

Nice sack.
I wonder what Halloween in China would be like....hell, the adults would probaly dress up :)
Que-Ever said:
they're TOYS. very much OUT of costume :x

Maybe they're so devoted they let themselves be covered in hot, oozing, gooey plastic and moulded into these shapes.

Maybe they're decayed and dead on the inside, or maybe the plastic has preserved them. Who knows!

When you've been stood in an Akihabara hobby shop full of those toys, then you can truly say you've seen the sweaty scrotum of humanity.

Loads of dodgy nondescript Japanese men in their 30-'s-40's, glass display cases full of these figures...usually nearby to some massive shop full of shrink-wrapped schoolgirl rape hentai. And then even in the 'normal' shops you might have a rack of the latest chart CDs - set up about 5 feet away from shelves stuffed with hentai PC and console games, with covers depicting (school)girls draped in cum and tentacles.

There's something strangely admirable about it all.
I must say I prefer the old day japanese culture compared to this new age sex obsessed shit.

SAMURAI and NINJA's for the win! Well, unless pirates are factored into it all.
Raziaar said:
I must say I prefer the old day japanese culture compared to this new age sex obsessed shit.

SAMURAI and NINJA's for the win! Well, unless pirates are factored into it all.

There was as much if not more porn in the 'old days' of Japan as there is now, since they weren't as repressed about it back then and hadn't taken on the old Western/Victorian-based thing about being shy about it.

There's all the olden days ukiyo-e pics, and stuff of people dressed in kimonos with exaggerated genitals explicitly showing penetration from various angles.The tentacle rape thing isn't exactly new either. I saw some olden days painting of a woman getting her freak on with an octopus. I'll check with a friend and see if I can't find some links.

BTW most of your beloved samurais were gay, just so you know. Women were considered tainted, and the purest kind of love was considered to be between men. Again, until Victorian morality came along.
I don't believe that bit about most all Samurai being gay. That's silly. Show me documentation on this. I'm sure some of it happened... but Samurai still married women, loved women. I never heard anything about samurai thinking women were tainted. Quite frankly, I call bullshit.

But anyways, irregardless, I prefer old japanese culture(before WWII and WWI) to this modern stuff.
Raziaar said:
I don't believe that bit about most all Samurai being gay. That's silly. Show me documentation on this.

But anyways, irregardless, I prefer old japanese culture(before WWII and WWI) to this modern stuff.

I was going to say I can't be bothered to look it up for you, but then realised it really is as easy as shoving 'homosexuality' and 'samurai' into google.

This is the very first hit:

'Known also as wakashudo, “the way of the youth”, it was a practice engaged in by all members of the samurai class, from lowliest warrior to highest lord. Indeed it has been said that it would never have been asked of a daimyo, “lord”, why he took boys as lovers, but why he didn’t.'

I never heard anything about samurai thinking women were tainted. Quite frankly, I call bullshit.

Hohooo, quick on the edit button eh. There were Buddhist and patriarchal prejudices against women. According to Buddhism women couldn't achieve nirvana or something like that, I'm not too clued up. But I don't need to be, it's all there if you read up. Women were also considered to be somewhat unstable, their passions dangerous, etc...hence the whole idea of jealous female possessive spirits that pops up all throughout classic japanese lit, like the Tale of Genji etc.

Western mythology has romanticised Japanese culture and cut out all the bits we don't like. Historically, their view of masculinity has been totally reversed to that of the west - historically in Japan, before Meiji and later WW2 even more so, it was considered that the butchest males were the ones to have homosexual relationships and stayed away from women. It was all the feminine pansies who acted emo and talked about their feelings who hung out with women (as the popular view went).

I'm not arguing that the Japanese didn't marry or breed, who's saying that? Obviously they're not extinct.
Just because its prevailent doesn't mean all of them were homosexuals. That would be like calling all romans or greek homosexual <chuckles>

Besides. why did you throw that out there anyways? Why did you have to bring homosexuality into it? I was merely commenting about the awesomeness of the Samurai and Ninja. NOT their mother****ing sexuality.


The practice was held in high esteem, and was encouraged, especially within the samurai class. It was considered beneficial for the youth, teaching him virtue, honesty and the appreciation of beauty. Its value was contrasted with the love of women, which was blamed for feminizing men.

All i'm saying here... is that it was prevalent. *NOT* universal. However it has nothing to do with what I was talking about Samurai. Had nothing to do with sexuality. Just culture.
Raziaar said:
Besides. why did you throw that out there anyways? Why did you have to bring homosexuality into it? I was merely commenting about the awesomeness of the Samurai and Ninja. NOT their mother****ing sexuality.

