Why you can't go the speed of light ( for some people who asked)

New science: Doctor Inomoto of Japan and his, energy, mass, conciousness triangle ( I think its actually a pyramid). read up on it, its the future :). it takes zero point into the equation, and our very vessel which we see this world through, our concious mind.

it works, and it is simply an expansion on Einstein's idea's, considering what we know today, but it still changes a hell of alot, so science is moving forward now we know that other factor's are important in the theory, they were just discluded in Einsteins time because of either no knowledge of zero point, or he saw time, light, and mass as his main focus.

and in science is trying to answer this,...
how come we can grasp the operations but not their integration?

fundementally, a large part of scientific thought, hasnt been able to get close till new science came along, and when the mass energy conciousness relationship has been made, only then can you begin to understand the intergration of the systems in the universe. and start to answer the why's and hows, which are more important, because if you can understand the grounding you can understand the operationional concequences better, and then may begin to appear less limited in theory.
I'm surpised how long this thread lasted...you guys really have an interest in this kind of stuff...oh what am I saying..OF COURSE YOU DO!! YOU WANT HALF-LIFE 2!! and Half-life 2 has alot of physics in it..which is one of my favorite things about it. I have been waiting for a game like this forever...and it's about to come out..maybe someone will make a physics mod...where we can change the mass of things and see what they do if they interact with other things..I would like that alot.
its hard to put into words, as its moving deeper into reality, and you could say beyond for us as energy in a concious state.

but ill reiterate, the base operation that gives rise to the physical reality rests on a subconcious level, and using the perceptual evidence its clear to see on a physical plane we cant figure out gravity, other than our comprehension, of the small or the weak force in the quantum realm,

the weak force as percieved through our conciousness, through our human vessel, ..... well its like seeing one side of the curtain, but the operation is on the otherside, giving rise to the effect we see as gravity in the physical domain... our unconcious mind is beyond that, it stems from the very same thing everything in the universe comes from, that operative level, that we cant see through our eyes, because our eyes are only a tool for measuring the reality the human body has evolved into.

like i said its hard to put into words, wift through it carefully and you'll probably get it.

but in zero point terms, its considered a sea of energy, a transistion zone out of human perception that has direct impact on our reality from all forms of phenomena we percieve, .

gravity is thought of as a fluxuation of energy in zeropoint, where that fluxuation is natural to sustain electrons in all matter into and through the energy transition and through on into our physical perception, it manifest's itself as gravitational force.

which explains why,, the more matter the greater the fluxuation, the greater the manifested gravity, but spin also comes into it, which is also translated into energy into Zero point, infact everything and anything is at it base simplicity, and energy form, its just to us percieving light, it takes on a specific seperate form to our formulative brain.
LOL dude.... some stuff here are pretty interesting. and some are pretty stupid.... don't wanna mention them tho.
but why is this here? hl2? =P
General offtopic, almost anything goes into this forum.
MaxiKana said:
General offtopic, almost anything goes into this forum.
Keyword: ALMOST.

(for you newbies to the forums)
Physics are quite interesting until you need to start using numbers and shit. Anyone agree with me ?