Why you should buy Doom 3.

Also weve all seen the graphics of the game, so i know most of my time playing will just be spent looking at all the preatty shadows:) Plus the 4 player DM is perfect, that means you can actually hide in shadows and stuff and scare the crap out of everyone :)
kungfucheez said:
Also weve all seen the graphics of the game, so i know most of my time playing will just be spent looking at all the preatty shadows:) Plus the 4 player DM is perfect, that means you can actually hide in shadows and stuff and scare the crap out of everyone :)

Also, the 4 person MP is perfect for small Lan parties with friends.
Neutrino said:
You do realize this is an id game don't you? People are going to jump all over it to mod.

are they? most mods that ive seen want to work on Source because it’s a lot more versatile than doom 3. utk4 modders all seem to be converting to halflife 2 or sticking with unreal,
the quake 3 community know they have a sequel coming next year...theyll probably experiment with the engine, making multiplayer maps and tweaks etc, but i doubt they’ll start any large scale mods.
and farcrys community isn’t even worth mentioning :x

blahblahblah said:
Its not about the number of mods right now, it is about the number of the will actually finish their mod and put out a quality product. I think the number of completed mods may be higher for Doom 3 than Half-Life 2 since Doom 3 isn't the "cool" engine to mod for. So the people modding for Doom 3 are aware of the engine abilities/limitations and have actual talent. I can promise you that many (if not most) of the Half-Life 2 mods current announcement shouldn't be making a mod at all.

its possible, but if there were modders who wanted to create a large scale, quality mod for d3, they probably would have started working on models, animations, concept art ..etc as far as ive seen not many mods are, which probably isnt a good sign.

Dalamari said:
If I can rent a game and beat it within the week I get to play it, I won't pay the full cash to buy it, for instance Full Spectrum Warrior. Now Max Payne 2 I bought for PC and still play to this day because of mods.

sure there were lots of ok tweak mods when it came out but they quickly tapered off ,I havent seen anything good for months
smwScott said:
I'm certainly not going to buy a product to support a company. That's stupid, I'm going to buy games that are worth my money regardless of who makes it. Seeing as Doom 3 is primarily a single player game that I would probably never play again after I beat it, I'm not going to buy it. Instead I'll play it whenever I go to a friends house, and eventually beat it. Now I will buy Half-Life 2, because it will keep me coming back.
I totally agree with you. After buying soo many games that I ended up beating and never playing again I dont want to shell out another 50. Im tired of buying games that got rave reviews but end up being complete shit. Not only that but I dont want to spend a few hundred bucks on my pc just to play the damn thing.
Of course some of you will say "BUT HAMMER IF YOU UPGRADE NOW YOU WILL REAP THE BENIFEITS OF GAMES LIKE HALF LIFE 2 LOL". I dont care. Im not going to spend 400 bucks on a new graphics card if I can get by with the one I have now. As games come along and the minimum is raised, Ill upgrade.
Fair enough.

(but seriously, it's not as though the pc has many decent games at the moment. To miss out on one of the more promising titles just seems a little odd to me)
All I know is its a good year to be a video game fan. Theres 7 games that i CAN NOT WAIT FOR. Its such a relief after a crappy year that 2003 was.
Warbie said:
How can a fps fan not buy Doom 3?

Remember quake? Nice engine (at the time), Lousy plotless game. Quake² ? (more of the same). Quake³ ? (mediocre compared to it's rivals). ID make great engines......that other companies buy in and make memorable games on (HL, MoHaa, Call of Duty, etc). But ID's own games leave much to be desired.

D³ looks to be another great engine, but I'm deeply cynical about it's value as a game. I'll see how the more astute gaming press (EDGE for example) assess it before making a decision regarding purchasing it.
We'll have to disagree there.

I thought Quake and Quake 2 were perfectly good games for the time, especially Q2 :)

Q3 still remains one of the best multiplay 'twitch' games around, imo.

Either way, Doom 3 is a part of gaming history, for this reaon alone i'll buy it. Just as i'll have to buy every Zelda game ........... expensive hoby this :/

(personally I found MoH and CoH to be particularly average titles - and so did Edge btw. Not that this means much. I've recently lost some faith in Edge's reviews. It's still the best gaming publication around, and the articles are great, however, in some reviews they really do speak out of their ass ;) )
Warbie said:
Fair enough.