All i'm saying here... is that it was prevalent. *NOT* universal.

Laivasse said:
BTW most of your beloved samurais were gay, just so you know.

I did say 'most'. 'Most', 'prevalent'...and I brought homosexuality into it 'just so you know'. I was wondering if you'd find them so awesome if you knew they mostly screwed boys, which you obviously didn't since you tried to deny it based on no evidence at all. Cheers :thumbs:
With all this threads, I'm starting to wonder if you still get laid Stern. ( this is by no means an offence.)
Laivasse said:
I did say 'most'. 'Most', 'prevalent'...and I brought homosexuality into it 'just so you know'. I was wondering if you'd find them so awesome if you knew they mostly screwed boys, which you obviously didn't since you tried to deny it based on no evidence at all. Cheers :thumbs:

Their awesomeness has nothing to do with whether they **** boys or not. It doesn't factor into it AT ALL. So yes they are still awesome.

By the way, I consider that a bit offensive. I would more generally refer to it as 'having physical relationships with members of the same gender'
Raziaar said:
Their awesomeness has nothing to do with whether they **** boys or not. So yes they are still awesome.

Glad you think so, I'm sure there are plenty who wouldn't for just such a reason. Also, if you were a peasant back in olden times and your family got cut to bits by a bunch of Ronin (probably legally) for the rice they were carrying then you might not think so.

Don't think I'm digging at you, I'm just tired of the way Japanese culture has filtered across to the west with all of the bits we don't like cut out. And the idea that there's a cut-off point at which Japan turned from Warriors>perversion (by western standards) - see above post - is also mistaken because there's always been perversion (by western standards).

By the way, I consider that a bit offensive. I would more generally refer to it as 'having physical relationships with members of the same gender'

It's your watch, personally I don't want to have to set aside 5 minutes to type a sentence when I want to say something as simple as 'screw boys' :p
CptStern said:

you cant tell but they all have adam's apples
This ****ing scares me. I'm not even kidding. Scares is a bad word but I mean, it literally makes me feel uneasy looking at it.
Glirk Dient said:
Samurai wins. Hentai is just pathetic, its taking something shunned by losers and deemed pathetic and taking it 10 steps further. How could you defend that?
I don't think he was defending it. Just saying that it's not like it's a new thing.

Also, what you posted is merely a woman...but in cartoon form. I don't see how that SUDDENLY becomes unatractive. I find most hentai (from what I've seen; it's not as if I go searching for it) pretty disgusting and/or disturbing but then this is coming from someone who finds most porn pretty disgusting and/or disturbing.
The original post can be summed up in 3 letters: W T F?
Beerdude26 said:
You obviously haven't seen decent Hentai :O

You know, I'm really starting to expect that response from you everytime the subject comes up. :)
Sulkdodds said:
I don't think he was defending it. Just saying that it's not like it's a new thing.

Also, what you posted is merely a woman...but in cartoon form. I don't see how that SUDDENLY becomes unatractive. I find most hentai (from what I've seen; it's not as if I go searching for it) pretty disgusting and/or disturbing but then this is coming from someone who finds most porn pretty disgusting and/or disturbing.

I searched for hentai and figured that was about the closest thing I could post without getting bant.
The point is, just because it's not real it doesn't necessarily make it nothawt/only for losers and nerds like you said. At least, no more than ANY pornography.
On cosplay:

People do it for a lot of different reasons. Some people love a show/game SO MUCH that they want to dress up as the characters. Think of the mentality of kids on Halloween; some cosplayers just never grew out of the spirit of it. Other people dress up because they like the design (although, strangely [sadly] enough, you sometimes get people from the first group disliking people from the second group, namely because some people dress up solely because they like a character's look, but no nothing about him/her).

Cosplay's a lot of things at once. It can be sad (pathetic sad), disgusting (in the case of the morbidly obese wearing skimpy clothing, ugly people, or crossplayers like Man Faye), or just plain WHAT IN HOLY GOD'S NAME ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING?!; but on the flipside it can also be pretty awesome, and it's fun--if not only for the person dressing up, but for convention-goers as well. So I say, even if these people* weird you out, let them do what they will...it makes them happy.

*These people include myself as well...yes, I have cosplayed once or thrice.

Laivasse said:
The tentacle rape thing isn't exactly new either. I saw some olden days painting of a woman getting her freak on with an octopus.
"The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife," Katsushika Houkusai, 1820. It's a woodcarving, actually. Hentai knowledge, go! :laugh:

Glirk Dient said:
Hentai is just pathetic, its taking something shunned by losers and deemed pathetic and taking it 10 steps further. How could you defend that?