Wierd feeling...


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
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Well I have been having this wierd feeling lately and I think its not so much wierd as it is I just realized it. Like when you're in pain or finally get to bed and could fall asleep almost instantly, I feel...like its almost nothing, almost as if I am myself trying to put the feeling of 'sleepiness' or 'pain' in to some kind of more rational way thinking, as if the feeling itself is not justification enough for my action of either the act of falling asleep fast or flinching away from whatever caused me pain. Do I just want more control over my actions? Like I don't exactly want to sleep now, I want to play some HL2, but my body says F U and forces me to sleep or I'm some kind of masochist who wants more pain? I know it sounds wierd as well but I guess I just want a spammer to come into here and call me crazy or somehow relate to it. I prefer the latter.
You are tired. You need to get some sleep.

Dr. Krynn suggests sleeping 13 hours each day this weekend.
my chest tends to hurt if I sleep over 9.5 hours, I think its cuz of all the germs that accumulate in the mouth and my dentist told me it's the same germs that are found in heart diseased people's hearts, I started brushing 3x a day after that.
I dont know about you. but i honestly would rather DO about 100 other things rather than sleep. I do not enjoy sleeping. I find it an annoying thing that i have to do.. kinda liek buying gas for my car. I do both when i absolutly have to and put it off for as long as i can.

i dont know.. i like to play till i pass out. :) welcome to insomnia!! :D
I wake up feeling sick, as if there is vomit in my throat.

Thus far, I've just had a shower each morning (as usual) and shrugged it off.
I've got a weird feeling today as well...

I'm hungover as ****.
i woke up today with a weird feeling that something strange was gonna happen, a second later my smoke alarm went off

at least it was just the batteries needing replacing :p

happens all the time, pretty fun
my chest tends to hurt if I sleep over 9.5 hours, I think its cuz of all the germs that accumulate in the mouth and my dentist told me it's the same germs that are found in heart diseased people's hearts, I started brushing 3x a day after that.

You didn't brush 3x a day before?


I'm obsessed with brushing my teeth now for some reason. I still only brush about three times a day but sometimes I take 2-3 minutes for no real reason.

They're pretty white now though, so it's not all bad.
not necc. 3x all the time, I only do it in the afternoon if my teeth feel dirty enough, its always bee 2x otherwise.