Will Black Mesa Impress?

Will BMS live up to it's Anticipation?

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Oct 7, 2008
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Now don't get me wrong I'm not having doubts about whether BMS will live up to it's anticipation or not but I'm just curious to see what people think. What do you think?

Poll in due course.
of course it will, every time they release something it keeps looking better and better.
It'll look nice, but since I've played HL before I doubt it'll be very impressive overall.

I'm sure it'll be awesome to people who never played the original HL though.
It can never beat HL as it was simply revolutionary back in it's time and remakes can never live up the original. BMS have been too professional trying to act like a proper game developers like Valve which they are not.End of the day all we've seen are trailers and pics and like most things the trailers are usually better than the final product. Until i see some Gameplay footage it's just another mod.
when i played hl1, i was only young and i was mainly watching my older brother playing it. i was going to replay it by myself, but when i heard about BMS i though i'd wait it out.
i'm sure it wont dissapoint. i wish they could release a demo or something like a big gameplay video of the best bits so far. or they could release a beta for specific testers so they can report to us what they thought
not a snowball's chance in hell that a Source remake of HL1 could surpass the mind-bending awesomeness of the original, nor "raise the bar" for anyone but psuedo-professional mod teams. I think it'll be good, but until I actually play it I'm skeptical - they need to cinch the atmosphere of the original HL perfectly to satisfy me.
I voted yes. But my expectations to it are lower than most other mods (it's not even a new game, it's just... eyecandy?).
No. Fanboys expectations are now far more higher than those for Episode Three, RE 5 and Killzone 2 combined.
Of course it will not surpass Half-Life, that's impossible and not really the point. What i'm expecting with BM is a nostalgic rollercoaster full of good memories, if they manage to keep the same feeling i think it can be as good as i'm expecting.
From a technical POV, yeah.

If you expect it to be anything more than more shiny HL, you're a muppet tbh.
I really want to play it but it should be noted that It will only be an update of the game we've already played.
That's what everyone says, but that's not what's gonna happen. It's a total catch-22.

Either it is going to be the exact same game with better graphics, and the dated gameplay is going to make it boring. Or they're going to change some things in an effort to improve and it's going to make the fanboys cry.

Making this project is a complete waste of time. Congratulations, you can take something someone made like 8 years ago and make it prettier. A lot of the people on the team are quite talented and it's such a shame to see them doing this when they could, you know, be creatively working on a project that people are going to actually enjoy playing.

Here's an idea. If you want to play Half-Life, go ****ing install Half-Life.
I agree with Yorick. I'm not a big fan of HL1 but I only played it after HL2 so it's not surprising that I was left unimpressed by how dull the whole game was by today's standards. I'm very impressed by the visuals of BMS but if it really is a remake of HL1 then it won't see me near it anytime soon.
Here's an idea. If you want to play Half-Life, go ****ing install Half-Life.
Again, thats not the point. The mod isn't trying to replace HL, i see a lot of people a bit reluctant by BM, because they feel that the devs are arrogant enough to try to beat the masterpiece. BM is more like a homage to HL, and a way for them to show their talent.
From a visual perspective, it looks pretty damn good and authentic. We'll see how it turns out.
I don't like praising nor bashing anything until i have tried it out myself.
Again, thats not the point. The mod isn't trying to replace HL, i see a lot of people a bit reluctant by BM, because they feel that the devs are arrogant enough to try to beat the masterpiece. BM is more like a homage to HL, and a way for them to show their talent.

No, I get that. I'm saying spending that kind of time and effort on a homage is retarded.
No, I get that. I'm saying spending that kind of time and effort on a homage is retarded.

Having passion and putting hard work in something you love, is retarded?
We can't be all as lazy and lackluster as you.
That's what everyone says, but that's not what's gonna happen. It's a total catch-22.

Making this project is a complete waste of time. Congratulations, you can take something someone made like 8 years ago and make it prettier. A lot of the people on the team are quite talented and it's such a shame to see them doing this when they could, you know, be creatively working on a project that people are going to actually enjoy playing.

