Wii and Gamecube graphics side by side comparisons


May 5, 2004
Reaction score

side by side you can see the huge differences
I think its obvious the Nintendo Wii is a lot better graphically.
DeusExMachina said:
Pretty sure some of those are pre-rendered.

Actually there is footage of people playing the top one and the others are all clearly footage from SSBB in game. Because the pre-rendered of SSBB looks much better.

I've already TRIED to do this by comparing the footage of Sunshine to Galaxy but it's hard when one is running on a nice TV and one is on a low quality monitor. :(
The zelda one is BS, that looks more like a pic from N64, and isn't the right one from twilights princess which is also a gamecube title.
As far the rest, it's not surprising Wii has come 5 years after the cube, naturally it should have better graphics.
DeusExMachina said:
Actually just that first Wii pic. That's in-game?
The 1st shot is from Super Mario Galaxy, there's a few short vids over at IGN of that exact part in gameplay.

EDIT: Also that Zelda pic is pretty accurate. This is a screencap from the ingame trailer of SSBB of Zelda.

yea absolutely , nintendo said " The Revolution will be powerfull 5 times than the GameCube "
The characters aren't really what got the bulk of the improvement though.

Melee had extremely detailed characters, but they had to sacrifice the backgrounds and other stuff somewhat as a result.
The backgrounds look like they're getting the bulk of the improvement now.
5 times betteruooo!

I like it, out of all the consoles its actually the most tempting to me.
Obviously its better. I don't know what people even argue this for. Now if devs can successfully merge the innovative new control scheme with their vision of stupendous gaming, then this will be the console to beat IMHO.

Personally, I am constantly switching back and forth as to which one console I want to get. My favorite franchises and new titles will be on the PS3, but its so bloody expensive that I just can't justify it right now. 360 too will have some really terrific games coming out later this year and into next, but it too is a little too pricey atm. The Wii is my best bet--that and a DS for the ultimate in fun. Zelda and Galaxy almost warrant the purchase alone!
All of those Wii screens are in-game.
I actually like the graphics a lot... not of this over exposed HDR with motion bluur everywhere with lots of explosions. That kinda stuff doesn't make a good game... just makes it pretty.
Mario looks...really creepy. He seems to get progressively scarier the more detail they put into him.
weskerQ8 said:
yea absolutely , nintendo said " The Revolution will be powerfull 5 times than the GameCube "
They said 2 times more powerful. :\
torso boy said:
They said 2 times more powerful. :\

Some of it looks better than that though. The shinyness of the oil in the shot of Galaxy is really great. XD
Not entirely convinced. The image compares early GC releases with early Wii releases, and then releases that take two entirely different art-styles. Short of comparing Wind-Waker Link with Twilight Princess link, Super Smash Bros Link still doesn't make sense because the developers won't go mad with details in a game that sees Link fighting the traditionally cartoon-style nintendo characters that are in SSB. Compare those pictures with http://uk.media.cube.ign.com/media/572/572738/img_2785376.html . Sure, the wii version looks a lot better, but the Gamecube is capable of far, far better graphics than the cleary biased "comparrison" in the first post suggests.

Of course, at the end of the day, Wii looking better than Gamecube is no more exciting to most of us than it trumping the Sega Master System or Atari Lynx. Comparing it to a past console is just adknowledging that the goal-posts of the present have moved so far out of reach that there is no point. If my dad can beat your grandad in a fight, that doesn't hide the fact that everyone else's dad can knock him flat twenty times over.
SearanoX said:
No, they didn't. They said two to three times more powerful, and that looks exactly like what we're getting.

The Zelda picture looks like it's from the N64?


Yeah, not much an improvement at all.

The picture on the left-hand side of the original post's image is how Link looks in Super Smash Bros. Melee, and it's still a pretty big upgrade to the N64 model.
The right picture of Link is almost identical to zelda twilight princes that was shown for the gamecube.
You can't compare link from a fastpaced multiplayer fighting game to link from a singleplayer adventure.
kupoartist said:
Not entirely convinced. The image compares early GC releases with early Wii releases, and then releases that take two entirely different art-styles. Short of comparing Wind-Waker Link with Twilight Princess link, Super Smash Bros Link still doesn't make sense because the developers won't go mad with details in a game that sees Link fighting the traditionally cartoon-style nintendo characters that are in SSB. Compare those pictures with http://uk.media.cube.ign.com/media/572/572738/img_2785376.html . Sure, the wii version looks a lot better, but the Gamecube is capable of far, far better graphics than the cleary biased "comparrison" in the first post suggests.

Of course, at the end of the day, Wii looking better than Gamecube is no more exciting to most of us than it trumping the Sega Master System or Atari Lynx. Comparing it to a past console is just adknowledging that the goal-posts of the present have moved so far out of reach that there is no point. If my dad can beat your grandad in a fight, that doesn't hide the fact that everyone else's dad can knock him flat twenty times over.

This isn't directed just at you kupo - I just have to say it anyways since your comments are leaning towards a view that I HATE.

I just don't see why people have to be sold on graphics. There's been SO MUCH talk since unveiling of these latest consoles and 90% of it is about this graphics war. WHO GIVES A SHIT?!


I'm just sick of everybody flocking to the system with the best graphics calling it next-gen while thinking the Wii isn't next-gen because the graphics aren't a massive leap. The Wii is the only console taking a REAL step forward in changing the way we play games. The other consoles are just taking baby steps in technology and enchancing various features of the console (like all of the additions to XBL - PS3 supporting blu-ray).

I bet there's tons of people that would play a game of checkers nonstop if it was photorealistic...

