will I get in trouble if I wear a kaffiyeh (an "Arab turban") at the airport?

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CptStern said:
most likely scenario:

you'll be approached by a couple of undercover security personnel who will politely ask you follow them as they have a description of a known terrorist who coincidentily looks like you ..they reassure you that it is a case of mistaken identity but due to national security and 9/11 they'd better go through the motions just to be on the safe side. They offer to swab you for DNA to prove you are not the terrorist they're looking for. After what seems like several hours the 2 operatives reenter the holding area. You are told that the two operatives superiors are not as convinced as they are that you are not the wanted terrorist. They request a meeting with you to ascertain that you are who you say you are; they say it's just a formality and that if all turns out well you'll enjoy a free vacation in the nations capital courtsey of the bush administration. You board a plane for washington ..strangely enough you are the only passenger

you increasingly get worried as you're positive it doesnt take this long to get to washington. You feel relieved when your plane feels like it's descending

45 minutes later you are escorted off the airplane under heavy guard and thrown into a dark, windowless room that smells of urine and human fear. Throughout the night your fears continue to grow as you're positive you're in a prison of some sort as you can hear muffled sobbing, and occasionally a shriek of pain drifting under the crack of your cell door persumably from other prisoners. As you try to grasp the enormity of the situation your hand brushes against the wall ..it feels like writing underneath your fingers, carved into the wall. Painstakenly you trace every letter till you're sure of what it reads, you're heart sinks and despair sets in as you realise the carving on the wall says ......YOU'RE AN IDIOT
fixed ..... j/k
CptStern said:
most likely scenario:

you'll be approached by a couple of undercover security personnel who will politely ask you follow them as they have a description of a known terrorist who coincidentily looks like you ..they reassure you that it is a case of mistaken identity but due to national security and 9/11 they'd better go through the motions just to be on the safe side. They offer to swab you for DNA to prove you are not the terrorist they're looking for. After what seems like several hours the 2 operatives reenter the holding area. You are told that the two operatives superiors are not as convinced as they are that you are not the wanted terrorist. They request a meeting with you to ascertain that you are who you say you are; they say it's just a formality and that if all turns out well you'll enjoy a free vacation in the nations capital courtsey of the bush administration. You board a plane for washington ..strangely enough you are the only passenger

you increasingly get worried as you're positive it doesnt take this long to get to washington. You feel relieved when your plane feels like it's descending

45 minutes later you are escorted off the airplane under heavy guard and thrown into a dark, windowless room that smells of urine and human fear. Throughout the night your fears continue to grow as you're positive you're in a prison of some sort as you can hear muffled sobbing, and occasionally a shriek of pain drifting under the crack of your cell door persumably from other prisoners. As you try to grasp the enormity of the situation your hand brushes against the wall ..it feels like writing underneath your fingers, carved into the wall. Painstakenly you trace every letter till you're sure of what it reads, you're heart sinks and despair sets in as you realise the carving on the wall says ......welcome to syria
Holy shit, that actually scared me for some reason.

I didn't think anything of the free trip to the nations capital, I thought it would just be like "for your inconvenience, please accept this as a token of our apologies" but then woah :(
kelt'ar said:
Unless your IQ is higher than or equal to 145, you are not in the position to call me an idiot. Sorry

There is a difference between intellegence and knowledge.
I remember on the FX show 30 days, a white man dressed in traditional muslim dress went to an airport and got stopped at security for the first time in his life. He said after the experiment he felt extremely uncomfortable and felt the stares of everyone around him. Then again this was in Mississipi I beleive.

kirovman said:
A better one would be to joke that you have a bomb in your hand luggage.

That's actually illegal. :)
What happens if you announce "I do not have a bomb in my suitcase"?

Or does the law just prohibit any talk of bombs?
vegeta897 said:
What happens if you announce "I do not have a bomb in my suitcase"?

Or does the law just prohibit any talk of bombs?

You even say the word bomb, you'd probably get like 5 years.
When I was in America, I wasn't allowed to even say the word "Bomb".

I remember reading a sign "Any disscussion about concealed bombs is considered a crime and you will be prossecuted, even if it's a joke." :|
Danimal said:
When I was in America, I wasn't allowed to even say the word "Bomb".

I remember reading a sign "Any disscussion about concealed bombs is considered a crime and you will be prossecuted, even if it's a joke." :|

Yeah, it's pretty serious here.
Well anyway I think this thread has served it's purpose, whatever purpose that may be.
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