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Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
Why was my thread in here been deleted? And the other two deleted. Leaving a total of 100% of my threads deleted. If it was me, I would have been banned by now, I dont get it. Maybe the mods dont like what I say, I have proved a few wrong, but I have never been rude, or inmature. And I have never personaly attacked someone. Just want a answer.
Yes.I wonder why?But really I don't know maybe your post got boring and they just deleted it?Who knows.
No, no, no. Theres 21 pages of threads, many with no replies. All my threads had good discussion, and many pages in length. They seem to disappear whenever I prove a mod wrong, or my idea counters his.
Well I guess that shows you what happens when someone has more power over the other.
The only thread I have on record as being deleted was the one named 'Whats Better than two sixteen year olds?' which I deleted because it was pointless.
It was a joke, the point was to make people laugh and be jolly.

Please, don't bring up Hitler...
Why are you German, if so, you people just cant act like it never happened.
Yea that thread was kinda pointless but funny.But hey I dunno soon my "wallpaper request" thread will get deleted soon.But you won't see me make a thread about munro or someone deleting it.Just don't worry about it man.Hey Munro I have a question.Why does my sig disspear after I exit Internet Explorer then come back to HL2.net and post a reply.It does that everytime,is there a way to make it stay all the time so I won't have to click that sig box thingy?
And people do want to forgot their shame

acting like never happened, is diffent then forgeting, forgetting is when people lose intrest in a subject and it fades out of the publics view. Acting like it never happend is what a little kid does when he breaks a vase/window playin ball in the house, then the little kids parents come and tell him what he did is wrong and to apologize for what he did. The little kid takes responsoblity, Germany hasnt.
Germany took responsibility....didnt you do history? after both world wars germany had to pay millions of pounds to the allied countrys to pay for the damages done....all we did was suck all the money out of germany...they took responsibility...not that they should of done....germany was under a dictatorship, it wasnt a whole collective idea to invade other countrys in WW2, hitler was a dictator, which means the people have little to no say in what happens. So dont say germany hasnt taken responsibilty, because they have, not that they needed to, it was the nazis who started ww2, not germany.
Read a history book before you go slagging countrys off.
Germany started Heckler & Koch after WWII to help some countries.
Germany is a nice country I hafta say
I know, I wasnt saying Germans, I meant the government, anyways I went to school in california, so dont be so harsh.
no offence, but surely you must of been taught about ww2 considerin america did *cough win*cough the war
**** you all. I hate you all. I can't stand you people any more. People frustrate me beyond comprehension. I'm going to go kill myself now.

Why can't anyone have a debate without being personally attacked??

Why can't anyone mention that they are from America without being attacked even when they are not defending it and are not involved in any political discussion?
because americans get games before us, they get all the demos at 9.00, and we have to wait till 2.00 in the moring for ours!!! it annoys me!!! lol

Dont take it so personally, you said something, and people reacted, people will react to what i say, and it could be good or bad. And it wasnt a personal attack, a personal attack would be 'OMG!! U SUX U F*CKIN ASSHOLE!!!!!!oneone1!!!11'
All people have been saying is what there opinions are on the subject that YOU brought into the conversation.
And dont be so pathetic and say your going to kill yourself, suicide is not a joke.
I know suicide is not a joke. Here's a joke:

What's better than 2 16yr. olds?
16 2yr. olds

I wasn't joking (about the suicide)

people just don't understand....
Well we cant understand if you dont tell us man.

U best be jokin bout that 16 2yr ols, i mean irespect you, i wasnt personally having ago at you...but if you werent jokin about that, then my respect is gone for you.
Great, seeya never!

Im fed up with teenage angst suicide threats, GET OVER IT NUB!

Seriously, I hear too many suicide threats a day over at deviantart, stupid angsty fag artists, VENTING FEELS DAMN GOOD!
Guys stop with the GERMANY crap.Get the subject back on topic.Alright if Munro or any other mod deletes a thread they probally have a reason for that.So don't worry about it.
and whether he would choose 16 2yr olds over 2 16yr olds.....cause thats alittle messed.
Ok guys this isn't about Ender this is about why his threads were closed.Munro might as well close this one before it becomes a flame war.
ok i'll stop....

but still, alittle stupid his reaction....
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