will I get in trouble if I wear a kaffiyeh (an "Arab turban") at the airport?

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Considering that I am not an Arab or a muslim, it sounds like an interesting social experiment, doesn't it? What's the worst that could happen? ;)
kelt'ar said:
Considering that I am not an Arab or a muslim, it sounds like an interesting social experiment, doesn't it? What's the worst that could happen? ;)

Worst case scenario, they ask you to leave.

You shoud also carry an oversized briefcase over your head and run screaming "ALLAHU AKHBAR!"
I assume you are talking about an airport in America?

Even if you WERE Arab or Muslim or whatever, they still wouldn't do anything to you. Maybe one of the security guards would look at you a bit longer than he does anyone else, but that would just be a personal thing.

rofl OvA
That's a rubbish experiment.

A better one would be to joke that you have a bomb in your hand luggage.

Add the words "HAHAHA" at the end to ensure laughs all round.

NB: I'm not responsible if you're stupid enough to follow my suggestion.

edit: heh, I thought you were Feath for some reason, Kore.
OvA said:
Worst case scenario, they ask you to leave.

You shoud also carry an oversized briefcase over your head and run screaming "ALLAHU AKHBAR!"

By trouble do you mean a slap on the wrist or 20 years imprisonment with no parole, and possibly the death penalty?
Jangle said:
Yep. Of course you won't get in trouble, you idiot.
hey Jangle, thanks for calling me an idiot. I take it you are very smart, so smart that you decide to spend your free time insulting those you consider unworthy on an online message board.. But nevermind, it doesn't matter if you don't have anything better to do with your life, most of us have been there at some point in our lives...

Some things that could happen:
FBI adds my name to a black list
Excessive searches
Some passengers crap their pants
Dirty looks
Verbal aggression
what else?
All of that sounds unlikely, but there's only one way to find out!
kelt'ar said:
hey Jangle, thanks for calling me an idiot. I take it you are very smart, so smart that you decide to spend your free time insulting those you consider unworthy on an online message board.. But nevermind, it doesn't matter if you don't have anything better to do with your life, most of us have been there at some point in our lives...

What the hell are you talking about? He's calling you an idiot because you are one, not because he feels higher than you :|.
like sulkdodds says, there's only one way to find out. go nuts!
DeusExMachina said:
What the hell are you talking about? He's calling you an idiot because you are one, not because he feels higher than you :|.
Unless your IQ is higher than or equal to 145, you are not in the position to call me an idiot. Sorry
kelt'ar said:
Unless your IQ is higher than or equal to 145, you are not in the position to call me an idiot. Sorry
freeiqtest.com doesn't count.
kelt'ar said:
Unless your IQ is higher than or equal to 145, you are not in the position to call me an idiot. Sorry

You're an idiot.
Even if you had a really high iq, you could be an idiot savant.
Unless your IQ is higher than or equal to 145, you are not in the position to call me an idiot. sorry
well, it might still be hyper-activity but.. anyways. don't do it.
Anyone that believes IQ tests are a serious measure of ones intelligence isn't very smart :|

As for the hat thing, seems like an awful idea XD lol
gl w/ that...
Most likely, no one here is in the position to call you an idiot anyway. You just asked a silly question because you thought it was funny, and would be a funny thing to actually do. How does that make you an idiot, even if the answer was obvious?

It doesn't, but reacting to ppl calling you an idiot by saying that you have a high IQ...well...
They'd look at you a bit longer because it's not often you see non Arabs/Indians in turbans.

It'd be like seeing a black guy with one of those little Jewish prayer caps on. You're not looking because you think he's gonna do something, you're looking because you're like "lol that's unusual"
i'm smart! I'M SMART!
S-M-A-T, S-M-A-T, uhh, i mean S-M-A-R-T!
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I smell KngHenry in the air. But I might be paranoid.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Large self esteem: Check
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Controversial subject matter: Check

I smell KngHenry in the air. But I might be paranoid.

-Angry Lawyer
You may be right, you may be wrong. Scratch that, you are right.
hey, he could sue you right now cause you're taking away his right to be an idiot.

though i still say it's hyper-activity.
Idonotbelonghere said:
Most likely, no one here is in the position to call you an idiot anyway. You just asked a silly question because you thought it was funny, and would be a funny thing to actually do. How does that make you an idiot, even if the answer was obvious?

