Why you should get Samsung phones


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score





Made in Korea ftmfw! We make everything invincible!
CLEARLY, he buried it 500 years in the past and dug it up today to see what kind of condition it was in.

Power cells still functioning! Impressive!
Darn - I don't have a Samsung phone which means that I can't bash the crap out of it and expect it to survive ;(.
Did the battery explode in Sony style?

If so, the title should be why you shouldn't get Samsung phones.
Looks to me like he set it on fire, then tryed to bat the fire out... literally.
Give it to me, I'll make sure it dosen't work.
The phone was wrapped in paper, sprayed with acetone, and then set on fire.

It didn't break. D:
The phone was wrapped in paper, sprayed with acetone, and then set on fire.

It didn't break. D:

Numbers, you really should of mentioned that earlier. Now you just look like a silly communist. You don't want to look like a silly communist do you?
my friend has a samsung and he throws it all around everywhere, ****s it up like hell. it never breaks. the connection on it is abit shitty though
Looks to me like they just carefully damaged it without hitting anything important. I call fake. If your phone looks that bad from a real accident, it woulnd't work. And before it looks like that, it would break in half.
my friend has a samsung and he throws it all around everywhere, ****s it up like hell. it never breaks. the connection on it is abit shitty though

Same as someone I know...he just chucks it across the street at people..that damn thing is over a year old...
trow it inside a ariplane trubine and see if it still works
trow it inside a ariplane trubine and see if it still works


Seriously, this 2.5 year old, somewhat outdated model, should be the next military/hazardous enviroment communicator of choice.
Oh, I found this:

Basic translation:

Samsung SCH-X199: Stayed in a water reservoir for a entire month in China, was recovered fully working. Reported in 2005 - 12 - 28.

South Africa, Charlene Brand found a cellphone in a remains of a housefire. Model: SGH-D500. In working condition. Diamond Fields Advertiser, a newspaper, reports this incident with title: "Blaze fails to destroy cellphone".

LG LG-U8120: UK, West Sussex (?). Daren Friar was shot by a armed robber, but the cellphone blocked the bullet. Reported by the "Sun" and the "Daily Mirror" ect.
So Samsung is a bit of national pride would you say, eh? Perhaps a bit like... the Korean flag? Do you set your flag on fire too, traitor? DO YOU HATE FREEDOM, NUMBERS, DO YOU?!
Leave it to the Asians to make something you can destroy and be proud of.
So Samsung is a bit of national pride would you say, eh? Perhaps a bit like... the Korean flag? Do you set your flag on fire too, traitor? DO YOU HATE FREEDOM, NUMBERS, DO YOU?!

That's a very serious allegation, I hope for Numbers's sake it isn't true, or off to the gulags for him.
my lg has been through the washing machine twice
i dropped my samsung in the toilet in a club. it went white and vibrated constantly for 30 seconds and then died.
Everyone should buy SonyEricsson, it benifits Swedish industy, and that's good for everyone (except for non-swedes, but who cares about them?)
LG LG-U8120: UK, West Sussex (?). Daren Friar was shot by a armed robber, but the cellphone blocked the bullet. Reported by the "Sun" and the "Daily Mirror" ect.

I don't see where it says still working! Bwahaha! Good job revealing Samsung phones' TRUE WEAKNESS....BULLETS!
Everyone shoud buy SonyEricsson, it benifits Swedish industy, and that's good for everyone (except for non-swedes, but who cares about them?)

Hehe, love my SonyEricsson's :D
I don't see where it says still working! Bwahaha! Good job revealing Samsung phones' TRUE WEAKNESS....BULLETS!

Hah, like from the movie Harold and kumar go to whitecastle

"Bullets! My only weakness. How did you know?!"
There's nothing better than a good old fashioned debate.

Sony Ericsson is better than Samsung!
My old phone is a Samsung E800 and it's pretty solid, but it's got a software glitch that sometimes disconnects calls instead of answering them. Kinda annoying as I had to ring people back, and take the charge for the calls myself. Personally I think Sony Ericsson make some damn fine phones.
Well I have spent so much time destroying phones it is unbelievable. Water is easy, you just dry it out after for a few days. Fire, I have never tried more than once, and it lived. Dropping from heights, Nokia wins Or they did before the newer phones.

Sony Ericsson phones are sexy. Samsung may be able to take more, but they suck otherwise
I have an LG.

I got it for free.

It works perfectly.

I got it for free.
the bigger issue here is why are you setting fire to a perfectly good cell phone? ... methinks you're a pyromaniac