(but seriously, it's not as though the pc has many decent games at the moment. To miss out on one of the more promising titles just seems a little odd to me)
Yea it does suck that so very many good pc games are coming out right now, I think that will clear up in the months to come though and we have sooo many mods to look forward to for hl2 :D. I personally dont buy games that much anymore, Ive been playing dod for a year now and havent found any other game that has given me a incentive to purchase.
blahblahblah said:
lol. That means you won't be playing Half-Life 2 either. Combines and striders are not exactly new monsters either. lol

Maybe you should read up on the story of Doom 3. They actually hired a writer for Doom 3 to write out a plot. You should also watch the new G4 footage, they show some more details about the Doom 3 storyline. It actually looks impressive.

There is a MASSIVE difference between creative monsters and good monsters. HL2's monsters at least arn't utterly stupid. (I'm not keen on the one seen in the graveyard..not at all...it lacks muscle structure to move) but that certainly beats and upsidedown head with legs growing out it's ears. or fat babies (where did they come from anyway) with pixy wings. I mean, come one. You honestly expect to be able to play the game without going "Thats just stupid..." oops...instantly pulled out of the game due to horrible design flaws in the enemies...

Yes, none of HL2's monsters are fully original. But at least they are feasable.
A2597 said:
There is a MASSIVE difference between creative monsters and good monsters. HL2's monsters at least arn't utterly stupid. (I'm not keen on the one seen in the graveyard..not at all...it lacks muscle structure to move) but that certainly beats and upsidedown head with legs growing out it's ears. or fat babies (where did they come from anyway) with pixy wings. I mean, come one. You honestly expect to be able to play the game without going "Thats just stupid..." oops...instantly pulled out of the game due to horrible design flaws in the enemies...

Yes, none of HL2's monsters are fully original. But at least they are feasable.

i like the baby idea. Here i get artsy... considering we always see children to be innocent and pure kinda thing, and i guess hell takes their image and they're projecting them as something disturbing, and i hafta say it worked. Its creepy to see that polarization.
Neutrino said:
Hey can you write up a review of your experience playing it then? I'm sure we'd all appreciate it.

Oh wait...what's that? You haven't actually played the game yet? No, that can't be.....you said it has stupid monsters, no story, and is a waste of time. So you played it right? Really? You actually haven't played it?

Wow, never would have guessed. Thanks for your time anyway.

We know the plot. Hell consumes Mars base. Oh, and you might get to go to hell to stop the invasion.
Yea, sounds like a low budget B grade copy of a 12year olds script.

then there are the monsters, we've seen video and screenshots. I don't understand how people can look at an upsidedown head with legs and say "Wow, that monster is so beliivable! It will certainly scare the daylights out of me, while not ruining the suspencion of disbelief!" Same for walking skeletons and flying babies. Seeing things like that would instantly pull me out of the game with a "Oh, thats stupid looking" comment.

poor plot already makes it hard to get into a game, poor monsters means gameplay suffers, ruining THAT chance for getting into the game = section of game enjoyable, you get into it a little, then you see a flying baby and are pulled out of the game and the experience is ruined.

Doom3 had potential, but no plot + REALLY crappy monster design = waste of time.
(To be fair, the imp simple ROCKS. as do a few others. If they had kept that quality of design throughout, I would be buying the game even without the plot. as is, it's 50$ I'm not going to spend, and a number of hours I'm not going to waste)
A2597 said:
then there are the monsters, we've seen video and screenshots. I don't understand how people can look at an upsidedown head with legs and say "Wow, that monster is so beliivable! It will certainly scare the daylights out of me, while not ruining the suspencion of disbelief!" Same for walking skeletons and flying babies. Seeing things like that would instantly pull me out of the game with a "Oh, thats stupid looking" comment.

I'm sure some people said the same thing when they found out one of the enemies in Silent Hill 2 has a pyramid for a head, and another is composed entirely out of parts of a mannequin. But Silent Hill 2 is the single most scary game I've ever played. The plot and monsters aren't what make games scary, it's the suspense that's created with the surrounding environments. Saying a game isn't scary because the plot and monsters are crap doesn't make sense, because the monsters and plot aren't what the game scary.

