Wierd Languages

JiMmEh said:
Russian is a really strange language. I went there to Moscow for a history trip, a lot of the words I could barely pronounce at all. When you hear a Russian speaking really quickly it's just like "What the ****?" :P

Although it was great I managed to pick up lots of Soviet-Union era stuff, like officer caps, soldier trenchcoats for like 10 quid :D

Russian has by far the sexiest/coolest accent. Along with French (well the sexy part anyway, dont find a French accent cool personally).
English isn't hard to learn. Finnish is. There is a page on Wikipedia about the hardest languages to learn but I couldn't find it. We got no articles or prepositions, instead post-positions and our words twist and bend like nothing you've seen. And we got ä and ö like the swedish, and foreigners tend to find those very hard to say even after years of practise. If you want challenge, (try) learn Finnish instead of Swedish. Swedish sounds stupid and the words are gay too. Btw Swedish is mandatory to learn here :x