Will Bush be shot ?

So, what do ya think ?

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Sep 9, 2003
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place your bets.

I honestly doubt it, since the usual gun nutckos are Republicans (no pun intended, it's a fact that Republicans are pro-gun and Democrats are pro-life :p )
I can't believe you are asking this question, the secret service should just remove you from earth, really.
DiSTuRbEd said:
I can't believe you are asking this question, the secret service should just remove you from earth, really.

they don't have influence in Portugal, muhahahah!!

anyways, keep it serious. Do you think there's a chance some hippie (or muslim) takes him down ?
nah GW Bush isnt really the man in power ...if they were smart they'd start with rumsfeld and work their way up ...bush is an expendable puppet
Hmmm, I dare you to threaten to shot the president, I wouldn't doubt they'd come looking for you anyways. Its not something of a joking matter. I say we shoot you instead.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Hmmm, I dare you to threaten to shot the president, I wouldn't doubt they'd come looking for you anyways. Its not something of a joking matter. I say we shoot you instead.

If I had a gun and Bush in my line of fire, I'd do my best to kill him.

I think Cheney would be a better Police-State President anyway.

The SS can't do anything, not even Interpol.
it's ok to talk about shooting a private citizen but the president is off limits? :upstare: some of your attitudes and your stifling patriotism makes me sick
Sprafa said:
If I had a gun and Bush in my line of fire, I'd do my best to kill him.

The SS can't do anything, not even Interpol.

Yeah you need some help, you should seek it. :rolleyes:

Oh they can't eh?
I honestly think this was a poor choice for a topic, let alone a poll. What kind of person jokes about shooting anyone? Let alone the President of the United States? Place your bets...give me a break.
CptStern said:
it's ok to talk about shooting a private citizen but the president is off limits? :upstare: some of your attitudes and your stifling patriotism makes me sick

Well this is Sprafa we are talking about. Hes up all the democrat assholes and thinks he knows everything just by reading articles,etc.
CptStern said:
it's ok to talk about shooting a private citizen but the president is off limits? :upstare: some of your attitudes and your stifling patriotism makes me sick

I believe it's illegal to threaten to kill the President in the USA.
I think that the probability of the President being shot is an acceptable topic.

Some people seem to take it far too seriously (ala Disturbed).

And if people can make Holocaust jokes, then I don't see what the big deal here is.

I voted maybe.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Well this is Sprafa we are talking about. Hes up all the democrat assholes and thinks he knows everything just by reading articles,etc.

I dont care if he's had anal sex with half of washington, that still doesnt give anyone the right to say he should be murdered

sprafa ...you're gonna get a lot of flack for the shoot bush statement, lets not try to turn this into a flame war ..killing bush would do nothing except rally all the patriots even further
DiSTuRbEd said:
Well this is Sprafa we are talking about. Hes up all the democrat assholes and thinks he knows everything just by reading articles,etc.

FYI, I don't like the Democrats. And the Republicans. In my view John Mcain should've been President since 2000. I don't know how the former cheerleader Bush won over a Vietnam veteran. for 2008 I'd say Giuliani, McCain or Arnie are great candidates. All moderated or overall good Republicans in my view. So please, STFU!
CptStern said:
I dont care if he's had anal sex with half of washington, that still doesnt give anyone the right to say he should be murdered

Never said it was right either, I was just saying what he think he knows, etc.
Sprafa said:
I believe it's illegal to threaten to kill the President in the USA.

it's illegal to threaten to kill anyone in the US ..uttering death threats can land you in jail
Absinthe said:
I think that the probability of the President being shot is an acceptable topic.

Some people seem to take it far too seriously (ala Disturbed).

And if people can make Holocaust jokes, then I don't see what the big deal here is.

I voted maybe.

Personally I think it should be taken seriously. Why is it acceptable to even consider that someone would shoot our President? Then to ask that bets be placed? I just don't think it's something to joke about, and I don't think the Holocaust is either.
Sprafa said:
FYI, I don't like the Democrats. And the Republicans. In my view John Mcain should've been President since 2000. I don't know how the former cheerleader Bush won over a Vietnam veteran. for 2008 I'd say Giuliani, McCain or Arnie are great candidates. All moderated or overall good Republicans in my view. So please, STFU!

See this is the great thing, you can say what you want but nothing will happen, so keep wasting your time. Arnie won't be a canidate, I guessed you never read up on the terms of running for presidency eh? Who cares what Bush was 15-20 years ago? I don't know how you think you know everything, but you don't so you can use the STFU, kthxbye.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Never said it was right either, I was just saying what he think he knows, etc.

a lot of what he says he does know., I can vouche for that as I've done the research ...still doesnt give anyone the right to threaten someone with death. What is wrong with you people? I may loath republicans but I would never get so angry that I'd want one of them die! WTF! some of you forget we're all humans on this little rock we call earth ..enough with the nationalism, it's for the weak minded and for fools who need scapegoats to elevate themselves
Morbid humor. It appeals to a lot of people.
CptStern said:
sprafa ...you're gonna get a lot of flack for the shoot bush statement, lets not try to turn this into a flame war ..killing bush would do nothing except rally all the patriots even further

that's the whole point. I believe it was the Red Brigades whose purpose was to create such a police state that the population would revolt :p

hey "smartass" Disturbed, ever heard about an Ammedment which could allow Arnie to run ? no? then please, inform yourself. Then talk.

