'm dearly hoping that the AI, Graphics and all the other techy sh-t will be as good as valve implies.
It won't.
That's the whole point.
HL2 is just another Matrix 2\3.
Too much hype can destroy everything.
MadMechwarrior said:
Other than that its just a case of style. I think the monsters on mars thing is getting kinda old and boring, same with zombies and I think HL2 has a bit more style overall. Not to mention its the sequel to one of the most modded games of all times which can guarentee you wont put it down too fast.
Personally I find your point kind of ironic there. It's true that the game DOOM has been 10 years old, but I don't often see stuff about zombies invading Mars much in real life. On the other hand, I see mutated spiders a lot in tremor movies on Scifi channel
I tried the "unofficial beta" at a friends house, he has a P4 2.8Ghz , 1Gig Ram and 9600XT. The graphics although good were not all that amazing, the water shaders were hot that good actually especially for the surface below. Heck the old Outcast (1999) game had as impressive water! now I know this is not the official release and all, but nothing i saw in there was particularly *impressive* vis-a-vis graphics. There was also some serious framerate issues in certain maps even on a beefy machine, although i;m pretty sure this won't be in the final release. One thing that seemed to be 'as promised' was the physics, although wood didn't break as I thought it would.

I personally dont even call i a beta. It was compile by the hacker. He got 2/3s the code, some skins, models..etc and compiled them himself. Not to mention its prolly about 2 years old anyway.

Personally I find your point kind of ironic there. It's true that the game DOOM has been 10 years old, but I don't often see stuff about zombies invading Mars much in real life. On the other hand, I see mutated spiders a lot in tremor movies on Scifi channel

I dissagree. I think the whole, "zombie thing" has gotten old. So have the spiders....but especially the zombie eating people thing. But hey, they'll both be great games. We just have to wait... :cheers:
Hl2 will never be the gme everyone wants because everyone wants a perfect game and such is impossible.
Oh yeah? That sounds like a bet my friend. If it is then YOU'RE ON!!!
I got 10 bucks and a tootsie roll says it will
iamidiot said:
I tried the "unofficial beta" at a friends house, he has a P4 2.8Ghz , 1Gig Ram and 9600XT. The graphics although good were not all that amazing, the water shaders were hot that good actually especially for the surface below. Heck the old Outcast (1999) game had as impressive water! now I know this is not the official release and all, but nothing i saw in there was particularly *impressive* vis-a-vis graphics. There was also some serious framerate issues in certain maps even on a beefy machine, although i;m pretty sure this won't be in the final release. One thing that seemed to be 'as promised' was the physics, although wood didn't break as I thought it would.

I think the best thing will be the story. I'm dearly hoping that the AI, Graphics and all the other techy sh-t will be as good as valve implies.

Mmm he probably didnt type "-dx9" and that kinda stuff in the command line. If you don't, you get dx8 graphics.

Furthermore i think halflife2 will be the best for years to come, because of:

1. scalable graphics engine, wich look DAMN good if you have dx9.
2. Best sound you've heard in a while.
3. The NPC's. - most advanced ever.
4. The amosphere.
5. the water :D
el Chi said:
Yes, we all know how wonderfully developed Doom's storylines have been :hmph:

Yes HL2 will be rather "on rails", but what bloody exciting rails they'll be.

And would people STOP with all the "Oh Gabe's a liar and I hate him and he's done ME so much PERSONAL wrong and blah blah blah blah blah." For the love of all that's good and pure would you SHUT UP. The man's had a hard enoungh time without members of the community turning on him (and practically him alone) after Valve have all had to deal with that hacker business. Maybe it wasn't done in time for 30th Sept but so bloody what? It's just a game for f*ck's sake. Get over yourselves.

Well said. Things I learnt from watching the D³ footage:-

1) In the future all scientists will walk like neaderthals on steroids.
2) Everything will be made of Steel (no comfy cushions on Mars)
3) Grey is the new black as far as clothing goes (and fashion is everything on Mars)
4) The many minions of hell are really into Martian fashion in a big way
5) Chainsaws are de rigeur, no doubt needed to cut through the dense Martian
Forest that plagues the planet. :dozey:

D³ is nothing more than another ID™ techdemo. It's a beautiful engine, but that is all it is. I'm more interested to see how well the engine handles in the hands of it's licencees rather than the licencers. Call me a radical, but I like the notion of a plot and storyline in my purchases that can't be summarized on the back of a postage stamp :rolleyes: