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Aug 4, 2003
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why is it that a load of people find solace in bearing thier innermost demons on a ****ing internet forum full of people they don't or ever will know. sure theres anonymity but surely theres someone close who can offer real advice...MY GF DID THIS or MY GF WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE etc its unbelieveable. we all have problems, but find a different source of help

attention whoring

Why do you make threads that no one cares about? Hell, I don't even recognize your name. People post things because, no matter what anyone replies, it doesn't matter. It's not as if a person on the internet really matters. If you told your mom, dad, close relative, or friend, it matters what they think of you and otherwise. An internet forum is like a poll where you get the general consensus but no faces are shown and no names are given.

If you had some sort of functioning brain, you wouldn't have posted this.
being drunk is ace cos it means i can be a **** and use it as an excuse
Why do you make threads that no one cares about? Hell, I don't even recognize your name. People post things because, no matter what anyone replies, it doesn't matter. It's not as if a person on the internet really matters. If you came up to your mom, dad, close relative, or friend, it matters what they think of you and otherwise.

If you had some sort of functioning brain, you wouldn't have posted this.

pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft to your balls
I agree with Qon, plus your stupid.

One more thing: In before lock!
gutted i'm hated by spotty internet geeks who hump bark and lick turd and dive into a swimming pool filled with whoreish liquorish
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