Will HL2 end up like TF2?

Sep 12, 2003
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I mean, think about it. It's not really that far fetched. Lets flash back and forth between times. 1999: Valve shows TF2 at E3. It wins some best of the show awards. 2003: Valve shows HL2 at E3. It also wins some best of the show awards. 1999: Small and Large TF2 communities pop up. Clans are formed. Mod ideas are developed. 2003: Small and Large Hl2 communities pop up. Clans are formed. Mod ideas are developed. 1999: Valve releases little info on TF2, aside from some screens, and small Movies. Game details trickle out, but the majority of the game is kept confidential. 2003: Valve releases info on HL2, aside from some screens, and movies. Game details trickle out, but the majority of the game is kept confidential. 2000: TF2 dissapears from the media, and public. Info runs dry. Communities become confused. Valve says its been delayed. 2003: HL2 (after problems with hacking, and source leak) dissapears. No info from Valve in over 1 month. No new screens, movies, suggestions, interviews about the game and its state. I mean. The comparisons are almost identical. I'm not saying (YET) that Hl2 will take the same route as TF2 did, but its hard to deny both of the games have done almost the exact same thing. Don't flame. Give feedback. Im wondering if you guys feel the same.
First off, this game is too big to disappear. Second off, what is TF2?
Dude you shouldn't have even replied if you don't know what TF2 is. LOL. It's the whole basis for this comparison.
Originally posted by hiflyer00
First off, this game is too big to disappear. Second off, what is TF2?

Team Fortress 2 , aka "The Reason I Bought Half-Life."

If you check the "news" section, you'll notice the first post was made on December 18, 1998 and reads, "Well folks, Team Fortress ™ 2 will be here shortly and community sites are popping up all over the web. Clans are starting to form, Tournaments are being planned, and information pages are being posted. If you haven't checked out the sites yet, be sure to visit our links section or visit PlanetFortress.com for more information." Funny stuff.
To make it easier:

Team Fortress 2: 1998

1999: TF2 shows at E3. Wins Awards
1999: Small and Large TF2 communities pop up. Clans are formed. Mod ideas are developed
1999: Valve releases little info on TF2, aside from some screens, and small Movies. Game details trickle out, but the majority of the game is kept confidential
2000: TF2 dissapears from the media, and public. Info runs dry. Communities become confused. Valve says its been delayed

Half Life 2: 2003

2003: HL2 shows at E3. Wins awards.
2003: Small and Large HL2 communities pop up. Clans are formed. Mod ideas are developed
2003: Valve releases little info on HL2, aside from some screens, and small Movies. Game details trickle out, but the majority of the game is kept confidential
2003: HL2 dissapears from the media, and public for a good month.. Communities become confused. Valve says its been delayed

To answer your question, no. The reason we haven't heard anything new about TF2 is because they didn't want to compromise HL2's features and technology. I recently read an interview where they were talking about how most people at Valve are working on Half-Life 2, while a small group of people are still working on TF2. I'm thinking TF2 will either be a mod or an add-on to HL2.
It's only been a month.

Calm down.

Unless you're a paranoid conspiracy theorist, you'd believe Valve when they say that only localization and playtesting were left to do before the hack. Even if they sometimes delay games for long periods of time to improve them, I think if they were doing that, they would've decided to do so a while ago (before entering this late a stage in development.
Originally posted by Infernal-Shade
I'm thinking TF2 will either be a mod or an add-on to HL2.

Team Fortress 2 has been confirmed as a stand-alone product.
Originally posted by alco
Team Fortress 2 has been confirmed as a stand-alone product.

They say it's a stand-alone product, but I don't. I'm partial to the days when it was going to be a Half-Life 1 mod. :dozey:

Now that I think of it, I've been waiting over five years for TF2. Since I first heard about TF2 I joined the military, completed basic training/technical school, finished my upgrade training, participated in Operation Enduring Freedom, went to two more advanced C4 classes, attended a fiber-optics course, and served for about a year with the National Guard as a temporary technician, and I'm still waiting for this game. LOL.. I never thought of it that way before. Let's see if they can finish it before I start college in the Fall of 2004. :cheers:
Yes. VALVe would let HL2 fade into oblivion, after making an entire engine with it in mind, and then partnering with ATi for millions of dollars.

Next stupid theory, please. BTW, this should be in the Rumors and Speculation forum
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
paitence is a virtue. It's been *gasp* 1 month.

I know, and people are acting like it's the end of the world and posting "Is HL2 vaporware?!" "Has VALVe lied!?" "Is HL2 outdated?" "Will HL2 suck?" "I'm not buying this game because it's been delayed" threads and it's getting on my nerves.
Stop spamming and discuss the topic guys.
LOL, just calm down Chris_d...

I think it's an interesting theory but I say be patient.

As for what Shuzer said about TF2 fading into oblivion, I diagree with that. It's still being worked on, they're just keeping damn quiet about it, and I think thats the point of this thread - razorblade is concerned that maybe we wont hear anything for many months, even a few years. And it may well be a concern, only time wil tell.
When did I say TF2 is fading/has faded into oblivion? I said that it'd be ridiculous to think HL2 is fading into oblivion.

His concern isn't TF2, it's HL2.
His concern is that HL2 would become like TF2....

So when you said HL2 wouldnt fade into oblivion it sorta suggested to me that thats what you think TF2 has done.
No sir, I know TF2 is still in the works, the guys at HL Radio even said they had an area at VALVe dedicated to it, and a team was in there.

I just think it's absolutely positively complete and utter rubbish to think HL2 isn't going to come out.
I dont recall saying HL2 wasnt going to come out. I do remember saying HL2 is running in the same pattern as TF2 was though. What if HL2 doesnt come out for another 4 years? 4 years ago you fanboys would be saying "No way will Valve delay TF2 for that long, No way its there big game!" And right now you say that for Hl2. But who are you all to say it isnt going to happen. It's not impossible.
Yes, it is impossible.

