Wierd, overbright reflections on, well, everything.


Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Well, not everything - just any parts of the models that have shiny surfaces. Check the screenshots to see what I mean:

Screenshot 1 - ok, so it's a bit dark, but you can see what I mean by how bright the shiny surfaces look.

Now, maybe you might be thinking that it only looks like that because the room is so dark but if you look at this screenshot, which has normal lighting, you can still see that they stick out in a very ugly fashion. Notice how bright Barney's boots are.

So... what's my problem? Could a leak in the map be causing this? (It's not a complex map at the moment, only just started making it really) I don't think it should be, as when I very first started with a box and I had a table as my very first model in it, they appeared bright in that too...

I understand that HL2 (and CSS) applies different reflection maps on models depending where they are in the map, and I'm guessing this is where the problem lies, but I don't know how it's done or whatever...

Any help please? :(

Oh, and the models in the main HL2 game look "normal" as can be (ie. the reflections are how they should be!).
hmm i have no idea... im yet to make a map im at work waiting to go home to try it out. but i feel your pain... why the hell is "Headcrab" under my name...
ohh a ranking system.. how l33tne55 hahahahah
during gameplay press ESC > options > Video > Advanced > Mess around with setting until you get a good image.

let me know if u figure it out.
SeriousStu said:
Well, not everything - just any parts of the models that have shiny surfaces. Check the screenshots to see what I mean:

Screenshot 1 - ok, so it's a bit dark, but you can see what I mean by how bright the shiny surfaces look.

Now, maybe you might be thinking that it only looks like that because the room is so dark but if you look at this screenshot, which has normal lighting, you can still see that they stick out in a very ugly fashion. Notice how bright Barney's boots are.

So... what's my problem? Could a leak in the map be causing this? (It's not a complex map at the moment, only just started making it really) I don't think it should be, as when I very first started with a box and I had a table as my very first model in it, they appeared bright in that too...

I understand that HL2 (and CSS) applies different reflection maps on models depending where they are in the map, and I'm guessing this is where the problem lies, but I don't know how it's done or whatever...

Any help please? :(

Oh, and the models in the main HL2 game look "normal" as can be (ie. the reflections are how they should be!).

Try loading one of the template maps and insert a model, see what happens.
Sorry to take so long getting back to the few that replied.
After a bit of research, seems I found out that I was supposed to place env_cubemaps about my map that are meant to create the reflection maps when you type "buildcubemaps" in the console while running the map.

However, there's apparently a bug with this command and pretty much everyone else seems to be getting the same problem as I am. Hopefully, this'll get fixed when VALVe release the full SDK which is, what, a week away or something? Here's hoping :)
It is going to be fixed with the full SDK, on the site they stated that cubemaps did not work yet, but will when the full SDK is released.
The models were probably made with a high ambient shade property.

To be honest id say its a problem with the actual "model" or "object" than any of the settings.
FreemanHL2 said:
The models were probably made with a high ambient shade property.

To be honest id say its a problem with the actual "model" or "object" than any of the settings.
No, he had it right when he thought it was the cube maps. You can't get proper cube maps* in custom HL2 maps yet. We have to wait until Valve fixes the problem with the buildcubemaps command. Right now, it's basically taking some generic cube maps that happen to be made from a bright scene and applying them to every reflective surface.

* A cube map is like a 360 degree panoramic picture taken of the surroundings that is used to simulate reflections instead of actually doing a dynamic reflection. It's almost as good but with a much smaller performance hit.