I'll go here officially and ask for a close, because this thread is going to hell.
Sprafa said:
that's the whole point. I believe it was the Red Brigades whose purpose was to create such a police state that the population would revolt :p

hey "smartass" Disturbed, ever heard about an Ammedment which could allow Arnie to run ? no? then please, inform yourself. Then talk.

I'll go here officially and ask for a close, because this thread is going to hell.

yes but that doesnt work in modern times ..if americans ever revolted it would be wholesale slaughter ..there are so many examples in US history that proves the government would put down any rebellion swiftly and brutally
yes but that doesnt work in modern times ..if americans ever revolted it would be wholesale slaughter ..there are so many examples in US history that proves the government would put down any rebellion swiftly and brutally

Name them. All of them. With Brutal examples.
CptStern said:
yes but that doesnt work in modern times ..if americans ever revolted it would be wholesale slaughter ..there are so many examples in US history that proves the government would put down any rebellion swiftly and brutally

meh. It would eventually outgrow the Government. Do you really think they could do something like Tiananmen these days ? The lower caste of the Army wouldn't kill theirs wives, period. I mean, there was Waco, but those guys were wacko :p
It only takes one nutcase and a slip-up of the bodyguards. So yes, it could happen, he could be shot.
K e r b e r o s said:
Name them. All of them. With Brutal examples.

Waco, the shootings against the civil rights protestors (many times promoted by local governments), Martin Luther King assasination, the shootings on the protestors against the Vietnam war.... and the tons of people we never heard about when they learned to be silent...
DiSTuRbEd said:
Along with you.

You take foruming way too seriously. I sincerely hope that you find some better ways to channel your anger. Try writing some dirty words on a piece of paper or something.
Sprafa (wecome back btw) maybe you shouldn't use SS as a shortcut for Secret Service. People might think you mean SchutzStaffel. ;)
The_Monkey said:
Sprafa (wecome back btw) maybe you shouldn't use SS as a shortcut for Secret Service. People might think you mean SchutzStaffel. ;)

That's the whole point :p
Sprafa said:
meh. It would eventually outgrow the Government. Do you really think they could do something like Tiananmen these days ? The lower caste of the Army wouldn't kill theirs wives, period. I mean, there was Waco, but those guys were wacko :p

kent state massacre ...mass arrests at every anti-war rally since 9/11 ...who do you think will be the first to rebel? the intellectuals, the polically aware. In a coup it is said that you imprison the intelectuals so that there is no one to speak out ...all the government would have to do is denounce the rebels as unamerican ..just look around, I dont think too many republicans would have a hard time killing someone who's a "traitor"
K e r b e r o s said:
Name them. All of them. With Brutal examples.

kent state massacre ..or did you omit that part from your american studies class? ...hmmm soldiers shooting unarmed students in the back ...ya that never happened :upstare:
Wow some people take this stuff way too seriously, I voted i'd kill him myself. Its only a joke girls calm down. Why must Americans go over the top with everything :P
jaguar_987 said:
Wow some people take this stuff way too seriously, I voted i'd kill him myself. Its only a joke girls calm down. Why must Americans go over the top with everything :P

Obviously you haven't been threatened to be killed by someone in another country, maybe thats why some of us take is seriously, just maybe. :rolleyes:
DiSTuRbEd said:
Obviously you haven't been threatened to be killed by someone in another country, maybe thats why some of us take is seriously, just maybe. :rolleyes:

I see you're a really well liked person.
Waco, the shootings against the civil rights protestors (many times promoted by local governments), Martin Luther King assasination, the shootings on the protestors against the Vietnam war.... and the tons of people we never heard about when they learned to be silent...

Waco, happened because of a premature birth to a plausible threat. It was imagined the people shot and killed, would've commited suicide anyway, and that if they did'nt, they would become a threat.

Waco, was'nt a protest. But it was a slaughter.

the shootings against the civil rights protestors (many times promoted by local governments)

Where was it promoted? Have sources that say it was encouraged?

In addition too, let me just add that the Civil Rights movement included Dr. Martin Luther King, and his death, was a part of that time, not of a seperate issue.

Apart from what you suggest, I do know that Police units around the whole continent of the United States, were opposed to Black rights during those times.

But, this whole growing period of the United States, did'nt happen overnight, or turn into where millions were slaughtered.

protestors against the Vietnam war

Not as much as you'd like to think. Most of the violence oppressing them was isolation, arrest, and pepper spray. Thats not violent oppression. Thats simply self defense and proper term.

and the tons of people we never heard about when they learned to be silent...

So besides assumption, how do we know they exist?
DiSTuRbEd said:
Obviously you haven't been threatened to be killed by someone in another country, maybe thats why some of us take is seriously, just maybe. :rolleyes:

It's an internet poll on an HL2 gaming forum. How ****ing serious could it possibly be?
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