ATi and VALVe partnered and ATi's cards had the promise of the HL2 bundle. Instead, people were offered a coupon to get HL2 once it comes out.

There's no chance it'll be delayed for 4 years, or even past next year, it would royally screw VALVe over, and all of the people who bought the ATi cards just for HL2 would be pissed.

And TF2 was obviously delayed because they realized the HL1 engine was getting outdated, thus moving to their engine in progress.
Now there's an interesting comparison! Even if it is a bit scary...
Shuzer you are quite narrow minded. This kind of stuff happens. Companies make a partnership, money is invested, traded, trusted. Marketing campaigns explode, and the partnership fails. Companies get sued, users get a refund for purchasing something which entitled them to something else, and didnt get it. It CAN happen. You'r fanboyism is shining so bright. It can happen. It might. Once again, Im not saying it will. Its just another topic of discussion which seem to be rare these days.
I'm not saying that stuff doesn't happen, I'm just saying it won't in this case (or shouldn't, I suppose anything is a possibility).

We don't get news for a month, and you start this crazy comparasion between TF2 and HL2. I'm just tired of these kind of threads, wait another month or so and then we'll talk. One month means nothing, that's all I'm saying.

And I do see your point, I'm just going insane with boredom, so I'm crabby :) I want ANY of the "next gen" games as much as anyone else here.. all the games I have bore me, I want something new

I'm not saying (YET) that Hl2 will take the same route as TF2 did, but its hard to deny both of the games have done almost the exact same thing. Don't flame. Give feedback. Im wondering if you guys feel the same.

I think the only thing that set me off was the (YET) part of your statement.. and for the record, no, I don't feel the same way (obviously) :cheers:
Thats cool. I just dont like getting heated replies from cocky, little bastards, online, who have no backup to what there saying. You support good argument however. Which is always what I'm looking for when I make a thread on these forums.... And I'll second your cheers.
Originally posted by razorblade kiss
And I'll second your cheers.

watch out shuzer! he said he seconds your cheers, but he didn't use the emoticon!!! :x be wary:borg:, i don't think you can trust this one.:eek:

:bounce: ;( :cheese:


(you can trust the hell out of me)
Originally posted by Shuzer
I know, and people are acting like it's the end of the world and posting "Is HL2 vaporware?!" "Has VALVe lied!?" "Is HL2 outdated?" "Will HL2 suck?" "I'm not buying this game because it's been delayed" threads and it's getting on my nerves.

ur nerves are not the only ones these threads are getting on... seriously.. its getting pathetic.. every single day for the past week or so i come to this forum and i find at least 1 new thread about HL2 pulling a DNF.. *sigh*

mods are gonna have to start doing something about this... especially if HL2 really is delayed into '04, can u imagine the number of threads we will have gone through at this rate? :x

im getting sick of it :bounce: :flame:
You left out the part where valve announced they were going to use a completely new in-house engine for TF2 and that they were scrapping all their previous work.

Of course, if you include that info, the comparison falls apart so why would you want to do that?
what is this thread about?

Is he trying to say HL2 will be delayed for a couple years, then ported to Valve's new engine and released after the flagship title?

So that would mean.. HL2 is being delayed, Source II is being made, HL3 is being made for Source II engine, and HL2 will come out after HL3's release. Then I can only assume TF2 will come out after HL2 but on Source I engine?!?! Man this is so confusing. I think the post is not good.
good question. The fans back them didn't even dream that TF2 would disappear like it did. Who know if the same thing might happen all over again.
Let me remind you, while tf2 was being made, vALVE started to make a totally new game at the same time. This game would include all that was left out from half-life 1 and add new features. They started to make a totally new engine which was too heavy for computers in 1999. The game was called half-life2. Valve couldnt make statements about what happened to tf2 at the same time, becouse they agreed that tf2 wouldnt come for hl1, but for hl2.
Originally posted by iamironsam
No HL2 won't end up like TF2. TF2 had a website.

funniest quote i've seen on this forum in a long time :LOL:
Originally posted by Infernal-Shade
I'm partial to the days when it was going to be a Half-Life 1 mod.

I feel your pain for TF2 being delayed - I've been playing TF since 97 and waiting for TF2 since 98. However, I can see a couple of really good things about the delay.

- If TF2 had been released back in 99, it would have already been dead by now!
- TF2 will use much better technology thanks to the delay.
- Valve had given us TFC to play with, which was a lot of fun.

Right now I'm looking forward to TF2 as much as HL2 and I'm confident both will be great.
Originally posted by Russian_Troops
...Right now I'm looking forward to TF2 as much as HL2 and I'm confident both will be great.

No doubt about that; however, I'm still looking forward to Team Fortress 2 more than I am Half-Life 2. :cheese:
God some of your replies really bug me. I was only making a simple comparisson to the two timelines of each game. I didnt mean to trigger PMS mode for all you fanboys. I noticed a similarity and thought I should post it. Your attitudes are way uncool, and totally unnessesary. If your gonna be a dick, and you know it? DON'T REPLY. I said in my first topic I was looking for feedback. Thoughts. Ideas. Not Flaming! I swear some of you just read the Title of the topic and thats it! Well guess what, below that title people write a paragraph or two that you should probably read before opening your big e-mouths. Shiit, I hope HL2 doesn't pull a TF2, chances are it won't. But it's something to talk about. I'm not saying it WILL pull a DNF either. The comparisons between TF2 and HL2 to a certain degree were very close. SO I posted it. Bye. If any one wants to further discuss this topic feel free.