Wikipedia 24 hour blackout in protest of SOPA

I'm glad that Wikipedia did this. The blackout of sites like Reddit and RPS were, while a good gesture, not going to help all that much as they would be sending a message to a community that more or less already knew about SOPA/PIPA anyways. Shutting down a site the caliber of Wikipedia seemed to be the only way to reach outside that community and to the general public (with that said, it would be so amazing if Facebook followed suit, even though they never ever would).
Ding dong, SOPA's dead.

It'll still be back in one form or another, but we've successfully struck down the more draconian version, so we can breathe easy for a while at least.
Don't worry, they'll just pass basically the same law but brand it as for stopping paedophiles instead of pirates and no politician will want to vote against it.
The thing with laws is they can just keep doing it again, and again, and again... can't they? Sooner or later the balance will shift.

It would be nice if there was some sort of double jeopardy law type thing, at least with some time limitations.

And there may be... I don't know. I don't have to get citizenship so I didn't study!