Will Black Mesa Impress?

Will BMS live up to it's Anticipation?

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What's with all the questionmarks in the poll?

On the arguement at hand: I agree with Yorick and Samon on this and I was (very) briefly a mod on Black Mesa's forums. That didn't go too well though.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it'll be better than I expect but better than Half-Life 1 ? That I cannot answer, for I can't compare the two. Half-Life had really extraordinary feel to it and it was the most immersive shooter I had played back then... I think BM:Source will be something truly awesome, but the problem is that now I know what to expect. Ten years ago with Half-Life I couldn't imagine how tense the game would be since I pretty much went in blind without looking at screenshots or listening to fanboy hype etc etc.
I'll enjoy it. Keep my expectations low to hopefully be pleasantly surprised.

Don't waste your breath man. This forum is ridden with elitist pricks as you can see.
Just perma ignore them and leave it at that.

No need to get all worked up over someone's e-thuggery. At the end of the day, if you like it good, if you don't, you don't.

What is this perma ignore?? I don't spend nearly as much time on here I guess, lol. Here's my perma ignore, 2 or 3 scrolls of the mouse wheel, works on everyone, even admins :smoking:
Lmao at people who say it is positively a waste of time and talent. Pretentious f*cks much? ;)
Everything I've seen so far indicates:
  • That it will most likely be the most professional mod I've ever played
  • That it will certainly the best remake of a game that I've ever played
Whether it will be as good now as Half-Life was at its release, I have my doubts. But does that matter one way or the other? No, it's a mod -- a remake of a highly esteemed retail game, I'd be shocked if it did.

Either way, I look forward to it. I think it'll be fun and very interesting.

Black Mesa is a waste of time, effort and talent.
Why? Because remaking an existing work shows a lack of originality?

I think a remake is like many other things that can be good or bad depending on how they're done. Compare book to film (or, worse, game to film) adaptations, or remixes of songs. A large proportion of song remixes -- perhaps even the majority -- are crap, just like so many film remakes. But precious few remixes are indeed something special. They take the original idea and put a decidedly fresh, new light on it.
Lmao at people who say it is positively a waste of time and talent. Pretentious f*cks much? ;)

Absolutely -- I make no excuses for my pretentious, obnoxious attitude, and I therefore award my post a knighthood for its prevailing truths.
It will definatley be excellent, but will it be as good as HL1, that depends.
Will Black Mesa cure cancer?


Everything I've seen so far indicates:
  • That it will most likely be the most professional mod I've ever played
  • That it will certainly the best remake of a game that I've ever played

What, what have you seen? All i've seen are some good screenshots and a trailer how can that make you think it'll be the best remake of a game. It seems like alot of people here are easily pleased. Shove a couple of pretty screen shots and a fancy trailer and you got them drooling all over it. We've seenNO gameplay footage, we haven't a clue how the game plays and feels yet it's already the best remake of a game. Seems all you have to do is make your pre release media look professional and rip off a hugely popular game and your professional dev team.
What, what have you seen? All i've seen are some good screenshots and a trailer how can that make you think it'll be the best remake of a game. It seems like alot of people here are easily pleased. Shove a couple of pretty screen shots and a fancy trailer and you got them drooling all over it. We've seenNO gameplay footage, we haven't a clue how the game plays and feels yet it's already the best remake of a game. Seems all you have to do is make your pre release media look professional and rip off a hugely popular game and your professional dev team.
My interest in this mod is beyond the "oooh shiny" stage of looking at screenshots and renders. I've spend quite a bit of time on their forums, reading discussions in which team members have taken part, noting their opinions on game design and seeing the kind of things they ask for in their community projects. Everything I've seen, everything I've read, reinforces my perception that this is a group of dedicated people who know what they're doing. I realize that there's a huge difference between coming up with an incredible demonstration and releasing something tangible and functional that's just as good, but I believe these people are capable of delivering. That's my opinion, respect it or not.

I really don't understand what's up with the people in this community. On the one hand the unthinking masses laud all sorts of crap, while on the other people like Samon and Yorick here regard a mod like Black Mesa with what can only be described as contempt.