Besides, It's unfair to judge a game without even playing it. You seem so sure of yourself when you haven't even played it, which just doesn't make sense. You don't see professional reviewers giving a final score based on pre-release screens and videos. They give the game a fair opinion by playing it.
KagePrototype said:
Besides, It's unfair to judge a game without even playing it. You seem so sure of yourself when you haven't even played it, which just doesn't make sense. You don't see professional reviewers giving a final score based on pre-release screens and videos.

Right On. I tottaly agree and i know im buying it.
here we go, another "My Game's e-Penis is Bigger than Your Game's e-Penis!" thread
thehunter1320 said:
here we go, another "My Game's e-Penis is Bigger than Your Game's e-Penis!" thread
hey now . Lets not be gender bias.
Dalamari said:
What? A "My e-cooh is tighter than your e-chooch"?

nice try, but I believe you're going for "cooch". :D
People have different tastes. I personally don't like horror games at all: I don't like the concept, I don't like the game play that it necessitates, I don't like the creates that have to be designed to qualify the game for the horror genre. Do I say that Doom 3 is a shit game, NO, it's just not my cup of tea and all those people that are badmouthing Doom 3 should just shut up, not buy the game, wait for HL2 (just like me) and brag about it.

My 2 cents.
blahblahblah said:
Its not just EA, its about funding the little guy. If you think about it, these small, independent game developers are the ones that radically change the games industry. Small, independent companies is where innovation comes from, not from a monolithic company. Getting rid of Valve or ID would really hurt PC Gaming.

Plus, I want to show how pirating Half-Life 2 or Doom 3 will hurts game developers. I want to see how somebody can justify pirating a video game from Valve or ID when it will directly affect the future of the PC games industry.
I hardly call ID (Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein...every game made on its engine) "the little guy". I like what Doom3 is doing to the industry, but they are by no means deserving of empathy. And it's not in my taste, I'm not buying it. (Will download the demo though.)
I don't think pirating will bring down either companies. The revenue they make far outweighs the costs.
lazicsavo said:
People have different tastes. I personally don't like horror games at all: I don't like the concept, I don't like the game play that it necessitates, I don't like the creates that have to be designed to qualify the game for the horror genre. Do I say that Doom 3 is a shit game, NO, it's just not my cup of tea and all those people that are badmouthing Doom 3 should just shut up, not buy the game, wait for HL2 (just like me) and brag about it.

My 2 cents.

Now that is an intelligent post. I agree with you completely. It's perfectly understandable that the game isn't for anyone, but insulting the quality of the game based on little evidence and more on bias just doesn't make any sense.
Javert said:
I hardly call ID (Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein...every game made on its engine) "the little guy". I like what Doom3 is doing to the industry, but they are by no means deserving of empathy. And it's not in my taste, I'm not buying it. (Will download the demo though.)
I don't think pirating will bring down either companies. The revenue they make far outweighs the costs.

ID (as a privately owned company) pales in comparision to the resources and brute strength of major game developers like EA, Ubisoft and Activision. ID maybe a well known and succesful company, but one unsuccesful title will bring ID Software into serious financial trouble. Perhaps you should read the article.

ID has reached the American dream. I think that companies like Valve and ID are the last of a dying breed. These independent game companies are often revolutionary in their ideas and are willing to spend an extra year redoing certain levels, properly bug testing and optimizing their engine. What do you think Doom 3 would be like if ID was owned by EA? I would imagine that we would have had Doom 3 a year ago and it would have run like garbage on most PC's.

As for pirating, it has real costs that do real harm. The reason why people own their own business is because they feel that they can make more money than working for somebody else. You take that profit motiviation away and you just killed the main reason why somebody would start a business. That is why pirating does, it takes money away from ID and reduces the motivation for them to keep making games. Not all pirated copies of Doom 3 will mean a lost sale, but way too many people think that they should have the right to play/own the game because it doesn't have a long enough single player campaign or big enough multiplayer. They complain about those lacking features but soon as Doom 3 will pop up on a warez site, they are first in line downloading and having a blast when playing single player and having a blast playing multiplayer. All with out paying for it.
DOOM 3 seems to have Event Horizon style happenings. (See the Icon video)

Therefore I must buy it.
Hmm lets see doom 3 gone gold and we don't even know when HL2 is coming out and we know very vauge details about it's mp.

