Wierdest Thing Just Happened to Me...


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I was on the computer in my Dads study, when I heard this loud 'Pop' coming from the Kitchen.

Investigating, I smelt Strong Wine. I eventually found out that it was definately a wine bottle, with it Corkless and with a puddle on the Kitchen side.

I eventually found the Cork, which was in fact behind the Microwave. But the wierdest thing is that I assumed that a massive pressure difference caused this to happen. I assumed we would be having a Storm.

I went on to the national weather service, and it turns out that this region is to have a Storm tomorrow morning. I made an assumption on a freakish incident. :thumbs:

So has anything like this happen to you before?
Nope never. That is strange you should document that lol
Reminds me of that report of the watermelon exploding on the kitchen table when there was a clap of thunder. :O
I just put my work shoes on. They are old and im seeing how long they last till they fall apart...into pieces. Well suffice to say they have a few holes. I put them on and a centipeed crawled out of the hole a few seconds later. I hate those things above all else. I soon smashed him with his previous home. Showed him.
that popping sound would probably scare the shit outta me
Glirk Dient said:
I just put my work shoes on. They are old and im seeing how long they last till they fall apart...into pieces. Well suffice to say they have a few holes. I put them on and a centipeed crawled out of the hole a few seconds later. I hate those things above all else. I soon smashed him with his previous home. Showed him.

That was sooo amazing! Even more amazing than the wine bottle story!! OMG!!! CENTIPEDE. KILLED. WITH. SHOE. You are god, glirk.

It must suck to own a wine cellar, a little storm comes and your basement turns into a wine pool
Dalamari said:
It must suck to own a wine cellar, a little storm comes and your basement turns into a wine pool

How would that suck? Excuse to have a party with everyone naked in the cellar :D

Interesting story though.
Dalamari said:
It must suck to own a wine cellar, a little storm comes and your basement turns into a wine pool

Haha nice one.
massive pressure difference caused this to happen. I assumed we would be having a Storm.
Cool story, except pressure change from weather alone is reletively small, so it would be a massive pressure difference. There's more pressure difference if you went up 30 meters than if a storms comes in for instance. Obviously it was enough though hahah.
Ren.182 said:
How would that suck? Excuse to have a party with everyone naked in the cellar :D

hehe nice one. Ya know it's funny, that kinda reminds me of the munro incide-

*gets abducted by men in black suits*
Dude, you reacted a lot more rationally than I would have. I would have freaked out and gone all "Holy shit poltergeist!" all ove the place.
I was on the computer in my Dads study, when I heard this loud 'Pop' coming from the Kitchen.

Investigating, I smelt Strong Wine. I eventually found out that it was definately a wine bottle, with it Corkless and with a puddle on the Kitchen side.

I eventually found the Cork, which was in fact behind the Microwave. But the wierdest thing is that I assumed that a massive pressure difference caused this to happen. I assumed we would be having a Storm.

I went on to the national weather service, and it turns out that this region is to have a Storm tomorrow morning. I made an assumption on a freakish incident. :thumbs:

So has anything like this happen to you before?

Woah, be careful, if your fingernails start turning black and stuff, your in for a Cat. 5 Hurricane....
:: Pictures a whilrlwind of blue category 5 cable::
hungryduck said:
Woah, be careful, if your fingernails start turning black and stuff, your in for a Cat. 5 Hurricane....
The very same thing has happend to me :O

Glirk Dient said:
I just put my work shoes on. They are old and im seeing how long they last till they fall apart...into pieces. Well suffice to say they have a few holes. I put them on and a centipeed crawled out of the hole a few seconds later. I hate those things above all else. I soon smashed him with his previous home. Showed him.

you forgot the part where you screamed like a frightened girl ;)
I was walking in the park when I suddenly smelled something strange - like a cuppycake.

I immediately began to find cover and only seconds later a bomb hit the ground where I was standing earlier, killing thousands of babies.

Lucky me that I can smell so good.