Wierd problem with my Camera in SDK Hammer



I'm really confused as to why SDK Hammer has started doing this, but everytime I change the angle of the camera (when viewing my map with textures) all of my world models move with it. It does not effect the actual map, but it's really annoying seeing about 20 models flying around when I'm trying to view my map. This doesn't happen when in 3D wireframe or any other 3D view. Only Textured view (I don't want to use the other 3D views because I'm adding in textures now)

It also only happens at a certain distance. You know when you zoom out far enough to where you can't see the model that it turns purple? (at least that's what it always does for me) That's the only time the models move (except it did move a window once...)

Is there anyone that knows why this is happening? Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
only the purlpe and yellow boxes move?

I guess a fix would be moving changing the draw distance for those then. A cheap fix.

Or you could try Textured shaded and see if that changes things.
Nope, didn't work. :x

I don't know why it has started doing this. I tried to work with it, but after I started working on it, I realized it's really screwed up... I tried to make a simple floor, and the "outline" of it before I enter it in was WAY far away from where I was putting it, but when I push enter, it was where I set it at; with the red outline of it far away...

anyone know what's wrong? I really don't want to reinstall to see if THAT'll work :x
To me thats sounds like a god thing to do.

I have no fix whatsoever for this...
SardonicSamurai9 said:
Nope, didn't work. :x

I don't know why it has started doing this. I tried to work with it, but after I started working on it, I realized it's really screwed up... I tried to make a simple floor, and the "outline" of it before I enter it in was WAY far away from where I was putting it, but when I push enter, it was where I set it at; with the red outline of it far away...

anyone know what's wrong? I really don't want to reinstall to see if THAT'll work :x

That's my problem too =/ My friend seems to have the exact same problem as well. It seems Valve updated it and buggered everything up (again)
I think theres a key that enables/disables this feature altho i dono what key it is you'll just have to start pressin keys until you hit the right one lol.

Ps. It might be a series of keys as well such as ctrl+a or alt+a or shift+a (where A could be any key on ur keyboard)

Good Luck:D
I'm experiencing similar issues with build 3368 on these two different machines:

Athlon 64 Processor
2GB Ram
ATI X850 Pro

Laptop (this was a fresh install to see if that would fix things):
Intel Core Duo
1GB Ram
ATI X1400

Both machines have problems rendering certain models at certain distances and angles in the following camera views: 3d Flat, 3D Textured, 3d Textured Shaded, 3D Lightmap Grid, 3D Smooth.

In 3D Flat the faces of brushes move in odd directions when you move the camera around the map.

In the textured/other views the textured brushes appear fine but the static props I've placed can look normal at one angle and then absolutely garbled at a different one. I'll post some examples once I get some sleep.:sleep:
Here are the images. The one that looks messed up was produced by looking downward in the camera view. Looking up and side to side produces similar results with the entities. Brushes in the 3D Flat mode act similarly.


You're not alone my friend. The update a few days ago has seriously screwed up most of the sdk. See exibit A: http://robert.nuclear-dawn.net/Misc/No.1.gif
There's a possible temp fix on the valve wiki, but I would advise against it. I don't like to mess with .dll's in the program directory unless I'm 100% sure.
thank goodnes for that, I was just about to post my own thread of wonked-out world models.