Will HL2 be like DE: IW?


Dec 22, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah I heard many DE fans were disappointed by the sequel. It didn't grap my attention either. I hope HL2 doesn't become another DE:IW disaster. Of course, Valve has spent more time on HL2 than ION Storm spent on DE: IW (I think). Even though I'm not happy with the delay, I'm glad that Valve has taken the time to make HL2 live up to its potential. Instead of releasing it early, the game getting crap reviews, and the franchise going to hell. This was definitely a smart move by Valve.
Unlike a lot of game company's, Valve don't let themselves get too arrogant.

Mod teams and large game companies will release games that aren't up to expectations because they believe themselves that it is up to expectations. If ION Storm thought Daikatana was going to be crap, and thought we'd dislike it they'd have never released it in it's state. Instead they were overconfident with it and it didn't deliver.

Whereas, Valve, from past experience, know what is a good game, and what isn't. They weren't happy with the gameplay of HL1 which is why they made the decision to delay it for a year and start again. They then went on to promote and acquire 2 large modification teams because Valve believed they were good gameplay designers. Now they've delayed HL2 - probably will be up to a year again by the time it's out because in their eyes, HL2 wasn't quite up to much and they decided to spend the extra time on it. They may not be starting again, they may not be adding much, but they'll sure as hell be balancing out the gameplay and the looks of it to keep everyone happy.
Yea, got to agree on that, HL² can't disapoint us because:

It's HALF - LIFE ² !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*those who played the alpha know that the game "feel" is just as good as it was in HL¹*
with the videos of hl2 i don't really think that anything could make me not like the game , just the features and the gameplay look to exciting

and the story possibilities , i've been reading the fan fic section and i really do hope some of that stuff that they have come up is somewhere in the game !!
DX:IW wasn't that bad. I do think it was a let down to the people that played the original Deus Ex because it 'dumbed up' things like having unified ammo type and the skills upgrades. I was hoping for much more but all things being equal, I still enjoyed playing DX:IW.
The likes of Eidos and EA seem to develop their games in a production run kind of way, like Design>Release>Design again. The smaller and less commercialised companies such as iD and Valve tend to spend more time on their games and aren’t constantly releasing new products, so I think it's very unlikely that we'll disappointed with HL2

-That’s what I think ne way, lol
With all the hype about HL2 I don't think it'll turn out as a boomer...
I didn't really know shit about Deus Ex 2 when it hit the shelves, I had only seen a few screenshots but they were extremely dark and blurry so that didn't help me much. I didn't care for the demo either, so I borrowed it from a friend, changed my settings, chose a character, looked around (it lacked), picked up a basketball, threw the basketball, wasn't impressed, pressed ESC, pressed EXIT, uninstalled it, and I felt great... OOOOOFHHHHH!!!!!!
I bought DX:IW on release day from the US because the original was a work of genius.

Everything that was wrong with the PC version, the interface, the simplified skills and ammo, the low res textures, the horrific bloom effect etc were all as a result of the game being made as an X-box title and then released for the PC at the same time. The configs on the pc release even have values in them which are fine for the console and then next to them are commented out values with comments like "Good for pc version". Pure laziness on the part of the devs and publishers after they laid down and bared their cheeks to Billy Gates and his xbox marketting funds.

HL2 is being developed purely as a PC game and will then will possibly be ported to other formats, not made for the XBox and pretending it's a pc game like DX:IW so all in all I have no fears for HL2 on those grounds.

As a quick note 2 patches later and DX:IW is now playable and despite what a lot of people think the first patch was basically the PC config files after it looks like they left the XBox ones on the master disk for the PC release.
^^ what he said. when they released the DX:IW demo, they almost immediately released a 'tweak guide' to help with framerates, playability, etc. most of the tweak was 'comment out xbox settings and uncomment pc settings'.

unfortunately, the game had already gone gold, so half the dev team was slapping themselves. that's just lazy.

and the game felt like a bad port, even though it wasn't a port.
Played IW, and all I can say is... Yeurgh.

Bloody bloom made me feel like my spectacles were smudged.
I loved DE:IW, so much freedom.

But i doubt Valve will make the same mistake Ion Storm made.....whatever that was, i can't remember right now im supposed to be doing home work
DE: IW was a totally awsome game, not as good as the first one but still fab! Although HL2 will be a lot better DW: IW was a lot of fun as well.
Chris_D said:
Unlike a lot of game company's, Valve don't let themselves get too arrogant.

Mod teams and large game companies will release games that aren't up to expectations because they believe themselves that it is up to expectations. If ION Storm thought Daikatana was going to be crap, and thought we'd dislike it they'd have never released it in it's state. Instead they were overconfident with it and it didn't deliver.

Whereas, Valve, from past experience, know what is a good game, and what isn't. They weren't happy with the gameplay of HL1 which is why they made the decision to delay it for a year and start again. They then went on to promote and acquire 2 large modification teams because Valve believed they were good gameplay designers. Now they've delayed HL2 - probably will be up to a year again by the time it's out because in their eyes, HL2 wasn't quite up to much and they decided to spend the extra time on it. They may not be starting again, they may not be adding much, but they'll sure as hell be balancing out the gameplay and the looks of it to keep everyone happy.

Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters
FYI - Ion Storm Austin (ISA) didn't make Daikatana that was a different dev house that went down the tube....
what the hell is all you fanboys problem with DX: IW? The game did NOT suck in the least. it was probably one of the greatest games ive played since the days of final fantasy 7. just because it removed alot of old boring (less believeable) crap they had in the first one and implemented better things. prime example: dx 1, you upgrade when u have enough "points" to upgrade. dx:iw, you find biomod enhancement canisters which u can inject into urself since u have biomod archetecture, and you upgrade that way. plus the graphics are as close to hl2 as we're going to get (besides the character gfx). the storyline was pretty deep, as well as the gameplay and physics system. stop bashing this game, it was great, anyone with a sub-par iq level can see its a great game, stop crying.
Guinny you've made some good posts on this forum and I'm not going to argue with you but in my experience I was very much disappointed with DX:IW compared to what I hoped it would be having been a big fan of it's predecessor.

This isn't the DX forum so I'll try to keep things short.

There were parts if IW that were hyped up and didn't deliver in my opinion, wether that's the fault of the hype, the expectation or the game remains to be seen but i dare say it's a mix of the three.

Things like the much hyped AI system being sound based and not visual or physically clued in properly, guards notice you if you walk past loudly but not if you shoot them in the chest quietly. That's just wrong.

The physics in IW are not even close to what we are hoping for from the source engine. Try the demo to look at what I mean and shoot out the plank that holds the barrels in the rack outside the apartments and watch the barrels end up sat half inside eachother.

The big problem with DX:IW in my eyes was the fact that they took the resource hungry Unreal 2 engine and then added extra functionality on to it which meant to run the game well you needed a supercomputer. In fairness this has improved with the patches slightly but it's still a long way from I am hoping for from the likes of source, cryEngine and the Stalker engine.

In the end though each to his own and if you were happy with the game and you enjoyed it then I'm happy for you but personally I felt a bit let down by it.
valve were apparently doing localisation last september 30th, they like to bend the truth
DX:IW had consolitis. That was it's *main* problem.
guinny said:
what the hell is all you fanboys problem with DX: IW? The game did NOT suck in the least. it was probably one of the greatest games ive played since the days of final fantasy 7. just because it removed alot of old boring (less believeable) crap they had in the first one and implemented better things. prime example: dx 1, you upgrade when u have enough "points" to upgrade. dx:iw, you find biomod enhancement canisters which u can inject into urself since u have biomod archetecture, and you upgrade that way. plus the graphics are as close to hl2 as we're going to get (besides the character gfx). the storyline was pretty deep, as well as the gameplay and physics system. stop bashing this game, it was great, anyone with a sub-par iq level can see its a great game, stop crying.

The graphics were shitty x-box graphics. And if you look at early shots you can clearly see that the original graphics they had were toned down massively to accomodate xbox. It's just lazy developing.
The graphics where great, you probably just played the demo, on a decent pc it ran great, mine is a P 2.4 with 512 ram and a G4 TI 4600, not the best pc in the world but i still brought the game in high graphics!
i have the full game and everything on full including AA Af, its just not that great to be honest. nothing near the shots they first showed. dumbed down, muck. now Deus Ex, that was a good game.
eh, I didn't even enjoy the first Deus Ex .. I just found it very very boring.

I wanted to like it ... I tried to like it ... I even tried to force myself to like it ...

just - couldn't. There wasn't any part of it I did like, except maybe that logo in the opening scene .. oh oh .. and that you could have a custom looking gui.
I think that there are a couple of people around here that don't even like HL...
How can you not have enjoyed the original one, it was a work of art, the second one was good but DE1 is the best pc game ever made(after hl of course)
I kinda liked the bloom effect. It would've been nice to be able to tone it down some, but it made the game look much less blocky and polygonal.
I know hl2 is going to rock regardless, but i'm affraid some people have such high expectations that they are setting themselves up for a let down, i've said that before and i've said it again. When its released i won't listen to user reviews, simply because they expect a life changing religous experience when they plug hl2 in. I just want a fun game...
I'll have to disagree with Guinny here...

Just like PXM5000 said, DE1 was a work of art. After the absolutely horrible awful terrible beginning (thank God my friend forced me to play through the liberty island mission, I wanted to give up a billion times), it just grabbed you and wouldn't let go. Amazing atmosphere, interesting locations, great characters, just brilliant. The few (quite noticeable) faults in the game just got completely overshadowed by the good stuff. Despite some of its cliches, the plot was extremely interesting (goddamn I loved it when the AIs began talking to you through the link, always gave me goosebumps) and I just wanted to keep playing to figure out what's really going on, where the story will take me next, and who are all these people I keep hearing about. Unfortunately, all this is what DE:IW lacked.

Now that I think about it, I could go on and on about how dissapointed I was with DE:IW! Sure, it was a decent game, above average in my opinion, but as a sequel to DE1? -Please... Finally when things started to get interesting (at Liberty Island with JC&Paul found and revived and that weird weather anomoly and all) the game ENDS. I couldn't believe it! It was like a slap in the face. It took me like 13 hours to get there and just when I think that "Ok, NOW we're getting there, NOW the interesting stuff begins", it's all over, like 15 hours. And yeah, there are so many bad gameplay decisions (they can be argued, yes) and problems with technical stuff and all that I won't even go there, it would take pages.

At least they named it Deus Ex: Invisible War, now we might have a chance to get the REAL Deus Ex 2 some time in the future. But for now, I suppose I'll just have to play through the first game for the 235387th time.

EDIT: Innervision, I completely loved the first Half-Life and I've got really high expectations for HL2. So yep, I'm a bit afraid that I might be dissapointed. However, if the final game is ANYTHING like what we've seen in the binks, it's going to be one h*ll of a ride. Again.