I hate how link looks like a damn woman. Why do these anime things always gotta make guys look feminine? I look at my brothers anime games he plays... and I always ask, "Is that a chick?" No... it's a guy, he replies.
Well Link has always been in an anime style. It's just Nintendo are using more polygons now which make him have a more human figure but still have an anime face. Anime faces on a human-like figure = girly looking tbh.

I like the new look of the new Zelda game anyway.
spookymooky said:
Mario looks...really creepy. He seems to get progressively scarier the more detail they put into him.

I agree - one day Mario will be a filthy looking lech :)
Yeah, thats not really an accurate comparison, since the Zelda game's graphics are the same on each system...
AmishSlayer said:
This isn't directed just at you kupo - I just have to say it anyways since your comments are leaning towards a view that I HATE.

I just don't see why people have to be sold on graphics. There's been SO MUCH talk since unveiling of these latest consoles and 90% of it is about this graphics war. WHO GIVES A SHIT?!


I'm just sick of everybody flocking to the system with the best graphics calling it next-gen while thinking the Wii isn't next-gen because the graphics aren't a massive leap. The Wii is the only console taking a REAL step forward in changing the way we play games. The other consoles are just taking baby steps in technology and enchancing various features of the console (like all of the additions to XBL - PS3 supporting blu-ray).

I bet there's tons of people that would play a game of checkers nonstop if it was photorealistic...


He didn't deserve that comment, he only commented on how unfair the comparison was in his opinion, never did he say that he likes graphics more the gameplay or that graphics alone make the better game. But this thread was started to compare graphics, that someone is only focusing on the graphics side of the Wii in this thread stems from the focus of the topic.
Grey Fox said:
He didn't deserve that comment, he only commented on how unfair the comparison was in his opinion, never did he say that he likes graphics more the gameplay or that graphics alone make the better game. But this thread was started to compare graphics, that someone is only focusing on the graphics side of the Wii in this thread stems from the focus of the topic.

Well let me quote myself to make this easier.

AmishSlayer said:
This isn't directed just at you kupo - I just have to say it anyways since your comments are leaning towards a view that I HATE.

I wasn't directing it at him.
WhiteZero said:
Yeah, thats not really an accurate comparison, since the Zelda game's graphics are the same on each system...

AmishSlayer said:
The Wii is the only console taking a REAL step forward in changing the way we play games. The other consoles are just taking baby steps in technology and enchancing various features of the console (like all of the additions to XBL - PS3 supporting blu-ray).
Yes yes, Graphics don't equal good gameplay. I'm nearly as tired of people making the assumption of Graphics = Gameplay as i'm tired of people stating the obvious fact that the assumption has been made :p

The thing is though, Graphics also don't equal bad gameplay. If it wasn't an entirely unquantifiabile set of values, i'd be willing to bet that there will be as many games with great gameplay across all the consoles (Nintendo consoles tend to be more consistant with good gameplay, but are brought down by low output. Playstation and X-Box developers are market spammers, and there are always quality titles amongst the mass). So what then? All three consoles have great gameplay, so long as you buy the right titles. So why not have the console with the better graphics? Sure the Wii will cost less than the others, but why not go for an even older console if you're hung-up on price and don't care about graphics?.

Argueably it's different this time round and Nintendo are clawing back with their innovative control method... that Sony have too (though I hear it's inferior in the PS3's controller)... but I'll believe it when I see it. Nintendo are as guilty of marketing rhetoric as anyone else, so who is to say we're really getting the next innovation in gaming? I mean, When you think about it, is a motion-sensored controller all that different from the PC's Mouse and Keyboard combination? Does swatting a little box in the air really open a further dimension of immersion?
kupoartist said:
Yes yes, Graphics don't equal good gameplay. I'm nearly as tired of people making the assumption of Graphics = Gameplay as i'm tired of people stating the obvious fact that the assumption has been made :p

The thing is though, Graphics also don't equal bad gameplay. If it wasn't an entirely unquantifiabile set of values, i'd be willing to bet that there will be as many games with great gameplay across all the consoles (Nintendo consoles tend to be more consistant with good gameplay, but are brought down by low output. Playstation and X-Box developers are market spammers, and there are always quality titles amongst the mass). So what then? All three consoles have great gameplay, so long as you buy the right titles. So why not have the console with the better graphics? Sure the Wii will cost less than the others, but why not go for an even older console if you're hung-up on price and don't care about graphics?.

Argueably it's different this time round and Nintendo are clawing back with their innovative control method... that Sony have too (though I hear it's inferior in the PS3's controller)... but I'll believe it when I see it. Nintendo are as guilty of marketing rhetoric as anyone else, so who is to say we're really getting the next innovation in gaming? I mean, When you think about it, is a motion-sensored controller all that different from the PC's Mouse and Keyboard combination? Does swatting a little box in the air really open a further dimension of immersion?

Watch the Nintendo conference:


Steam it for free from that link.

The remote is not just like a mouse (although it has close to the same precision as one). Watch them play a fishing game and flick the remote to cast, bring it up to hook the fish then reel it in. You can also see them play tennis and realistically serve and swing. Racing games will be able to use the remote sideways to recreate the feel of a steering wheel or tilt it to lean into corners (ie motorcycle).

Not to mention the visuals should be better then Doom 3 or HL2 (both of which run on the XBOX) for cheap. I am looking forward to the wii a lot more now after seeing all the new media.
SearanoX said:
On the contrary, the PS3's controller is the one that lacks functionality.
Lovely. Now read my post again. That was what I said.
inferior means worse.... as in (though I hear it's worse in the PS3's controller)
Oh god Link looks frigen sweet.

They could be better, i meen there not the best.

-that is all
SearanoX said:
Oh God, I'm stupid. I had read that quote as "inferior to the PS3's controller." Ignore everything I've ever said. :dork:
To be honest, It was a weird way of phrasing it, and without too much attention most people just fill in the small gaps with what they expect to be there :p