Will HDR make it into the game?

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So, alot of people says that it wont and all that I can remember is that VALVe said that they're thinking about removing it from Half-Life 2 but no official statement has been made from that point.

If I missed something could you tell me where they says that HDR will not make it into the game?
I'm confused, i probably know bout it but just not the abbreviation, but.....
What is HDR?
I'm sorry if this is tedius but college has meant that i havent been on the foums untill a month ago :dork: :dork:
thanks for explaining that! :)
Ive herd of high dynamic lighting, and i aggree that it would be hard to explain to a simpilton like me
im gonna be really disappointed if they do remove it :(
Hmm, if they remove it it will be better performance for low-specs-pc-users. They could have an option if you want to turn it on or off ;)
geeK said:
Hmm, if they remove it it will be better performance for low-specs-pc-users. They could have an option if you want to turn it on or off ;)

I wish they make it a turn on/off feature. What's point of removing such a great tech just becuase some people won't be able to use it? those who can't can always turn it off.

Greg? can you confirm on this?
We don't know yet, email valve and ask :p
Me2.. on/off would be great. But I don't know how HDR works, maybe they have to make maps with HDR and make maps without it :S
If they do remove it, its because the majority can't use it. So damn you all those who didn't upgrade your machines, you people suck! :p
Can someone email vlave and ask them to make it an on/off feature? they haven't replied to my last 3 mails so I'm not sending another one. :(

Damn, I really want HDR. There should be something that makes it look it better than those people who haven't upgraded from their Direct x 8.1 card - we deserve more for our upgrades to Dx.9! :p
As far as I knew it was already in and will have an on/off switch for scalability to older cards.

Where did you hear they where thinking of removing it?
Paradox said:
As far as I knew it was already in and will have an on/off switch for scalability to older cards.

Where did you hear they where thinking of removing it?

Email from gabe.

I got a reply from Rick a month back that's in the info thread. He said that they're still deciding on whether to keep it in the game or not.
Just to let the people know HDR is short for "high dynamic range"

Basically all RGB colors range from 0-255... but HDR lets you go beyond that number and you can get certain "glows" with colors... they use it to simulate bright sunlight and shine... they released a video of what it would look like... and you can get it here


its actually a very nice effect and i would love to see it make it into the game but it probably won't at release :(
Xcellere said:

I got a reply from Rick a month back that's in the info thread. He said that they're still deciding on whether to keep it in the game or not.

We know that, just need to ask them that pretty please add it as a choosable feature. But maybe you are right, they might not respond to the e-mail altogether seeing that they've already it in a sort of way.

At least Greg can tell them, he'll surely read this thread.
Besides, they disabled it for the E3 2004 presentation...that's not a good sign
Why not add it as an on/off thing? They'll probably just add it later on anyway. If people can't use it, have it switched off.
lans said:
I wish they make it a turn on/off feature. What's point of removing such a great tech just becuase some people won't be able to use it? those who can't can always turn it off.
i agree

Sprafa said:
Besides, they disabled it for the E3 2004 presentation...that's not a good sign

but they had it in the CS:Source vid.
There´s probably a good reason if they decidee to take it off. We might see it in a patch later on.

And then there is the issue of the releaaasseee of the game
I just sent a short letter to gabe. Im hopeing he ither replys to my email or posts here in the fourms. I took it above HDR and incompassed all BIG features that wont work well on older machines. I linked my email to him to this post, so hopefully he gets a sec, they are very busy you know... hehe
If your comp cant run HDR, deal with it and don't buy the game.
Essentialy i asked him to make all big features that they think of removeing to turn them into a option :)
If there is anyone that still doesn't understand HDR, I'll explain it in simple terms. What it does is it shines direct sunlight on an object. The object then glows based on the position of the sun. It's like in real life if you drop a quarter on the ground in direct sunlight and step back a few feet, the quarter will flash a reflection of sunlight, thus glowing in a white light kind of way.

I really hope they add it as an on/off feature. I like the effect a lot and my machine is high-end, so I can take full andvantage of the tech. I just don't want HL2 to be so stripped of all of its unique technologies and graphics just because idiots think that they can run it on a P3 1.0GHz with 16MB RAM and a Voodoo video card or whatever. By the time I get it, I'm worried it will look bland and almost-sort-of good looking (like call of duty or something).

P.S. I'll be away at Mammoth Mountain all week. Are you guys going to miss me? :LOL:
I thought HDR was a way of simulating colour ranges outside of the common [256,256,256] range. Best way I've heard it explained is that in most games a lightbulb and the high noon sun would seem to have the same intensity of brightness, but in a game utilising HDR, the bulb would appear proportionally dimmer than the sun...
Brian Damage said:
I thought HDR was a way of simulating colour ranges outside of the common [256,256,256] range. Best way I've heard it explained is that in most games a lightbulb and the high noon sun would seem to have the same intensity of brightness, but in a game utilising HDR, the bulb would appear proportionally dimmer than the sun...

Yeah, that too. I was explaining it in basic ways (only way I can explain it anyway.) I don't know all of the technical stuff that makes it work, but stuff in direct sunlight is shiny and shiny things are cool.

If I'm completely wrong, go easy on me. Someone else told me that this is how it works. :p
Didn't Splinter Cell use HDR? That looked so fantastic... Hope they make on/off....
712 said:
Didn't Splinter Cell use HDR? That looked so fantastic... Hope they make on/off....

They did, yeah. But the look of their game focused a lot on contrasting light, so I guessed they really needed it to make the bright light that little bit brighter. :)
x84D80Yx said:
but they had it in the CS:Source vid.

No, they didn't.
Besides, it's nearly impossible to see HDR on an incorrectly colored shakey cam video.. you think you see it, but you don't. Someone from VALVe already said this in an e-mail
does hdr create beams of light aswell? like in splinter cell and the source demo, or was that just a normal lighting effect?
guise said:
does hdr create beams of light aswell? like in splinter cell and the source demo, or was that just a normal lighting effect?

I would assume they're using the same effect you do to make light beams in HL, i.e. just create a semi-transparent brush with the appropiate texture. I don't think they're generated in real-time.
the engine is capable of it, however hl2 doesnt use it.
it is too gpu intensive.
Sprafa said:
Besides, they disabled it for the E3 2004 presentation...that's not a good sign

where do you gather this?? i remember seeing all the HDR specular lights in the 2004 videos...
deathryuu said:
where do you gather this?? i remember seeing all the HDR specular lights in the 2004 videos...

No, there wasn't any HDR specular lights in the E3 2004 videos. Someone from Valve said it.
deathryuu said:
where do you gather this?? i remember seeing all the HDR specular lights in the 2004 videos...
nope, it was disabled in the 2004 videos, HDR is not specular lighting.
deathryuu said:
where do you gather this?? i remember seeing all the HDR specular lights in the 2004 videos...

That's just the quality fo the video -- the same sort of effect can be seen in the shakey videos of the E3 2003 presentation as well, yet in the bink videos there was no HDR.
hmm.....damn...well this just sucks because the entire reason for me upgrading my video card was to see HDR in hl2 and now there isnt anyway arg...screw you low-end players :angry: :angry:
Man i really hope they can add HDR relativily soon after release... although it'd really be awesome to have it in by release.....

I have a high end machine, what they could do is just have a option for it and have it set on "off" by default

although i bet if they incorporate it they would have to go through every single level just to make sure everything looks right with it...... taking more time they probably don't have...
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