For the record, I do think Black Mesa is somewhat overrated, what with all the awards and fanfare it's been getting. I prefer to save the lion's share of my praise for after I've played it. That said, I simply cannot understand how or why anyone feels the need to be this prejudiced against it in this way. Whatever you think of originality (or lack thereof) in a mod, the fact is that recreating an entire game of the length and size of Half-Life, from scratch, with the scarce resources of a mod team, is a very brave venture. The fact that they've gotten as far as they have without giving up amazes me, and the visual quality of the media they've publicized, by mod standards, ranges from good to stunning.

Of course, whether dedication and some great visuals will translate into a game worth playing remains to be seen, but is there any compelling reason to believe it won't? As for remaking a game being a waste of time, how much more subjective can you get? Everyone has their own definition of exactly what is and isn't worthy of their time.
Wheres the option that says it will be fine but wont come near as impacting as the original. Which is a 'dur-duhur' statement, because its simply just a remake with nicer visuals..
Yes, it'll be as good as/ better than we expect it?

I dont even consider it a mod.
Why do all the Options have a question at the end when they aren't asking a question?
No, I get that. I'm saying spending that kind of time and effort on a homage is retarded.

Consider how much time you spend playing computer games, and the merits of that. ;)

I reckon this will be great, returning to HL1 after many years, for me, it's lost a lot, as impressive as the game and the atmosphere was first time round, and to me it was, I was blown away by it; it's not that now, and I suspect some people who pick up HL for the first time now, aren't awestruck by it either.
Playing BM will perhaps allow people who didn't get to play HL when it came out, a chance to get a feel for the atmosphere of the game, as we're a bit 'spoilt' (for want of a better word) in terms of environmental richness.

Nothing will replace or replicate the impact HL made, this is a tribute, and what HL source probably should've been.
Shit or not, It'd be a good experience to say "Hey, I remember this!".
Consider how much time you spend playing computer games, and the merits of that. ;).
You don't need to play computer games extensively to join a forum dedicated to a seven hour single player game.
You don't really even need to have played the game to join here, just like it.
Or in some people's cases, you join just so you can spout bullshit Gman theories
It will most likely be very good. Hell, you recreate a masterpiece, it's gotta atleast be pretty good. Better, I dunno. The gameplay will most likely not work as well, the AI... er, Xen has yet to be seen, and we don't know how they're going to play it with the scientists, dialogue, and trying to make a more comprehensive plot.
Well in HL1 there were only a handful of scientist models that were used repeatedly. They would either provide something story-wise, gameplay-wise, or both. Which was fine. They would tell you what you were expected to do, demonstrate how an enemy you haven't encountered works, warn you of dangers, and get you to rooms you need to be. However, we know that several scientists and guards are legitimate chracters that will reappear throughout the series. Will BM acknowledge these characters differently, how many different scientists and guards will there be, how different will the dialogue be, can you kill allies, will they seem like the mindless drones you encountered in HL1, etc.
Black Mesa will revolutionise the way we look down on new members.

Speaking seriously, BM will impress most if it becomes a stepping stone towards other single-player mods with a BM setting or elements (HL2 gargantua anyone?), both because revisiting the setting is more exciting than revisiting the game, and because releasing a shit-ton of content that you'd spent years developing would be some mega-holy act of philanthropy, even if it ultimately just updates stuff that's been available for years.
It won't be as good as anticipated simply for the fact that it has been hyped all to hell lately.

I doubt they will make the '2009' release though, unless they release it in parts. They have done a good job hyping it up though, but screenshots and trailers don't mean a thing when your making a 6 hour game.
What most intrigues me about this mod is the opportunity to [strike]explore[/strike] play through a cosmetically enhanced depiction of Xenian terrain. You know, like that Transitions mod (the best thing it had going for it, probably) but more expansive.

In that case, I think what I'd really like is some sort of relatively passive exploratory mod for moving around various locations on Xen, developing ideas about its, uh, geography and its current residents. So, er, not battling through the HL1 route again. Though I fancy it would be a challenge to pull this sort of idea off without making something terminally tepid and boring.
BM > HL1

All they have to do to make it better is have better visuals. I don't give HL1 any leeway for being released years ago. If BM is identical in every respect other than it has higher-poly models and nicer textures, it will be better.
Has BM released any Xen media yet? I've seen pics of Black Mesa, but not of Xen