Why WWII shooters need to **** off and die already

Bahaha what a piece of crap.

The fact that the game has a WWII setting has nothing to do with it though, so lets keep it at "Shitty, unimaginative, rip-off shooters in general need to f*ck off and die."

WWII is a great setting for a first person shooter IMO, so it's unfortunate that no games have really made good use of it lately...they just keep coming out with the same arcadey crap...bleh
WW2 still has a lot of potential, I agree though, it is getting repetitive recently.

"You'll see a lot of explosions... and action... lots of action... and big explosions... and excitement!"

OMG, gondola's! Whoever came up with that idea is a genius and shall be praised (or did he play Wolfenstein: RTCW?). Anyway, let's hope we can see as much gondola action as possible.

"I liked the part where you sneak past Germans in the Bavarian Alps..." *shot of 3 soldiers unloading simultaneously at the sneaky player*

I agree, most of the stuff has been done to death, maybe it is time to pack it in. RTSs and third person games still have plenty of stuff to use on it though.
Yeah, agreed on that. The WWII setting was more just the nail in the coffin :P

I do think they should give it a break for a while though, and let people come through with fresher, better uses for the license (well, it's pretty much a franchise nowadays anyway :P).

Company of Heroes would be a good example. I'm really glad CoD4 is opting out of the WWII setting aswell, that was a series that sorely needed to branch off or risk ultimate redundancy.
WW2 is still as good a setting as you could want for fps. Infact, I can't think of anything better. The problem are the amount of generic fps that use it.

I've never really liked MoH or CoD. They're not bad games, but distinctly average when compared to the best the genre has to offer. More thinking mans shooters like H&D and BIA have always been let down by bugs, suspect ai and repetiveness. Despite the number of WW2 shooters around I can't think of a single great one.
best selling xbox360 game right up until the release of Gears of War? Call of Duty 2, a ww2 game ...like it or not casual gamers love ww2 games and they sell like proverbial hotcakes = they'll continue being made
WW2 and multiplayer isn't the problem - RTCW/ET, DoD, RO etc all great fun (especially RTCW :)). But let's face it, these the only real conection to WW2 these games have are in the maps and weapons.

I'd like a truly epic WW2 single player fps - something with decent combat that actually tries to capture the sense of scale and devastation of the war as well as affect it had on the poor lads caught up in the fighting. It's a bit much to ask - i'd settle for just something with decent combat tbh.

Oh, a H&D 3 that isn't buggy as sin with decent AI pls - that would be amazing :)
best selling xbox360 game right up until the release of Gears of War? Call of Duty 2, a ww2 game ...like it or not casual gamers love ww2 games and they sell like proverbial hotcakes = they'll continue being made

That probably has more to do with the fact that at the time Call of Duty 2 was the best shooter on a console which has a tendency to attract shooter fans. I seriously doubt that many people bought Call of Duty 2 because it was yet another WWII game. Also, keep in mind that console gamers have probably played fewer WWII games than PC gamers. At this point, though, the general consensus from both camps seems to be that the setting is tired.

My main problem with historical shooters, WWII in particular, is that they have an automatic pardon from including anything remotely original or interesting in the game. Character development? Nazis=Bad, Allies=Good. Music? Generic, overly dramatic war movie score. Scenarios? Normandy Invasion, etc.

I'm sure there are some parts of the war which haven't been touched, but frankly I don't care. It is a tired setting, and save for a few exceptions, has just been an excuse for a developer to completely disregard originality.
I'd love to see a H&D 3 as well. Part 2 was a lot of fun taking into account the obvious exceptions. I'm sort of indifferent to WWII FPS games. Some are terrible, but I think the potential is still there.
That probably has more to do with the fact that at the time Call of Duty 2 was the best shooter on a console which has a tendency to attract shooter fans. I seriously doubt that many people bought Call of Duty 2 because it was yet another WWII game. Also, keep in mind that console gamers have probably played fewer WWII games than PC gamers. At this point, though, the general consensus from both camps seems to be that the setting is tired.

My main problem with historical shooters, WWII in particular, is that they have an automatic pardon from including anything remotely original or interesting in the game. Character development? Nazis=Bad, Allies=Good. Music? Generic, overly dramatic war movie score. Scenarios? Normandy Invasion, etc.

I'm sure there are some parts of the war which haven't been touched, but frankly I don't care. It is a tired setting, and save for a few exceptions, has just been an excuse for a developer to completely disregard originality.

it's not that ww2 have been done to death .ww2 shooter is a genre just like military shooters ..it's the fact that they're pretty much indistinguishable from the next ww2 shooter .those types of games goe for a "cinematic like expreience" ..which translates to heavily scripted set pieces that play out almost exactly like the next closest competitor. Because the focus is on big cinematic experiences it limits itself right off the bat and is prone to same gimickery like any other genre .."this game is different because it allows you to to cover fire" .."this game is different because it tank gameplay" .."this game is different because you play with a squad" ..basically the same with "new" added features ...but that can be said about any fps ...games are already sold based on what seems like a bullet list of features that differentiate it from it's cometitors ..."this game allows you to terra form", .."this game allows you to use water as a weapon" ..the features are obviously the mst important aspect of the game with plot/story taking a back seat..even graphics are far more important to gamers ..at least according to publishers
WWII needs more German soldier related missions. Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood had some good, if simplistic, levels as a German soldier in skirmish.
Gotta be honest i'm looking forward to more info on MoH: Airborne :O

