WiiFit - Will it work?


Aug 1, 2003
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I just watched the Nintendo Conference and was fairly suprised to see WiiFit, I'm not sure what to think about it. Putting aside my personal preference for games, or even yours. Will it actually work? Do you think people will buy it? If it could somehow figure out exactly how you was moving I would say yes. Hmmm... what do you think?

I dunno. It might work in a gym setting. I could also imagine people like my mother using it.
Ye, my sister will definatly buy it. She already has a Wii. But the demonstration seemed a bit... bleh... didn't seem to actually work that well. Suring Nintendo wouldn't bring out something that sort of... sucked...
It'd be a great thing for a family to get and should sell well. I'll probably end up with one just to piss around with friends like we did with Brain Training. The heading the football and hoola hoop games looked fun :)
I think its a great idea and it should work pretty darn well, but time will tell how it actually works for consumers when it hits the shelves. I will probably hold off until then.
I was chatting to my mum about games earlier (not sure whether she is genuinely interested or showing an active interest) and mentioned WiiFit. She jumped at the idea and is now considering getting a family Wii for her and my sister downstairs with this and Wii Sports etc.

I can't wait.
I have a wii, and I would get this, but my wii is on the family TV downstairs (dont fancy swinging wiimotes around on my bed infront of my fragile 40" beast of a telly) ... I don't think I'd do any fitness routines downstairs!
Seriously, this is most ridiculous thing in game industry I ever seen.
New video:
It's a gimmick which won't last long. But then again you could say the same thing about the Wii. /pessimism
What I would do. Buy ~15 Wii's/Tv's/WiiStep Thingies...

Make it a Gym class. Make it a subscription. Each person gets a TV/Wii/WiiFoot****er thing. Then turn it on, work for an hour/whatever. 5-10 a day for a 4 hour session? I don't know, what do you guys think? I'd be RICH!....
Go for it! You can make enough money to pay the cockroach mafia! :p
What I would do. Buy ~15 Wii's...
Whoa big fella!! Stop right there. You had better know someone in a very powerful position because it is still relatively impossible to find even 1 Wii in stores!! :p

Oh, and I guarantee you that we hear about this in some old folks home very shortly after release. I can see them already. It'll be like in Twillight Zone: The Movie when the old people play kick the can and turn into kids. The WiiFit is a magical device and it will surely entice even more people to hitch their apple wagons to Nintendo's star and more power to them I say!!
Stop there. You had better know someone in a very powerful position because it is still relatively impossible to find even 1 Wii in stores!!:p

Heck, I've seen at least 7 in town, and I'm not looking for them. :O
tried the wii, had a blast, but would never want to own one... juss not my pick of apples. Im juss not hooked on Wii fit either... blahhhh. lolz


it'll break somehow just like the controller's wrist cord did on the wii.

i wonder what the weight limit is on it... because i bet some fatass 30 yr old still-living-with-his-mom gamer is gonna buy it thinking hes gonna lose weight and he'll end up breaking it playing "step step revolution"
I have a feeling mostof them that do sell won't stand the test of time because it will be the people who haven't heard of exercise that will probably decide to buy it, and they tend to not be so gravity friendly.