Here's an idea. If you want to play Half-Life, go ****ing install Half-Life.

Well there are obvious reasons to remake Half Life that could benefit several groups of people:
1. The Modders Themselves- It is true some of the people on the project are actually professionals and have done projects in the past, but it is also a way to learn new things, help fellow modders gain experience in the games industry, and to work on something that you feel passionate enough to complete.
2. Attention Deficit People- You know, the people who have problems looking at graphics that are 10 years old, and because of that don't feel attentive to finish the game.
3. The Critics- Its true that when I played HL 10 years ago, I thought it was such an excellent game, but trying to play it recently, I just can't get over the fact that I am nitpicking attention to detail; such as why there is green sludge in a particular room that makes no sense, or why there are no safety barriers in a location or why a vent leads to a room which shouldn't be there.

Either it is going to be the exact same game with better graphics, and the dated gameplay is going to make it boring.
The only difference is that there will be no vehicles and no GravGun, other than that gameplay will remain the same as the original HL and HL2
Having passion and putting hard work in something you love, is retarded?
We can't be all as lazy and lackluster as you.

You can have passion and put hard work into something THAT IS YOUR OWN.
Also, you don't know me. Don't make assumptions in an effort to insult me, you can't.

Death, I was going to pick apart your post, but you didn't really address anything. You can get that experience on ANY project and people who can't sit through the original half-life probably won't be all that interested in this. And it's not really a modder's place to "improve" on what Valve did. You're supposed to make your own thing.
You can have passion and put hard work into something THAT IS YOUR OWN.

How dare they port this to the source engine!

If you are not interested in this mod, then why do you continue bashing the mod and the people that are anticipating it? Are you a disgruntled former member? I take it, your highly regarded webmastering skills were not needed for the mod, no? Oh noes, there i go making assumptions again.
Oh boy you are so amusing and clever I bet everyone wishes they could be like you!
I'll play it, and I'll probably like it, but I am not hyped like everyone else in the modding community is.
Personally, I found Half Life 1's gameplay to be more varied and almost as good as Half Life 2's by today's standards. You can't just say "oh, its old so the gameplay wont be as good as before", thats your opinion.
I'll play it, and I'll probably like it, but I am not hyped like everyone else in the modding community is.

Be careful, the fanboys cry over things like that.

If you are not interested in this mod, then why do you continue bashing the mod and the people that are anticipating it? Are you a disgruntled former member? I take it, your highly regarded webmastering skills were not needed for the mod, no? Oh noes, there i go making assumptions again.

Oh, and for the record. Why would I have worked/want to work on a mod that I have no interest in? I'm bashing the mod and the people working on it because I think some really talented people are making some really stupid, time-wasting decisions. I guess I equate it to a really good writer spending all their time translating books. Sure, you're getting more things out to more people, but they aren't yours, and there's a whole other level of awesome things that you have the potential to be doing.
You have no interest in yet you continue to spew your insults towards the developers and the anticipators of the mod. Why do you care what these people spend their time and talent on?

Just because you like what you see and are eagerly awaiting it, makes you a fan boy?
It could end up being good or shit, for all i know.
The thing has not even been released yet here you are flinging shit at it. Who cares if it's original or not? They're not stealing anything from Valve nor are they making any profit from it. These are fans who wanted to see one of their favorite games on a new and improved engine. According to your mentality, mods like Fortress Forever are just shit, unoriginal mods who stole Valves work.
Yet they are featured on Steamworks. :dozey:

You're bordering on trolling, man.
Fortress Forever isn't on Steamworks.
You have no interest in yet you continue to spew your insults towards the developers and the anticipators of the mod. Why do you care what these people spend their time and talent on?

Are you not listening? I like modding. I'm interested in modding. I want to see people produce something fun and original. Because that's what modding is to me. These people aren't doing that. I thought I had made that abundantly clear.