It doesn't, but reacting to ppl calling you an idiot by saying that you have a high IQ...well...
I didn't say I had a very high IQ. I implied it. Or did I? Re-read what I said and think about it.
Stop trying to act like a genius, because you're far from being one, you're not going to get in trouble for wearing a Turban.

but it doesn't matter anyway, kng.
Angry Lawyer said:
Large self esteem: Check
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Verbose posts: Check
Controversial subject matter: Check

I smell KngHenry in the air. But I might be paranoid.

-Angry Lawyer

That's what i was thinking from the 'idiot' post there was......
kelt'ar said:
hey Jangle, thanks for calling me an idiot. I take it you are very smart, so smart that you decide to spend your free time insulting those you consider unworthy on an online message board.. But nevermind, it doesn't matter if you don't have anything better to do with your life, most of us have been there at some point in our lives...

Some things that could happen:
FBI adds my name to a black list
Excessive searches
Some passengers crap their pants
Dirty looks
Verbal aggression
what else?

I concur with Jangle. It's a pretty stupid question. Of course sikhs travel all the time.
Angry Lawyer said:
Large self esteem: Check
Registered recently: Check
Verbose posts: Check
Controversial subject matter: Check

I smell KngHenry in the air. But I might be paranoid.

-Angry Lawyer
Thinking exactly the same thing.
kelt'ar said:
hey Jangle, thanks for calling me an idiot. I take it you are very smart, so smart that you decide to spend your free time insulting those you consider unworthy on an online message board.. But nevermind, it doesn't matter if you don't have anything better to do with your life, most of us have been there at some point in our lives...

Some things that could happen:
FBI adds my name to a black list
Excessive searches
Some passengers crap their pants
Dirty looks
Verbal aggression
what else?
Absolutely nothing.
Wearing nothing at all would be a much more interesting social experiment.
kelt'ar said:
Considering that I am not an Arab or a muslim, it sounds like an interesting social experiment, doesn't it? What's the worst that could happen? ;)

most likely scenario:

you'll be approached by a couple of undercover security personnel who will politely ask you follow them as they have a description of a known terrorist who coincidentily looks like you ..they reassure you that it is a case of mistaken identity but due to national security and 9/11 they'd better go through the motions just to be on the safe side. They offer to swab you for DNA to prove you are not the terrorist they're looking for. After what seems like several hours the 2 operatives reenter the holding area. You are told that the two operatives superiors are not as convinced as they are that you are not the wanted terrorist. They request a meeting with you to ascertain that you are who you say you are; they say it's just a formality and that if all turns out well you'll enjoy a free vacation in the nations capital courtsey of the bush administration. You board a plane for washington ..strangely enough you are the only passenger

you increasingly get worried as you're positive it doesnt take this long to get to washington. You feel relieved when your plane feels like it's descending

45 minutes later you are escorted off the airplane under heavy guard and thrown into a dark, windowless room that smells of urine and human fear. Throughout the night your fears continue to grow as you're positive you're in a prison of some sort as you can hear muffled sobbing, and occasionally a shriek of pain drifting under the crack of your cell door persumably from other prisoners. As you try to grasp the enormity of the situation your hand brushes against the wall ..it feels like writing underneath your fingers, carved into the wall. Painstakenly you trace every letter till you're sure of what it reads, you're heart sinks and despair sets in as you realise the carving on the wall says ......welcome to syria
CptStern said:
most likely scenario:

you'll be approached by a couple of undercover security personnel who will politely ask you follow them as they have a description of a known terrorist who coincidentily looks like you ..they reassure you that it is a case of mistaken identity but due to national security and 9/11 they'd better go through the motions just to be on the safe side. They offer to swab you for DNA to prove you are not the terrorist they're looking for. After what seems like several hours the 2 operatives reenter the holding area. You are told that the two operatives superiors are not as convinced as they are that you are not the wanted terrorist. They request a meeting with you to ascertain that you are who you say you are; they say it's just a formality and that if all turns out well you'll enjoy a free vacation in the nations capital courtsey of the bush administration. You board a plane for washington ..strangely enough you are the only passenger

you increasingly get worried as you're positive it doesnt take this long to get to washington. You feel relieved when your plane feels like it's descending

45 minutes later you are escorted off the airplane under heavy guard and thrown into a dark, windowless room that smells of urine and human fear. Throughout the night your fears continue to grow as you're positive you're in a prison of some sort as you can hear muffled sobbing, and occasionally a shriek of pain drifting under the crack of your cell door persumably from other prisoners. As you try to grasp the enormity of the situation your hand brushes against the wall ..it feels like writing underneath your fingers, carved into the wall. Painstakenly you trace every letter till you're sure of what it reads, you're heart sinks and despair sets in as you realise the carving on the wall says ......welcome to syria

Have you done this before, CptStern?
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