You should give D3 a chance before saying "no". HL had a very crappy storyline in the beginning until you got to the end. Wow something has gone terribly wrong and aliens are invading what an original and intelligent storyline. Then it started to get better when you thought the military was there to help then the soldier shot the scientist and you even get to go to xen at the end.

You never know D3 might actually have a decent plot for a change unlike the rest of Id's games. D3 looks like an awesome game and going back to simpler DM and TDM with only 4 players is a good idea. Also Id will be releasing all the mod tools used to make the game and there will be plenty of mods going around. HL2 will also be an awesome game when/if it ever comes out.
A2597 said:
Not buying Doom 3 until the hype dies down and the truth emerges. I need non-doom fans saying it rocks before I'll concider buying it.

Main reason being their monsters are horribly unimaginative, and worse yet, just plain stupid.

forget that. I'm not buying it. period. flying fat babies? Upsidedown heads with legs? Skeletons with rocket launchers?
Very, very, VERY poor monster design, which would completely ruin a game that already lacks even the slightest glint of a likeable plot.

edit, by not buying I mean not playing. period. not boycotting it, just...too stupid to waste my time on.

That is pretty petty man.

See if you took one minute to stop bitching about the game, went out, bought doom1 or 2 and looked at the monsters in them 2 games you'd know why your so petty. It has the monsters from the first 2 (or some).

It has no story? really? oh so that sci-fi professional story writer they payed for was such a waste of time...yeah he was the Coffee maker really, he didnt write a story..just made Coffee! :rolleyes:

Honestly man, before you slate a game at least read something about it first, you lack any knowledge of Doom and you prooved that in your post.
lazicsavo said:
People have different tastes. I personally don't like horror games at all: I don't like the concept, I don't like the game play that it necessitates, I don't like the creates that have to be designed to qualify the game for the horror genre. Do I say that Doom 3 is a shit game, NO, it's just not my cup of tea and all those people that are badmouthing Doom 3 should just shut up, not buy the game, wait for HL2 (just like me) and brag about it.

My 2 cents.

Yeah like that guy said that is a perfectly good reason to not buy Doom3.

This is where me and you differ...see, i hate being scared but thats what im most looking forward to in Doom3 while im not looking forward to it as well. The game will probably scare me alot of times (it was designed to boast the most scariest game ever like you said) and i will probably quit the game alot of times and play something else for a couple hours to let my heart get back on track. Im also quite interested in the 4 player MP...it might suck, it might be REALLY fun, no one knows yet.
4 player MP is one of the main attractions for me. The only death match i've ever enjoyed has been 1 v 1 or 2 v 2,any more players and it's a big mess.

Of course, a super scary single player Doom experience is going to be fantastic too :)
blahblahblah said:
ID (as a privately owned company) pales in comparision to the resources and brute strength of major game developers like EA, Ubisoft and Activision. ID maybe a well known and succesful company, but one unsuccesful title will bring ID Software into serious financial trouble. Perhaps you should read the article.

ID has reached the American dream. I think that companies like Valve and ID are the last of a dying breed. These independent game companies are often revolutionary in their ideas and are willing to spend an extra year redoing certain levels, properly bug testing and optimizing their engine. What do you think Doom 3 would be like if ID was owned by EA? I would imagine that we would have had Doom 3 a year ago and it would have run like garbage on most PC's.

1. I've read the article, never assume I didn't, again.
2. The reason why they've been so successful is because of awesome quality. "One unsuccessful title" spelling out their Doom (pun intended) would be their fault, not ours or EA's/Activision's.
3. Dying breed? Most game devs start like ID/Valve, and with its business advantages, I do not foresee their deaths.
4. American Dream? How poetic. ^_^ This world is no longer ruled by dreams, but by action.
5. EA owned by ID=crappy game? You assume too much still, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in exagerration.
I will concede to your point in pirating. In the long run, developers lose.