And Fall of Liberty with Germans owning the world pretty much looks interesting :O
The first person shooter in general got old and unoriginal a long time ago, it was old even before Half-Life 2 came out and most people idealise that game on here :O
Whoever is calling CoD crap needs a slap, when i first got it yonks ago, i couldn't stop playing it, i was playing a game of intensity i had never witnessed before. CoD 2 built on that, both are cracking games. CoD 3 on the other hand, i couldn't even be bothered to complete, it was basically CoD 2 with ridiculous tank missions.

In terms of FPS, no more, but RTSs and third person shooters (MoH: Airborne and hopefully a H&D3), keep em coming.
WWII needs more German soldier related missions. Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood had some good, if simplistic, levels as a German soldier in skirmish.


I'd really like to see a paradigm shift on the genre.

Also, the CoD franchise blows. Not as bad as MoH, but damn close. A bunch of repetitive, low-substance, hand-holding, mediocre games. Every sequel is a rehash of the same ****ing gameplay, just with slightly better looking visuals. I say only slightly better because - increased polygon amounts or bumpmapped wizardry aside - there's only so much you can do with the "shelled European city" setting until it justs gets totally ****ing boring.
Looks like COD2 in 800x600 to me. I still love WWII games, just seem people aren't making them good anymore. MOHA better be good or else.
The first WW2 game I played was fun . . . but after that they all start to feel aged, clunky, repetitive, boring, etc.
Well i didn't find CoD or CoD 2 boring at all, the single player was brilliant in my opinion, the CoD multiplayer had me going for three years before i got bored.

Not to mention, that the CoD 2 multiplayer is the second most played game online with 5,193,450 minutes played according to xfire, WoW with 9,527,574 and Counter Strike: Source with 4,151,257. Thats the stats coming from a total of 7,134,085 registered users worldwide.

I admit Medal of Honor was pretty crappy apart from the Spearhead expansion, but CoD and CoD 2 are up there with the top FPSs for the PC imo.
I don't think WWII shooters need to die off. I mean, repetitive ones should just stop, I'm talking about you MoH and CoD. CoD's single player campaign was fun...for a while. MoH: Allied Assault was the shit for a long time though.

However, I wouldn't mind playing WWII games in the future, as long as they're done with class, new engines (graphics, physics, etc.), and perhaps some creativity even. I think the WWII-era arsenals are very catchy and interesting, as well as the armor aspect.
I do agree that most WW2 games are the same crap, but if you don't like them, don't play them; it's not as if developers are wasting your time or money.

I am still hoping that the UE3-based game the team behind Red Orchestra is making is a WW2 game, seeing as RO is really the only WW2 shooter worth playing, because it isn't like any other WW2 shooter, or any shooter for that matter.
Well i didn't find CoD or CoD 2 boring at all, the single player was brilliant in my opinion, the CoD multiplayer had me going for three years before i got bored.

Not to mention, that the CoD 2 multiplayer is the second most played game online with 5,193,450 minutes played according to xfire, WoW with 9,527,574 and Counter Strike: Source with 4,151,257. Thats the stats coming from a total of 7,134,085 registered users worldwide.

I admit Medal of Honor was pretty crappy apart from the Spearhead expansion, but CoD and CoD 2 are up there with the top FPSs for the PC imo.

I agree on all that.I just hope that CoD4 will be good.
I didn't really like neither the MoH's nor the CoD's. I remember that at the beginning of one of them (MoH I think) I was assaulting some place with 3 or so invincible soldiers. You could shoot them as much as you wanted, so could the Germans - they would not die. But then there was this part where you had to enter a building and get to an MG on the first floor. That was when your soldiers died. I thought "wtf, I screwed up, reload". Nope, that was irrelevant. They had to die there and could die only there. And that pretty much reflects what you get. Scripts, scripts, scripts. Developers thinking it would be fun if the soldier you just shot in the head, and which should land flat on his back, fell FORWARD so that it would look cool as his falling off the ledge.

Not what I like in my games.
The only WW2 game that I'll ever play again will more than likely be Saboteur.
And Fall of Liberty with Germans owning the world pretty much looks interesting :O
Mmm, I love alternate-history games. Anyone else remember the near-awesomeness that was Iron Storm?
we need another comandos game,but like the classics not FPS repetive like the last one
Mmm, I love alternate-history games. Anyone else remember the near-awesomeness that was Iron Storm?
Heh, I remember being told that was going to be the next Half-Life.
We need a futuristic but not too far in the future FPS like Perfect Dark. Just no games do it like PD did.
I enjoyed the CoD 1+2 on Veteran difficulty.

Yea I said it.
I don't mind WWII shooter I just wish they would some using the same damn nations over and over and over. I'd like to see Canada be recognized for it's efforts, I'd like to see the Polish and the Warsaw Uprising and so many other nations that are ignored finally have their spot in the sun.