'Will HL2 run on my comp' TESTER PRGRM

Rollercoaster tyconn 3 and Half-Life ² are two different games... 1 features people barfing by standard in the other you have to mod it in yourself.. Damn lazy valve

nevermind I get it now I have to search first

Anyways, Joule ur link doesnt work it just asks to check the computer it doesnt show ur stats. U have to tell us urself :)

Im one block over recommended PC... Hmmm... I wanna be double of rec pc but I dont wanna pay for it! I guess time is my friend..
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
Rollercoaster tyconn 3 and Half-Life ² are two different games... 1 features people barfing by standard in the other you have to mod it in yourself.. Damn lazy valve

What are you talking about?

I'm a 1 block away from recommended...;(
Not too shabby :afro:


  • tester.JPG
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You have to search the site for HL2... THEN hit the tester @ the site.
sublidieminal said:
How long is this thing supposed to take?

Open it in IE if you're stuck on the loading screen.
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
Anyways, Joule ur link doesnt work it just asks to check the computer it doesnt show ur stats. U have to tell us urself :)

Im one block over recommended PC... Hmmm... I wanna be double of rec pc but I dont wanna pay for it! I guess time is my friend..
Oh. Well, I can't seem to copy and paste the URL.

But anyways, I got one 1.5 blocks below the recommended.
joule said:
Oh. Well, I can't seem to copy and paste the URL.

But anyways, I got one 1.5 blocks below the recommended.

What?!?!? You changed your name too? ;(

Tredoslop = Prince of China

and now

User Name = Joule


OT: It must be the P4 3.06..
The Thing said:
Meh...shouldn't trust this test. I got a 9600 Pro and I still got higher...

hmm... How much ram and whats ur CPU? I have a AMD Barton 2600+ 333MHz FSB, 9800 Pro 128 MB, 512MB PC4000 HyperX ram.
Maybe I should get a new CPU...
The Thing said:
What?!?!? You changed your name too? ;(

Tredoslop = Prince of China

and now

User Name = Joule


OT: It must be the P4 3.06..
Yes, sadly. It had to be done. Someone was trying and trying to hack into my account. So, I had to take the necessary step of changing my user name. Sorry. :(
Read here.
BTW: What were you referring to when you said P4 3.06?
Great, now it's broken...Keeps saying cannot continue due to techincal difficulties.
Uhm i did't expect this for result.


  • w000t.JPG
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One block away from the top. Of course, it does recommend an ATI card but I have my 6800GT OC'd to Ultra speed.

Other Specs, because I love my computer:
1 gb RAM
250 mb HD
the above video card
SB Audigy 2
3.2 HT P4 (forgot about that)

Good stuff. It works for me... :LOL:
hmm...mine seems to have less bars than everyone else's (the recomended specs are now only 4 bars from the very top)...wonder what that means...


oh well...still above recomended... btw - i have a 3.2ghz proc - any idea why its only reading 2795mhz? or is that the same thing?

edit: crap - bad link...sorry, maybe i'll put it on another host later...
"Unfortunately we were unable to identify some hardware components of your system, and therefore it is not possible to provide accurate performance analysis."

How come the recommended PC is different in some people's pictures?


Edit: Ohhhh, I get it. I'm a quick one...
It says the recommended card is a RAdeon x800, so if you have anything lower than that, you'll get below recommended?
Im right at the bottom of the green :( 2.6 ghz p4, 512 ram, win xp and 9600XT 128mb. i thought id be a tad better...since when is a x800 the recommended!? overkill tbh...
This test doesn't work well. Anyone without an ATI card will get a bogus score. It even says that HL2 "may not support other graphic chipsets other than ATI". Looks like something has to be upgraded.
This thing is pretty messed up.

I have a P4 3ghz, 1 Gig RAM, and a 9800pro128

The meter shows me one away from the top. That's great...except I don't believe it. My computer is pretty good, but not THAT good. How can I be above the recommended with a 9800pro? Sure I have more RAM etc...but it doesn't add up. I think perhaps some things like free disk space skew the results...150+GB.
x2501x said:
This thing is pretty messed up.

I have a P4 3ghz, 1 Gig RAM, and a 9800pro128

The meter shows me one away from the top. That's great...except I don't believe it. My computer is pretty good, but not THAT good. How can I be above the recommended with a 9800pro? Sure I have more RAM etc...but it doesn't add up. I think perhaps some things like free disk space skew the results...150+GB.

Exactly what I am talking about. It seems anyone with at least a 9800 pro, Intel P4, and 512mb RAM automatically gets past anyone with any AMD and nVidia card. Or so it seems..
Lol thats funny. I chose age group 17+ and Barbie was there.
Sounds spiffy, but when I run it I get an error saying "Cannot continue because we couldn't identify one of your hardware components", could it be my graphics card because I'm running the Omega drivers?
I'm right in the middle of minimum and recommended.

1.6 GHZ
512 RAM
diluted said:
It says the recommended card is a RAdeon x800, so if you have anything lower than that, you'll get below recommended?

wrong valve recommed 9800xt
zer0kewl said:
wrong valve recommed 9800xt
Actually, Valve just said a DX 9 card...

But this test recommends an x800.. I think...
I thought the 9600xt was on the low end of the 'recommended' cards? Oh well.... I got below 'recommended' with my 9600xt and p4 3.0ghz but I know my computer will run HL2 fine
This has been around for awhile. Not the most accurate but it's a lot better than that other site that had been floating around.

It only shows me 3 bars above recommended. hehe
Mine is even OCed to 2300MHz.
This thing is absolute bollocks.
Half-Life 2 "Recommended" PC - P4 2.4GHz; ATi x800; 512Mb memory. I am a block below.
Doom 3 "Recommended": Athlon 2.4GHz; GeForce 6800 Ultra; 1024Mb memory. I am five blocks below.
Far Cry: P4 2.5GHz; 128 Mb graphics card;1024Mb memory. I am three blocks above.
It clearly makes no sense.

nw909 - Where would one get one's hands on said piece of software?