The thing has not even been released yet here you are flinging shit at it.

I'm flinging shit based on what it is. I didn't say that it wouldn't be fun, or that it doesn't look good. Like I said, the people working on it are, generally speaking, pretty damn talented.

Who cares if it's original or not?

I do, obviously.

They're not stealing anything from Valve nor are they making any profit from it. These are fans who wanted to see one of their favorite games on a new and improved engine. According to your mentality, mods like Fortress Forever are just shit, unoriginal mods who stole Valves work.
Yet they are featured on Steamworks. :dozey:

I don't expect every mod to be a total conversion. There's already so much that goes into making a project and having to remake every single thing is insane. Look at how much work the guys over at Decadence have had to do to make a total conversion. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

I haven't played or seen enough Fortress Forever / TFC to compare the two, but yes, it does look unoriginal. I'm still not saying it's shit, because I haven't played it.

I hardly think that being recognized on Steamworks has any bearing, since we don't know what their criteria are for featuring Mods. After all, one of the most popular and more original multiplayer mods to be released for hl2, hasn't been featured. Which is in itself a crime.

My point is, look at some of the best mods out there. The ones that people generally speaking, love. Garry's Mod, Minerva, what else are people playing, Zombie Master, Dystopia. They aren't necessarily original premises, they don't necessarily have all that much custom content. But it's people who have ideas and talents, and make something of them, that is their own.
Fortress Forever isn't on Steamworks.

It may not be available for download, it is however advertised on Steam.

My point is, if Valve was against these type of mods and their content, they would have voiced their opinion. If anything, it's the opposite. Valve is known for praising and encouraging their community instead of bashing and discouraging them for no apparent reason.
My point is, if Valve was against these type of mods and their content, they would have voiced their opinion. If anything, it's the opposite. Valve is known for praising and encouraging their community instead of bashing and discouraging them for no apparent reason.

It's only no apparent reason if you're a moron incapable of reading my very clearly worded posts. OH LOOK AT THAT I'M BASHING YOU NOW, THINK THAT'S FOR NO REASON TOO?

Black Mesa is a waste of time, effort and talent.

The only difference is that there will be no vehicles and no GravGun, other than that gameplay will remain the same as the original HL and HL2

What a warped perception of gameplay you possess.
Black Mesa is a waste of time, effort and talent.

What a warped perception of gameplay you possess.

Yea, the Black Mesa team should had made a mod with originality.
I love how deliciously tense these threads about Black Mesa get.

You guys know that it was partially founded right here at Halflife2.net right? Anyone remember jheaddon? He posted a thread about remaking HL back in 2003 or 2004 and it was wildly popular, he went on to join up with another group that had the same idea and BM came out of it. He's not been on the team in years though.
Yea, the Black Mesa team should had made a mod with originality.
Probably the team would not stick together with an original mod. They are all fans of HL, and thats what kept them going for so many years. We all know that mod teams easily fall apart, even more with huge projects like this one.
And i think its a bit arrogant to say what other people should, or should not do with their free time and talent.
Probably the team would not stick together with an original mod. They are all fans of HL, and thats what kept them going for so many years. We all know that mod teams easily fall apart, even more with huge projects like this one.
And i think its a bit arrogant to say what other people should, or should not do with their free time and talent.

Don't waste your breath man. This forum is ridden with elitist pricks as you can see.
Just perma ignore them and leave it at that.
Even if it doesn't replicate the charm of the original, it still looks like top-notch quality(except for the SMG sound from the trailer) and I'm looking forward to it.

And their team isn't being forced nor paid to make this mod. They can do whatever the hell they want with it and their free time.
Don't waste your breath man. This forum is ridden with elitist pricks as you can see.
Just perma ignore them and leave it at that.

Only you can't put me on ignore, because I'm staff. Ooo, doesn't that just tickle?
this poll is retarded

"No, but It will be better than HL1?"
"No, it'll be as good as HL1?"

if they get anywhere near the class of hl1 i'll be impressed.