will hl2 hammer be like radiant or unrealed?

it will be basically an upgraded version of the current hammer. sorry if i misunderstood the question.
Yeah. It will be the same as the current version, only more powerfull with new and upgraded tools. :)
You wouldn't want it to be like unrealed....

It will be more like QEradient than URed as the former shares the same map format (ie intersecting planes). From all accounts it will be similar to the previous Hammer, but with different entity controls.
ok sorry i meant to say that i haven't had experience with hammer, but i have with radiant and unrealed. so if its a bit like radiant, that will be nice.

thanks for the replies. cant wait to start making maps. im so excited for hl2 and all the mod possibilities and maps that will be made. its the golden age of gaming!
Originally posted by poseyjmac
its the golden age of gaming!

You know, sometimes I think people over-hype HL2...
One game isn't an age... there are lots of great games in the works.
heh.... ah fanboys :) ... yeah, I hate UnrealED... QRadient wasn't too bad.. but still... Hammer is easily the best.. :) most powerful, and easist to learn :)

Hammer is by far the best editor ive had the pleasure of learning

I would like to say though.. I hope a few things are drasticly improved in the new hammer..

#1 leak prevention/location
#2 better boolean ( carve ) tool, with a more optimized approach for poly counts and brush segments..

and last but not least #3, COMPILING TIMES and ACcuracy!

pleasee make it bettah!

thaz all ;)
all i know is i love that halflife had so many mods, no game had the replaybility that it did. with hl2 being even more moddable and more mod teams making mods for it, logically it can only be better than halflife was. im not a fanboy, dick, just stating the facts. which are not debatable i might add.

pretty games like max payne 2 will be cool.. and then it will be deleted from my hd when i beat it. i just dont see any future games that have as potential as hl2.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
pretty games like max payne 2 will be cool.. and then it will be deleted from my hd when i beat it. i just dont see any future games that have as potential as hl2.
The Max Payne editor is amazing, it's just its mod community that sucks.
QuArK will be adding HL2 support once its out, use that, its the best :P
to answer your question,, IMO radiant is much more similar than UED
They should scrap Hammer and just go with the Dark Engine's (Thief 2 and System Shock 2) map editor... hehe :( using that editor almost makes you want to stab yourself in the eye.
personally i wish more editors would move in closer style to the more streamlined 3d programs such as max maya xsi and so forth. Have the gui and tools more in tuned with those applications would offer alot of transition room for veterans and new people. To go from newbie to expert status faster. And cg peoples into the game side much easier.

It would also expand the talent pool for developers.
As already stated, Hammer is and will be more like radiant, because the mapping core is almost the same. Still I think Quark is the best editor for HL mapping, n' I think it will be for HL2 to, after a while. Of course this depends on what you are used to and feels comfortable with.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
ok sorry i meant to say that i haven't had experience with hammer, but i have with radiant and unrealed. so if its a bit like radiant, that will be nice.

thanks for the replies. cant wait to start making maps. im so excited for hl2 and all the mod possibilities and maps that will be made. its the golden age of gaming!

Don't worry about learning Hammer. I've used different forms of Radiant for a year or so and switched to Hammer only a few weeks ago. I leaned to do just as much with Hammer as I could in Radiant, and I took me less than 2 days.
i personally think farcry has the best mapping i have seen... there's some video showing it...really simple...all happens in realtime..****ing amazing... it like you have the game in the editor... ok 2 men there, and a start point ther...og and add a few palms there... and some more land, and lets play it, boom 2 secs later you'r in it... ****ing crazy :)